Arbor canopy: wooden, metal structure for a summer cottage, modern views, do-it-yourself production

A canopy gazebo on the territory of a private house will be a wonderful place to relax from the noise of the city. This simple design is a full-fledged territory for spending time on the street, it will help you hide from the heat and bad weather in a suburban area.


Hinged structures are freestanding or adjacent to a house or other building. Standing separately include open tents, grill areas, pergolas. Adjoining country arbors can be a continuation of the house or other buildings. Garden sheds often serve as a summer kitchen, and sometimes a swimming pool is placed on their territory, especially if the structure is located near the bathhouse.

Arbor canopy: wooden, metal structure for a summer cottage, modern views, do-it-yourself production

According to the design features, the canopy can be collapsible or monolithic. The stationary building will last longer, it is built from a special material that is resistant to precipitation. Prefabricated lightweight construction is easy to assemble with your own hands. At the end of the season, it can be removed indoors.

Video “How to make a gazebo-canopy with your own hands”

From this video you will learn how to make a wooden gazebo-canopy with your own hands.

Variety of roof shapes

Modern roofing materials are very variable, their choice depends on the planned form of the gazebo.

Shed roofs are the simplest building. They are used for buildings in the form of a quadrangle, the building is supported on two walls of different heights. When choosing the angle of inclination, the wind rose should be taken into account so that the roof is a good protection against precipitation.

The gable roof is suitable for a rectangular gazebo, easy to build, but has a number of disadvantages. If the slope is small, then the snow will not melt properly, and if the slope is made more, then the view of the surrounding area will decrease.

A rounded roof is a rather complicated arrangement, it can be made in the form of a cone or a helmet, it looks very stylish or original.

A four-pitched roof is used for the construction of complex rectangular or polygonal structures.

What are they building from?


Most often, outdoor gazebos-canopies are built of wood. For their installation, laying the foundation is not required. In the role of a complex basis are:

  • bricks;
  • cinder block;
  • concrete blocks.

Wooden gazebos are environmentally friendly, they are comfortable in any weather, and even a novice builder can make them.

The brick arbor differs in durability and reliability. But for its construction you will need a tape or monolithic foundation. A closed brick gazebo can serve as a kitchen or even become a place to spend the night if it has a comfortable sofa.

The polycarbonate building is very easy to build. It is easily built on the foundation and frame of any kind. Such gazebos are very budgetary, they can be moved and placed even in a small area. An important advantage of polycarbonate arbors is a long service life. Due to the special powder paint, gazebos do not lose their brightness. These beautiful buildings look spectacular even without additional decorations.


It is very important to choose the right roofing material, because the service life of any building structure depends on it.

Slate is perfect for the roof of a budget version of a country gazebo. Its obvious advantages include:

  • resistance to temperature extremes;
  • strength;
  • refractory properties – suitable for a gazebo with a barbecue.

The disadvantages of slate are:

  • relatively short service life;
  • lack of plasticity – not suitable for a figured roof;
  • fragility;
  • unrepresentable appearance.

A metal roof made of corrugated board has the following advantages:

  • low cost;
  • a light weight;
  • resistance to external influences;
  • long service life.

The disadvantages include:

  • lack of noise-absorbing properties;
  • the roof gets very hot in the heat;
  • rust susceptibility.

The metal tile has all the same advantages and disadvantages of a profiled sheet, but it has plasticity and has a relatively high cost.

Arbor canopy: wooden, metal structure for a summer cottage, modern views, do-it-yourself production

Polycarbonate is a relatively new roofing material that has a lot of advantages:

  • the budget price;
  • ease;
  • long service life;
  • suitable for the construction of curly roofs;
  • presented in a variety of colors

Among the shortcomings of the material can be identified:

  • insufficient strength;
  • poor protection from sunlight;
  • ventilation is required, otherwise it will be stuffy in the gazebo;
  • lack of refractory properties, not suitable for gazebos with barbecue.

Soft roofing materials are also very popular due to the following advantages:

  • huge color palette;
  • ease;
  • long service life;
  • noise-absorbing properties;
  • ease of installation.

Disadvantages of this type of roof:

  • high price;
  • the need for a rigid base of waterproof materials.

DIY construction

The arbor-canopy is simple in design, so it can be easily built, even without special skills in construction. To select the optimal construction site, it is necessary to take into account the blowing of the site and the features of the landscape.

You will need the following materials and tools:

  • metal pipes;
  • electrodes for welding;
  • welding machine;
  • Bulgarian;
  • Boer;
  • building level;
  • roulette;
  • primer;
  • gon;
  • pegs;
  • sledgehammer;
  • building materials.


The construction of a solid frame is an important stage of construction. You will need a bar of a certain parameter: boards 3 m long and self-tapping screws. The beam must be cut into two identical parts. The remaining boards are also sawn in half. Wooden poles will be installed vertically, having previously dug them into the ground.

To install the support, it is necessary to dig large holes. The bottom of the pit is covered with rubble, rammed. Then, using a plumb line, the vertical installation of the racks is checked. A concrete solution is poured into the prepared pits, it should harden within a few days.

To increase the life of wooden poles, they should be treated with vitriol or isolated from the ground with two metal supports. After installing the pillars, it is necessary to install stretch marks at a height of just over 2 m from the floor. The rafters should be longer. To fix the parts you will need large screws and nails.


After the frame is ready, we design the roof. For summer-type gazebos, you can use an ordinary awning as a roof, tarpaulin, canvas, thick fabric are suitable. It is also possible to make a transparent roof from polypropylene. Such a design does not require a large investment.

To prevent the roof from sagging, you need to stretch a steel wire or a thick fishing line from the center to the Mauerlats. The wire must be installed at a certain interval. This design will protect the gazebo from the rain.

The most common option for arranging a roof for a gazebo-canopy is a rafter system. To do this, two rafters are installed on both sides of the facades of the gazebo. Next, we put runs on them, which are narrow boards laid on an edge. They are attached to each other using pre-cut grooves. The rafters are installed on an additional support in the center of the gazebo.

In order to give the rafter support additional strength, it must be fixed with a crossbar – a special horizontal board fixed slightly below the top of the roof.

Arbor-canopy is built quite simply. It can comfortably hold home dinners and tea parties, relax after gardening, hide from the heat and rain.

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