Aquatic plants for pond

Aquatic plants for pond

Plants for the pond not only decorate it, but also purify the water and maintain the biological balance in it. Plants should occupy a third of the reservoir so that the balance of the ecosystem is not disturbed. Therefore, it is important to know what types of vegetation are and how to plant it correctly.

Aquatic plants for garden pond

All the inhabitants of the pond interact with each other. Each plant occupies its own space and bears its own benefit to the inhabitants of the pond.

Water lily – a plant for decorating a pond

Plants living in reservoirs are divided into 5 groups depending on how much of the pond they occupy and what benefits they bring:

  • Deep sea. They are planted with their roots at the bottom of the reservoir, the leaves float on the surface, and the flowers are located above the water.
  • Oxygenators live in water, invisible from the outside and improve water quality. They prevent pond pollution and serve as food and home for fish.
  • Swamp plants love moist soil rich in organic compounds. They do not tolerate soil drying out well. They are planted on the border between the pond and the shore.
  • Coastal or near-water. They are planted near the pond in order to give it a harmonious, finished look.
  • Floating on the surface of the water. The roots of these plants are never attached, so they float over the entire surface. They regulate the ecological balance by sucking fine organic matter from the water. However, they grow rapidly and their number must be regulated so that they do not fill the entire reservoir.

For the harmonious interaction of plants in a reservoir, he needs representatives of each group in a small amount.

Suitable for decorating a decorative pond:

  • The water lily, or water lily, is a deep-sea plant. Its flowers are white, red, pink and yellow. By type, water lilies are divided into dwarf, small, medium and large. Smaller water lilies are better suited to the local climate. Large lilies do well in tropical climates and require a large pond;
  • bogweed shchitolisty – also a deep-sea plant with yellow flowers. It is planted to a depth of 30 to 60 cm. It grows rapidly over the pond;
  • Vodokras ordinary floats on the surface of the water. It blooms all summer and grows slowly;
  • hornwort is an oxygenerating plant important for water purification. For a garden pond, a dark green or submerged hornwort is better;
  • marigold is a marsh plant. Blooms in April with small bright yellow flowers.

Plants for a summer cottage do not have to be bought in a specialized store, you can go to the nearest boggy pond and collect suitable specimens there.

It is necessary to select plants for a reservoir so that they decorate it and bring benefits. Then the artificial pond will resemble a real one. Some plants will purify the water, others will oxygenate, and others will shade the pond.

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