Ardo washing machine errors – codes and causes

The modern Ardo washing machine is designed in such a way that it notifies the user of the slightest problem with a self-diagnosis system. This system, having found a breakdown, displays fault codes on the scoreboard.

If the owner of the washing machine knows what the code means, why it appeared and what to do in this case, he can prevent serious damage.

You can often determine what a particular code means by scrolling through the user manual. If the manual is lost, refer to our detailed summary of all possible Ardo CM trouble codes.

Below you will find all the codes, the reasons for their appearance, and most importantly, ways to solve the problem with your own hands.

Ardo washing machine error table: decryption and reset

CodetranscriptPossible reasonsWhat to do
E00, E01There are difficulties with draining waste water from the washing machine system.The washing machine gives an E00 or E01 error if the water drain filtration systems are clogged.

To remove the error yourself, it is worth inspecting the elements of the drain system for blockage: drain hose, drain filter, pipe and pump.

The easiest way to clean the filter and drain hose is to start with this.

E02At E02, one of the washing stages is incorrectly performed: flooding, spinning or draining water.The first reason the machine shows error 02 is a kink in the water drain hose.

Try to eliminate the bend in the hose, check it for damage.

Replace hose if necessary.

E03The water does not drain from the tank. The drain time may have been exceeded (drain lasted more than 90 seconds).

The manufacturer reports that in case of this technical malfunction, it is worth contacting a service center.

We argue this recommendation a little: perhaps the drain pipe responsible for draining water from the tank is clogged. To clean or replace it, you need to open the CMA case – and not every user can do this.

The only thing you can do is try to restart the machine – it happens that error codes appear due to an internal system failure.

The error may not have clear signs.

Or there are problems with heating water.

Breakdown of the temperature sensor, thermal heater or electronic unit – the causes of the F2 error.The sensor, heating element or module should be replaced after determining the cause of the error. Requires diagnostics.
F4The water does not drain from the tank.

With an F4 error, there may be problems with the correct connection of the drain hose (not according to the instructions).

Malfunctions in the operation of the drainage pump are not ruled out.

It is necessary to check whether the water drain hose is correctly positioned.

If this cause is excluded, then you need to check the pump and, if it breaks, replace it.

F5Water is simultaneously drained and collected (siphon effect).

If the machine shows F5 on the display, then the water drain hose is not connected correctly.

It is also possible that the strainer on the fill valve is clogged.

How to troubleshoot:
  1. Inspect the strainer for blockage.
  2. Connect the hose correctly.
F6, F9, F12CMA gives an error F6, F9 or F12 when the electric motor breaks down.Diagnostics and, if necessary, repair of the electric motor is required.
F8The water level in the tank has been exceeded.If F8 is displayed on the display, then:
  • There was a problem with the level sensor;
  • The solenoid valve has failed.
How to fix the situation:
  1. Check the serviceability of the pressure switch and the tightness of its branch pipe. Replace the pipe or the sensor itself.
  2. Check the operation of the valve and replace it if it is broken.
F13, F14Errors F13 and F14 report the failure of the main board – the electronic module.If one of the errors is on, it means that the contacts on the module could have oxidized and burned out, entire parts of the board or the entire unit could fail.

If resetting errors by rebooting did not help, repair or replacement of the electronic module will be required.

This task is best entrusted to a good master.

Now, knowing what error codes your Ardo washing machine can give out, you can quickly identify the cause of the breakdown and provide “first aid” to the washer.

Many breakdowns are easy to fix, do not require special training and special tools. Following our recommendations, you can significantly extend the performance of your Ardo machine.

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