Arbor from a profile pipe: how to make a pavilion from a metal profile, drawing and assembly diagram of a simple welded structure

In the construction of garden arbors, a variety of building materials are used. Some owners prefer natural wood, while others are more impressed with forged design options. At the same time, a gazebo from a profile pipe will look good on any site. This material has many advantages.

Types of structures

To begin with, we list the advantages of a metal profile:

  • the frame is durable, withstands high loads;
  • the structure can be given complex shapes, while it has a low weight;
  • construction is cheaper than using wood or natural stone.

Arbor from a profile pipe: how to make a pavilion from a metal profile, drawing and assembly diagram of a simple welded structure

Most often, a gazebo in the country is built with their own hands, wanting to get a permanent place to relax. It is used both as a summer kitchen and as a mini-mansion.

Depending on the requirements put forward, the shape of the garden structure is selected. The simplest gazebo is an open frame with a canopy, round, square or hexagonal. It has a floor and decorative walls. This is a summer open type.

Less common is a room of different sizes with full windows and doors. Here shelter from severe bad weather. You can live here even in winter, if you organize normal heating.

The shape of the roof directly depends on the type of gazebo and the natural features of the area:

  1. For open summer buildings made of wood or metal, the roof is made curved in the form of an arch using lightweight roofing materials such as polycarbonate. This design is needed to divert water during precipitation.
  2. For enclosed spaces that are built of brick, concrete or stone, the roof requires a more solid, shed or several slopes. Cover it with tiles or slate.
  3. Roofs with a large slope have an increased “sail”; they are not recommended to be done where strong winds occur.

Video “Construction of a gazebo from a profile pipe”

From this video you will learn how to build a cozy gazebo from a profile pipe with your own hands.

Alphabet of Repair – Construction of a gazebo from a profile pipe.


Here is a set of requirements that should be followed when choosing a profile for construction:

  1. The cross section can be round, rectangular or square.
  2. Steel is suitable for ordinary, but it is better to take galvanized.
  3. A large cross section is used for load-bearing profiles, a small one – as jumpers.

It is possible to fasten iron parts into a single whole by welding or using special fasteners (such as self-tapping screws with thermal washers). Drilling, cutting and bolting is easier than rectangular pipes, and any is suitable for welding, although round ones are more difficult to weld – a certain skill is required.

How to build a simple pavilion

The frame is assembled in a prepared place. For installation, different methods are used:

  1. Large-section vertical pipes are concreted into the ground, they will serve as a support for the rest of the structure. This option is suitable for summer arbors, it does not provide a solid floor.
  2. First, a shallow base is prepared on the site in the form of a monolithic slab, columnar or strip foundation. The frame is assembled separately, then, in finished form, it is fixed on the lower harness laid on the base. The method is used in the construction of open and closed buildings.

In any case, you need to start construction with the choice of a suitable place. A secluded area is suitable for a gazebo, preferably on a hill, away from a noisy street, in the shade of trees.

A drawing is selected, and according to the existing plan, building materials are prepared:

  • metal profile;
  • roofing material;
  • cement mortar or concrete;
  • fastening accessories;
  • anti-corrosion primer or paint.

To work with profile pipes, you need tools:

  • drill for metal with a set of drills;
  • grinder or grinder;
  • welding equipment (if necessary);
  • self-tapping screws for metal and thermal washers;
  • shovel.

Now you can start building


Most often, a light columnar foundation is built for a homemade gazebo. The site is prepared according to the following step-by-step scheme:

  1. The upper fertile layer is removed to a depth of 20-30 cm to get rid of weeds.
  2. Apply markup according to the selected project.
  3. Dig holes according to the number of supporting pillars, depth – 0,5 m.
  4. In the pits, a pillow is made of sand and gravel (5–10 cm each).
  5. Install support racks, carefully tamp the bottom.
  6. The pit is covered with pieces of brick or stones, and then concreted.
  7. The height of the racks is leveled with a level.

Arbor from a profile pipe: how to make a pavilion from a metal profile, drawing and assembly diagram of a simple welded structure

Supports and floor

When the concrete hardens, proceed to the installation of the lower trim. It is made in the form of a rectangular frame laid on finished supports. The height should be sufficient so that a person does not have difficulty entering. Next, the strapping frame is covered with horizontal lags – the basis for the future floor.

A more budget option allows you to do without flooring at all. In this case, the lower part of the frame is installed directly on the ground, which will continue to perform the functions of the floor. However, sometimes, for convenience, the base of the gazebo is still covered with paving slabs or boards.

Then the frame of the future gazebo is erected on the supports. Walls can be laid out in a lattice pattern or more intricate patterns can be made. They can be left open by constructing a railing encircling the structure at a height of 1 m from the floor. Finally, they often combine different approaches, making one or two walls deaf, and the rest open.

What to make a roof

If the gazebo is built from profile pipes, the roof is not recommended to be made unnecessarily heavy. The more massive the structure, the more powerful the foundation it will require, which will significantly increase the cost of construction.

Such characteristics are inherent in many roofing materials:

  1. Polycarbonate. Usually use monolithic, it is cheaper. Not suitable for regions with frosty winters – it cracks. It is more often used for collapsible structures. Self-tapping screws are required for fastening.
  2. Ondulin. Easy to install. Good resistance to temperature changes. Long service life. Has thermal insulation properties. Fastened with self-tapping screws or roofing nails.
  3. Tiling. Beautiful appearance, available in different colors. Roofing nails, self-tapping screws with a press washer, staples are suitable for fastening.
  4. Tarpaulin. Budget option, suitable for prefabricated summer structures. For installation, ordinary ropes are used.


Arbor from a profile pipe: how to make a pavilion from a metal profile, drawing and assembly diagram of a simple welded structure

Although the metal frame made of pipes has many advantages, its appearance is far from perfect. Experts recommend immediately after the construction of the building to do its decoration.

On the vertical and horizontal details, you can put climbing plants – ivy or grapes. The side openings are curtained with curtains or other fabrics, which at the same time will serve as good protection from the wind.

So that you can sit in the gazebo at dusk, lighting is organized in it.

Care instructions

The metal profile has a drawback – the metal is susceptible to corrosion. To avoid this, metal parts are periodically painted or treated with a special putty. Water-resistant, water-based, sunlight-resistant paints are suitable: acrylic, oil, epoxy, etc.

A light and practical gazebo made of profile pipes will serve the owners for many decades.

It is pleasant to relax here in sunny weather, here you can set a table for the whole family or guests.

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