Aquarius man – Taurus woman: horoscope compatibility

A Taurus woman is distinguished by stability and a desire to always be in a comfortable environment for her. Aquarius man is unstable in his behavior, and comfort does not play a decisive role for him. This union can be attributed to one of the most difficult. They find it difficult to solve everyday problems. As for common goals, contact with a partner develops in each other absolutely not those features that contribute to internal growth and development. A pair of Aquarius-man and Taurus-woman are quite common. The peculiarity of such a union is that both partners are emotional storms. Relationships get a shake-up and a burst of feelings every day. Witnesses of the relationship of this couple repeatedly ask themselves the question: what attracts in each other an Aquarius-man, striving for lofty ideals, and a sensible Taurus-woman? Yes, there is an opinion that opposites are attracted to each other, but how strong will such a connection be?

Aquarius man and Taurus woman is a rather non-standard combination. This is a couple in which partners suddenly find each other, and are able to find the strength to enjoy life even after serious conflicts. As a rule, sympathy arises immediately, but if this union manages to circumvent difficulties and treat the beloved wisely, then both of them will certainly be happy in a relationship.

The first thing that catches your eye, watching this couple from the side, is that people do not have the slightest resemblance. But, as practice shows, the first opinion can be misleading. Such a strong feeling like love needs to mature. Every serious and sane person needs some time to feel and learn to feel his partner. However, in the Aquarius-Taurus union, relationships are often extremely superficial, which is based on passion. Taurus is a woman who needs comfort, she is not ready to devote herself to a partner, in the presence of material difficulties, which cannot be said about Aquarius, he can handle any obstacles. That is why at the initial stage young people may have misunderstandings. But if the partners find the strength and desire to solve these problems, then their relationship will become strong and happy. This is a vivid example of the case when both partners depend on their relationship.

Love compatibility

In a pair of Aquarius-man and Taurus-woman, partners can achieve harmony, but this can only be done when people are passionate about a common cause, or they are united by one goal. Aquarius and Taurus are both friendly people by nature, they will never refuse help, they are ready to insure each other in the most critical situations no matter what. They do not tend to lecture each other and teach life, even if, in their opinion, the partner’s behavior is not entirely correct at one point or another. With common interests, an Aquarius man and a Taurus woman can truly be happy together, and also be great friends. It is worth considering that it is not easy for an Aquarius man to maintain a favorable level in relations with a former lover.

In the case of friendly relations, partners are happy to help each other, are ready to keep each other’s secrets and help in the most difficult life situations. In view of which Aquarius and Taurus should try to maintain at least friendly relations, since in this regard they are perfect for each other, rather than frivolous relationships exclusively at the level of intimacy. Often, an Aquarius man and a Taurus woman are equally drawn to art, they may be interested in creativity or sports. In addition, in situations where a hobby turns into a profession, partners can also become excellent colleagues. But if the relationship moves to a more serious level, then it is important to remember that both representatives of these constellations are quite different.

The Taurus woman is mundane, used to thinking exclusively materially, and as for the Aquarius man, most of the time he is in the clouds. Primarily, the opposite is of sincere interest. The woman is especially fascinated in this pair, Aquarius-man for her is a continuous abundance of ideas. He gives her new impressions and emotions.

In this union, she begins to find a need for something more spiritual. He has a desire to feel needed, a Taurus woman is able to give Aquarius both physical warmth and spirituality. The love relationship between Aquarius and Taurus is airy, but this does not mean that there is no strength. Relationships are material and sublime at the same time. A Taurus woman has iron patience and well-developed intuition, she can handle almost any business. Therefore, establishing contact with Aquarius is not a problem for her. In the Aquarius-Taurus alliance, it is important to be able to correctly set boundaries and do it gently. For Aquarius, it is extremely important that the partner does not violate his personal space, but at the same time he himself seeks to cultivate some lightness in the Taurus woman so that she learns to think less about money. By setting boundaries, respecting personal space, partners are able to save their relationship from unnecessary problems.

Marriage compatibility

If Aquarius-man and Taurus-woman are comfortable and interested in each other’s company, then they may well legitimize their relationship. Marriage does not scare both partners at all. It is interesting that in the family relations of Aquarius and Taurus – equality. They are characterized by a clear distribution of roles and responsibilities. Despite the external coherence of the relationship between Aquarius-man and Taurus-woman, such a marriage can rarely be durable. The only exception is the couple in which the partners treat each other with great respect, and the features of the lover are perceived as something other than an addition to themselves.

Aquarius and Taurus will be able to save the marriage if the partners do not limit each other, providing the opportunity to be themselves. At the same time, it is also important to be able to turn a blind eye to minor shortcomings of the spouse.

The presence of harmony in the marital relationship of these signs of the zodiac directly depends on what interests and goals people pursue. If you strive only for family relationships, they will be connected exclusively by life, then it will not be possible to save the family for a long time. As a rule, it is not easy for a Taurus woman to accept the interests of a spouse who does not strive for material wealth. Among other things, one should not lose sight of the fact that Aquarius, as a creative person, needs inspiration, which he draws from new meetings and acquaintances. Affecting the intimate side of the relationship between Aquarius-man and Taurus-woman, it develops in the best way. Their sex is high quality and interesting. A woman gives warmth and comfort, and he gives variety and creativity. And watching a movie together or listening to romantic music can help your lovers get in the right mood. However, in practice, most passionate romances are short-lived. To maintain long-term intimate relationships, partners must take into account the interests and preferences of each other.

Pros and cons of the union Aquarius-man and Taurus-woman.

If an Aquarius man and a Taurus woman have found happiness, then they will not only be able to become true friends, but they can also achieve incredible success in a creative environment. This couple can compensate for each other’s qualities, for example, one partner is a generator of ideas, the other prefers to put everything into practice. Union benefits:

  • Magnetism. Such opposite personalities as Aquarius and Taurus are very attracted to each other, mutual interest does not disappear for a long time.
  • Freedom in relationships. Partners do not exert any pressure on each other. They try to respect the personal space of a loved one. Thus, there is harmony in the relationship.
  • Understanding. Through mutual understanding, Aquarius and Taurus are able to take their relationship to a higher and more sensual level.
  • Support. Due to the fact that partners can become excellent comrades and associates in a relationship, they manage to support each other in any endeavors.

As in any pair, Aquarius and Taurus can have a lot of negative points. As practice shows, most of them have a reason for unjustified expectations. Union Disadvantages:

  • Slow development. Despite the brightness of both natures, relations develop rather slowly.
  • material problems. Often, a Taurus woman is not able to come to terms with the material difficulties of the union, which leads to a break, and Taurus begins to look for a more prosperous and mundane man, like herself.
  • Pressure. If there is even a single hint of pressure from the Taurus woman, the Aquarius man will seek to seek his outlet on the side.
  • Aquarius and Taurus are fixed signs. This suggests that they are hardly ready to compromise, at every opportunity they defend their opinion. But such different temperaments make us more compliant towards each other. If partners set themselves the goal of saving the marriage, then they are forced to put up with the opposite of character. And Taurus-woman should control her egoism.

To build a favorable relationship, Aquarius-man and Taurus-woman should place more emphasis on the points of contact. There are a lot of variations in the development of the relationship of this couple. The relationship of partners can be influenced by the age, time and status of the relationship in which the representatives of these constellations are located.

One way or another, a Taurus woman should be more flexible, compliant and less self-centered. As for the male Aquarius, thanks to these relationships, he will be able to realize his, even the most at first glance, unrealistic ideas. It will be great if a woman is able to involve her Aquarius man in solving various domestic issues. Only this should be done very carefully, not forgetting to include female cunning and wisdom. Both should control their stubbornness. Selfishness and rejection of someone else’s opinion can destroy any relationship.

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