Arcadia grape variety: features and characteristics

In the expanses of the former USSR, there are many scientific institutions that are engaged in plant breeding, primarily vegetable and fruit crops. And among everything, the breeding of new varieties of grapes is clearly not in last place. Some species are imported specifically for crossbreeding, but in most cases our breeders cross domestic varieties. And sometimes the results of their activities are pleasantly surprising. For example, in the Ukrainian NIIViV them. V.E. Tairova, a wonderful grape variety Arcadia was bred. It is about him that the story will be told in this article, and specifically, a description of the variety will be provided, advice will be given on caring for the plant.

Variety description

The Arcadia grape variety belongs to the table varieties, since both parent crops – Moldova and Cardinal – are also table grapes. By the way, not only Arcadia, but several others were bred from these two varieties, but this culture is perhaps the best product as a result of their crossing. As a result, Arcadia grapes inherited disease resistance and excellent fruit quality. It also belongs to the early varieties of grapes, as it ripens in 115-125 days, which is undoubtedly a good indicator.

Arcadia grape variety: features and characteristics

The clusters of Arcadia grapes are large, on average, the mass of one is 600-800 g, but there are also very large ones that reach a weight of 1,5-2 kg. They are dense, with lobes, almost always cylindrical in shape. The berries are also large (10 g or more), white or amber in color, ovoid, have a rather simple taste, when fully ripe, a barely perceptible nutmeg aroma may appear. The pulp is juicy, with a thin, strong skin. Sugar content is low – does not exceed 15-16%, acidity is also not high – only 4-6 hl. Frost resistance is high – Arcadia grapes are able to withstand frosts of 23-24 degrees, under the film – the temperature is a couple of degrees lower. Yields, like most hybrid grapes, are very high. In the description in many sources, high transportability and keeping quality are also indicated.

Necessary care

Even inexperienced gardeners will be able to grow Arcadia grapes without any problems, because they need ordinary care with simple rules, like most varieties of table grapes, no special procedures and actions are provided. It all starts with the right choice of site – sunny, with fertile soils.

Arcadia grape variety: features and characteristics

It is best to plant Arcadia with cuttings: they take root very well, quickly form a powerful root system. Grape seedlings also develop quickly and can soon begin to bear fruit. Arcadia is characterized by satisfactory maturity, fruitful shoots 60-70% (in unfavorable years, things are a little worse).

As already mentioned, the yield is high, but in order to achieve it, some measures must be observed. For example, balanced watering before flowering, fertilizing with phosphate-potassium or nitrogen fertilizers (you should not “overdo it” with both in order to avoid unpleasant consequences). Plant overload can affect the ripening time of the crop, because Arcadia will pull everything, and as a result, a late harvest. In this regard, do pruning in a timely manner, while normalizing the inflorescences. Pruning is done for about ten eyes (you can have one more, one less), while the optimal load on the bush should be from 35 to 45 eyes, in the future their number can be increased to 55. You can shape the bush to your taste. Arcadia grapes have complete immunity only to mildew; to protect against other diseases, spraying should be carried out 1-2 times a year.

Arcadia grape variety: features and characteristics

Arcadia grapes are very profitable from an economic position, so industrial producers often prefer them. But among amateur gardeners, it is also one of the most popular, especially in the southern regions of Ukraine. If you decide to grow the Arcadia grape variety, you will not fail in any case, because even with its few and minor shortcomings, it remains one of the best among its kind.

Video “Grapes Arcadia”

In this video, the agrotechnical characteristics of the Arcadia hybrid grape variety are announced, as well as tips on growing and caring for the crop.

@Grapes of Arcadia, review by Yakushenko V.E. white grapes

Author: Svetlana Galitsina


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