Spiders are not the most pleasant living creatures on the planet, some can be poisonous, but they should not cause panic horror. If the mere thought of a spider makes you shudder, it’s a phobia. How to deal with it, find out with a specialist

Arachnophobia, says doctor-psychotherapist Sergey Prokin, is a panic fear that occurs at the sight of any spiders. In many ways, it is based on the general human perception of spiders as predatory (killing their prey), often poisonous creatures. Many people dislike spiders as their appearance is quite unpleasant. But from ordinary disgust, a normal feeling of fear, a phobia is distinguished by the presence of somatic, vegetative reactions, the strongest irrational fear that arises from the mere thought of a spider, the looping of thoughts on one’s fear.

Causes of arachnophobia in adults

People who suffer from arachnophobia do not realize that their fear is irrational. They do not realize the origin of their fear, they are afraid of spiders, even if they do not see them. Fear can originate in childhood, but is realized only as a result of some provocateur already in adulthood.

Sometimes children, watching parents with arachnophobia, can subconsciously shift it onto themselves. They remember information about the special danger of spiders, this is deposited in the subconscious, and in adulthood this fear can control them. Then one memory of a small harmless spider can threaten with somatic reactions – cold sweat, tachycardia, shortness of breath. Similar fears can form in areas where there are many spiders and they are dangerous.

In cultures where spiders or insects are deified or eaten, arachnophobia is not common.

Physiologists explain arachnophobia by the strong difference between a spider and a person in structure. Other reasons are the unpredictability of the actions of spiders, the risk of bites, the ability to suddenly stumble upon a web. If a person notices a spider close to him, this can increase the phobia.

The development of arachnophobia in impressionable people is spurred on by movies and stories about spiders, which are extremely life-threatening.

Symptoms of arachnophobia in adults

Few people love spiders, for many they cause natural disgust and hostility. But it’s not a phobia. The true manifestations of arachnophobia occur over several years and become more severe from time to time. The main difference between a phobia is the onset of a panic attack at any time, even if there are no spiders nearby – they were shown on TV or mentioned in a conversation. Sometimes reactions can even become dangerous to health, since a person cannot control, manage his mental reaction. Vegetative reactions can even threaten vascular catastrophes, up to a stroke or heart attack. The main manifestations of arachnophobia:

  • strong fear that cannot be controlled, it cannot be suppressed;
  • reactions are sharply inhibited or vice versa, sharply animated, up to panic;
  • skin pale, covered with cold clammy sweat;
  • the pulse is sharply accelerated, the pressure is increased;
  • the limbs tremble, may have a marble color or cyanosis of the fingers;
  • what is happening seems unreal;
  • there is an irresistible desire to destroy the spider, even if it is only imaginary.

It is the last point – the manic desire to find, destroy the nest of spiders, get rid of them at any cost – an alarming sign that forms as an obsession. In women, this is sometimes accompanied by the desire to restore perfect order, destroying all traces of the web.

How to get rid of arachnophobia in adults

“The most correct way to get rid of arachnophobia,” says psychotherapist Sergey Prokin, – referral to a specialist. Psychotherapists will work with the patient for a long time, gradually working through the main causes of the fear of spiders. The doctor helps to find the root of the problem, determine why such a fear has developed specifically in relation to spiders, and work through these psychological problems.


The diagnosis is confirmed by a psychiatrist after a detailed assessment of the medical history and a series of tests. Often, arachnophobia manifests itself as an unmotivated horror that accompanies vegetative reactions. To assess the general condition, additional examinations can be carried out by a therapist or narrow specialists.

Modern treatments

The most effective method of treatment is behavioral therapy, during which conditions are created when a person is immersed in situations where he encounters a spider. Gradually, the patient develops resistance to fear. If the phobia is overcome, remission occurs.

The doctor may suggest some radical methods – hypercompensation (get a spider at home), computer programs that simulate real situations. Graphic methods help – a reflection of your fear on paper.

If the phobia is severe, the doctor may prescribe antidepressants, tranquilizers, physical therapy, and lifestyle modifications.
Sergey ProkinPsychotherapist

Prevention of arachnophobia in adults at home

Prevention of fear of spiders, as they say doctor-psychotherapist Sergey Prokinlike most other phobias must begin in childhood. It includes various activities to improve physical and mental health, especially the functioning of the nervous system.

No less important is the rational upbringing of children – without strong emotional stress, without the formation of constant anxiety, avoiding overprotection. Parents should be engaged in the formation of correct and age-appropriate social skills, independent decision-making.

Popular questions and answers

Can a phobia lead to disability and is it acceptable to treat it with folk methods? Answered these and other questions doctor-psychotherapist Sergey Prokin.

Are complications of this phobia possible, does it affect the ability to work, does it threaten with disability, death?
The fear of spiders will not lead to death and disability. But such a phobia can have social consequences – it is difficult for a person to work or live in houses, premises where insects can live. Even the smallest and most harmless spiders provoke bouts of intense fear and extremely unpleasant sensations. This threatens with social isolation, constant problems at work, in the family.
Is it possible to heal yourself or with the help of non-traditional methods (dietary supplements, herbs, acupuncture, hypnosis)?
Attempts at self-treatment, especially with non-traditional methods, various dietary supplements or herbs, dubious methods can only worsen the situation. Without treatment from a doctor, the phobia can intensify, causing more and more serious problems.

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