Arłukowicz: I will be determined to introduce the oncology package

I will be determined to introduce the oncology package, regardless of political emotions, said Minister of Health Bartosz Arłukowicz on Thursday, during the session of the parliamentary health committee.

The minister presented information on the state of preparations for the entry into force of the oncology and queuing packages.

As he informed, contracts for 2015 have already been signed in the field of outpatient specialist care in over 93%, with hospitals – 88%. He added that contracts with the National Health Fund were signed, among others, by all oncology centers in Poland. In the field of chemotherapy, 2015% of contracts are contracted for 99,52. service providers, in radiotherapy – 100 percent, and in the field of drug programs – 99,58 percent.

Arłukowicz recalled that on Wednesday, an agreement was concluded regarding the change in financing primary health care (POZ) with the Healthcare Employers’ Agreement. Yesterday we signed an agreement with PPOZ and the contracts are starting to run down. Today we have 45 percent. signed contracts and they will continue to run – he said. Talks with representatives of the Zielona Góra Agreement and the College of Family Physicians associating GPs and POZ are still ongoing.

As he emphasized, it is a myth that the oncological package will stop the functioning of primary health care. “We offered family doctors an increase in the capitation rate. We have started building an incentive system, the possibility of more diagnostic tests “- he emphasized and added that in 2015 the financing of primary health care will increase by PLN 1,1 billion.

Arłukowicz reminded that the intention of the package is that patients have unlimited access to oncological treatment and in a short period of time. However, he stipulated that the financing of oncological diagnostics and treatment will be subject to certain conditions: facilities will carry out the diagnosis in a timely manner, in 2015 – in 9 weeks, in the next – 8 weeks, and in the next – in 7 weeks.

GPs will play a key role. We expect family doctors to increase oncological vigilance to refer a patient with any suspicion of neoplastic disease to oncological diagnostics. The card of the oncological patient will be the pass – he said.

He added that GPs with an appropriate indicator of the effectiveness of cancer detection will be rewarded. And he reminded that doctors with low success would undergo oncological training.

Another myth, which – as the minister said – appeared in the public debate and needs to be dispelled, concerns a patient undergoing diagnostics or oncological treatment at the turn of the year. Such a patient will not have to return to the primary health care center to receive an oncological patient card, because it can also be obtained at the specialist level or in a hospital.

He also emphasized that other patients will not lose out on the oncology package, because at the same time other solutions will be implemented to reduce queues, and cancer patients will be financed without limits.

The minister admitted that there were not enough doctors in the system, but at the same time assured that there were not so few specialists that the oncology package would not be launched. He recalled that Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz announced additional funds to increase residencies and to launch an additional 2015 thousand in 3,5. residencies, in addition to those that are opened every year (about 3).

Maciej Hamankiewicz, President of the Supreme Medical Council, emphasized that both the NRL and regional medical chambers adopted resolutions in which they negatively assessed the level of preparation of the system for the introduction of the oncological package from January 1, 2015 and called for its suspension. He noted that, in the opinion of doctors, this may pose a threat to the safety of cancer patients and the stability of the entire health care system.

He pointed out to Arłukowicz that the latter did not meet with the medical self-government in this matter, and that information on the principles of the functioning of the health care system in 2015 is provided only through the media.

The president of PPOZ Bożena Janicka reminded that this organization signed an agreement with the Ministry of Health on next year’s rules for the functioning of primary health care. She stressed that this did not mean, however, that she did not see the need to amend some of the provisions. In her opinion, in the 2015st quarter of XNUMX one should consider, inter alia, whether you need referrals to ophthalmologists for eye examinations and prescription for glasses.

The spokesman of the College of Family Physicians, Michał Sutkowski, recalled, in turn, that the negotiations between the Ministry of Health and this organization and the Zielona Góra Agreement have not ended. The next round of talks on the operation of POZ next year is scheduled for Saturday.

Opposition MPs argued that the oncology package was poorly prepared and should not enter into force at the beginning of next year. Józefa Hrynkiewicz (PiS) pointed to the lack of doctors. She estimated that the allocation of PLN 60 million for employment of 3,5 thousand. new residents, mentioned by Arłukowicz, means that each of them will receive just over 1,4 thousand. PLN per month.

Addressing this objection, Arłukowicz pointed out that the ordinance of the Minister of Health specifies that doctors in residence in priority areas earn PLN 3602 a month in the first two years, and PLN 3890 later. It hurts me internally when a person with the title of professor exposes a lack of knowledge – he said, turning to Hrynkiewicz.

Lidia Gądek (PO) assessed, in turn, that the knowledge of GPs in the field of oncological diagnostics is so great that there will be no need to train all of them in this regard. In her opinion, the package should enter into force at the beginning of January, and then its provisions can be corrected if it turns out that something did not work.

Krzysztof Warzocha, the director of the Oncology Center, emphasized the importance of diagnosing and defining the treatment plan for cancer patients by a medical council. He said that so far doctors have not cooperated in such an area. As he said, he also has concerns about the introduction of new solutions, but – as he said – their efficient implementation depends on the organization of hospital operation, and this depends on their directors. (PAP)

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