
Traditional alcoholic drinks “absorb” the characteristics of their region, its most revered and common products, production techniques, preferences. In the alcohol of the Middle East, the maximum variety is hidden not only in the geographical points of its production, but also in flavor combinations. In this region, alcohol based on milk and milk formulas is especially revered, one of the representatives of which is archi.

Archi is a milk vodka that has gained particular popularity and recognition among the peoples of Southern Siberia and Mongolia. Alcohol is prepared by fermenting the milk of mammals (cow / goat / mare / camel). Fermented alcohol is consumed raw or used as a base (distillate) for stronger and richer alcoholic beverages.

What you need to know about alcohol

Archi is a strong alcoholic drink based on milk. It is given a specific flavor with the help of anise and other spices. The set of spices, the type of milk, the manufacturing procedure, the raw materials and the strength differ depending on the country and region of production. Archi is most popular in the Middle East and Central Asia. [1]. There it is prepared on the basis of cow’s milk with the addition of anise.

The drink has several names that have formed in different languages. Only two are popular: “archi” (Mongolian) and “arak” (used in Azerbaijani, Turkmen, Kazakh, Uzbek and Kyrgyz).

Alcohol is made by distillation. What’s this? Translated from Latin, “distillatio” – “draining drops.” This is a method of distillation, evaporation of a liquid, followed by cooling and condensation of the vapor. In the process, a distillate or residue is formed, on the basis of which strong alcohol is prepared.

For the distillation process, specific technical knowledge and equipment are used. The raw materials for archi can be varied. In different territories they use not only milk, but also rice, grapes, palm juice, dates.

Aniseed essential oil is also introduced into the arak. It is this ingredient that gives the alcohol mixture a characteristic milky hue.

Geographic distribution

Most often, the drink is prepared in countries with a warm climate. Arak is especially good for quenching thirst and is completely unsuitable for warming the body at low temperatures. Almost all Middle Eastern countries prepare archi [2]. Alcohol has different names, but each is based on the Arabic word “ﻋﺮﻕ” (sweat / perspiration), which refers to the distillation process.

Residents of Iraq claim that this milky drink appeared in their country, and only then spread to nearby territories. This theory has no confirmation and a galaxy of adherents. In Turkey, the Iraqi origin is disputed. There it is generally accepted that the drink was first prepared from the local Razaki grape variety. In Turkey, anise milk vodka is prepared using the term “raki”.

The palm in industrial production belongs to Turkey and Syria. It is there that large companies make archi called “crayfish”. The factories use grape raw materials, which favorably sets off the taste of the drink. The recipe for making archi is very similar to brandy. Strong anise drinks are revered not only in Turkey and Syria, but throughout the entire Mediterranean. In the Balkans you can find rakia in local stores, in Bulgaria – mastic, in Greece – ouzo.

The nomads of Central Asia, Kyrgyzstan and Mongolia have their own vision of cooking arak [3]. They use mare’s milk as the basis of the alcoholic composition. According to the recipe, they use highly fermented koumiss, in which the alcohol content reaches 5-6%. After distillation, the alcohol content rises, and the fortress reaches 30 degrees. In some cases, in order to smooth out the taste, to make it more pure and rich, the arak is distilled a second time. By the end of the XNUMXth century, archi was replaced by ordinary vodka, which took away not only fame, but also its etymology. Vodka began to be called arak, and koumiss-based alcohol continued to be prepared for home consumption. [4].

Milk vodka is also common in Buryatia. It is called “tarasun” and is prepared on the basis of fermented whey in cow’s milk “khuremge”. Nutritionists say that “khuremge” is the most important nutritional product for the Buryats. It can replace vegetables, fruits and berries. Serum quickly quenches thirst and fills the body with vitamins / minerals for quality life. Alcohol is prepared mainly in the hot season. The industrial production of “tarasun” is poorly developed, so the Buryats prepare the drink on their own.

In South Asian countries from Indonesia to Ceylon, archi is called very strong alcohol (the fortress must be at least 50%). Alcohol consists of a combination of brandy and palm wine or raw rice. Among the locals, another name for milk alcohol is popular – “tuak”.

A Brief Historical Reference

The first mention of milk alcohol dates back to the time of the traveler Evliy Celebi. He wandered through the Ottoman Empire and surrounding states for over 40 years. During the journey, Celebi created several historically important works on history, linguistics, geography and crafts.

In the section on the life of the artisans of Istanbul in his travel book (1630), rakias were mentioned – manufacturers of milk vodka. At that time, Istanbul was one of the largest archi production centers. 100 people worked in 300 industrial workshops, who not only prepared the drink, but also dealt with its sale.

Celebi added several notes to the book about the abundance of wine shops in Istanbul and the assortment of local taverns. In each such institution, several variations of archives were sold with a set of herbs and spices for every taste.

The traveler writes about such tastes of Arak:

  • wine;
  • banana;
  • mustard;
  • lime;
  • cinnamon;
  • pomegranate;
  • with the addition of cloves;
  • anisic.

Features of the preparation of the drink

The recipe for archi is simple. The process is the distillation of fermented milk. Given alcohol fermentation, it is best to use mare’s milk. It contains 6% milk sugar versus 3% in cow.

Moreover, in mare’s milk, the lowest concentration of fat is 1%. If you do not bring the strength of the drink to the required level, then we get koumiss. The concentration of alcohol in it does not exceed 3%, and the refreshing sour taste surpasses alcohol.

The principle of preparing distilled milk alcohol is the same for all peoples. In national cuisine, milk is rarely used in its pure form: without pasteurization, it quickly becomes unusable, so the minimum part of the steam liquid is given to children for consumption, and the rest is processed. The basis of milk is fermented, after which cream, cottage cheese, sour cream, yogurt, soft milk and alcoholic drinks are prepared.

To start both alcoholic and milk fermentation in a drink, it is necessary to introduce a special leaven into the composition. It is leaven that becomes the basis for distillation and makes it possible to drive vodka out of a milk drink.

The basis for the distillation of archi is airan. This is a milk mash with a low alcohol content. It is made from sour milk, special starter culture and curdled milk. The mixture ferments for 7 days, after which it can be used for its intended purpose. This process is quite time-consuming, it requires huge expenditures of material resources and resources. From 100 liters of ayran, only 10 liters of archi can be expelled. For industrial production, this promises losses and unprofitability, so milk vodka is prepared independently for home use.

After preparing all the milk components, they begin to distill. It is carried out in a conventional distillation apparatus, which consists of a volumetric boiler, pipes for removing steam and a cooler. After the first distillation, a liquid with a strength of 8% is obtained. It is transparent, smells of sour milk and has a sour-alcohol taste.

Milk vodka is distilled 3 to 5 times. With each distillation, the fortress increases in it, and the liquid itself becomes purer. The substance that is obtained after 5 distillations is considered poison. Such archi can burn the mucous membrane and cause irreparable damage to the body. A strong liquid is used as a medicinal substance: they treat wounds, make compresses, and treat infectious diseases. [5].

The distillation apparatus must be airtight. All cracks and seams are treated with a viscous substance based on manure.

The creation of archi is associated with many rituals and traditions. Guests are invited to the final stage of distillation. The first cups of the drink are intended for the owner. He must pour one of the cups into the fire, the next into the sky, the third into the door, the fourth onto the clay idol. Only the fifth cup of archi can be drunk. Usually it goes to the guest of honor, after which the cups are passed around to the rest of those present.

Milk vodka is classified as a strong alcoholic beverage. The alcohol content in it reaches 40%. It is important that alcohol is practically not felt when consumed, and the taste of skimmed milk comes to the fore. The discrepancy between taste and strength is a common cause of serious intoxication [6]. An unprepared person simply will not be able to correlate the measure with a temporary sense of self and will exceed the level of the norm.

The mythological aspect of production

Natural fermentation of alcohol has been used by mankind since ancient times. The origin of this method is most often explained by myths and legends, rather than confirmed scientific facts. Distillation, on the contrary, became known relatively recently: in 1334 with the light hand of the alchemist Arnold Villeneuve. He managed to get wine alcohol from grape wine. However, not everyone thanks the alchemist for the discovery of this method. Many nations use national soil to create their own distinctive history, and the invention of milk vodka was no exception. [7][8].

The origin of archi is shrouded in mystery and dozens of mythologized storylines. The drink was identified with the sublime image of Genghis Khan and placed at the center of Mongolian and Buryat mythology. [9]. Milk vodka was considered a real gift of the gods, which has magical properties: it gives the human body lightness and flexibility of movement, causes a beautiful blush on the face; has the ability to burn alive and poison an objectionable person; makes a person’s thoughts confused and foggy; makes you quarrel with some and seek protection from others; responsible for the appearance in people of the desire to steal, kill; makes a person more sexual in the eyes of others; improves his self-perception.

There is a legend that Genghis Khan created this drink from 12 parts: water vapor, growing herbs, fire, horse fetters, sharp hoof, flickering air, brain of a ram, saliva of a mad dog, a thief’s knife blade, a temperamental girl’s scissors, a beautiful girl’s blush, a volumetric bead boiler. Once the drink was created, Genghis Khan poured archi on the stone. The stone failed and cracked. Genghis Khan decided to reduce the list of ingredients to 9 and watered the stone again. He remained unchanged, and Genghis Khan confirmed that now the drink does not pose a danger to humans. [10].

Ethnographers note that among the Mongolian and Siberian peoples there was practically no drunkenness. Scientists attribute this to the tradition of using archi. Reception of milk vodka was a real event for the family. Relatives and dear guests were invited to the house, prepared dozens of dishes, observed rituals and never brought themselves intoxicated.

Vodka did not perform an entertainment function. Its use was a special event that required money, strength and emotional return. Arches were also used for shamanic rituals, weddings, funerals, communication with spirits, sacrifices, arrangement of holy places, treatment of people and livestock.

Sources of
  1. ↑ Encyclopedia Britannica. – Mongolia. Health and welfare.
  2. ↑ Magazine “Alcoholic drinks and beer”. – Original Mongolian vodka.
  3. ↑ – What is arkhi?
  4. ↑ Information site about the Far East. – Features of the Buryat cuisine. Part one is dairy.
  5. ↑ Газета «The Times of India». – In Mongolia, drink goat’s blood for low BP.
  6. ↑ Travel Internet resource – “Mongol archi” – tricky water.
  7. ↑ Journal “News of the Volgograd State Pedagogical University”. – Archi in the linguistic consciousness of the Mongols and Kalmyks.
  8. ↑ Газета «». – 9 weird brews from around the world.
  9. ↑ News Agency Sputnik. Kazakhstan”. – Was there drunkenness in the time of Genghis Khan, or how to get vodka from koumiss.
  10. ↑ Asia Russia Daily magazine. – Did archi milk vodka save people from drunkenness?

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