Aquarius man – Pisces woman: horoscope compatibility

Aquarius men and Pisces women have a lot in common. Even reaching adulthood, partners manage to maintain their sincerity, childlike immediacy. Both look at the world around them with wide eyes. The life of lovers is filled with boundless fantasy and dreams. The surprising thing is that both Aquarius and Pisces are both idealists. They are uncomfortable being in everyday reality, wrapping themselves in minor worries, joys, vacations and scheduled work. Such people do not like to live according to a pattern. It may seem that Aquarius man and Pisces woman found their ideal in each other. However, this is not quite true. Rather, these are individuals “from another world.” And despite the abundance of common interests, it is often difficult for partners to understand each other.

If a couple of Aquarius and Pisces have a joint occupation with some kind of creative project, then they will be able to create a wonderful creative tandem in which the partners subtly feel each other.

In general, horoscope compatibility is what astrologers advise to pay attention to, first of all, when choosing a life partner, especially if you plan to start a family. A harmonious astrological combination helps partners feel each other, and, if necessary, close their eyes to shortcomings. Among other things, the successful compatibility of the constellations will help to predict the preferences of a lover, which is extremely important for relationships. For example, if the Aquarius man has at least some idea of ​​what the Pisces woman wants, then they will be able to create a strong family.

The problem is that these signs of the zodiac are considered rather difficult, which is why it is not so easy for them to get rid of loneliness in life. For this reason, astrologers recommend that they seek advice from a horoscope. Aquarius man and Pisces woman is a rather bizarre combination of water and air elements. This pair is more like a cloud with its weightlessness, due to the lack of binding to earthly rules. It is worth noting that Aquarius and Pisces, individually and together, are considered completely different people. Their merger endows the couple with inspiration, confidence, and also the strength for self-realization. And no matter how difficult it is, in this kind of relationship it is pleasant for both partners to dissolve.

Love compatibility

Gentle friendships will develop over a long period between the Aquarius man and the Pisces woman. Due to numerous similarities, partners subtly feel each other, while they do not need extra words and explanations to express their feelings towards a partner. Representatives of these constellations both value and cherish their friendship, so it is not common for them to overshadow the relationship with various conflicts and quarrels. If feelings flare up between Aquarius and Pisces, then their love relationship will develop quite harmoniously. By temperament, both partners are friendly and soft. They value comfort and peace. But often difficulties in relationships arise when there is a need to achieve goals.

A couple still needs to develop in themselves such qualities as determination and willpower. Then all this will positively affect their love, which will only grow stronger from year to year.

Thanks to well-developed intuition, the Aquarius man and the Pisces woman can easily guess the thoughts and preferences of their partner. Their union rests solely on strong feelings and absolute trust. In the company of their loved one, they are comfortable and safe. However, a woman is not always destined to understand and accept the nature of her chosen one. Often attraction is confused with friendships. The pair of constellations in question like to talk a lot. Aquarius and Pisces are very open and sincere people. Astrologers note that it is far from easy for this couple to cope with the problems that fate throws at them. Such people rarely manage to reason sensibly. Sometimes adversity and difficulties have a negative impact on relationships, thus, love relationships suffer, partners’ dissatisfaction grows, making them nervous and angry at each other.

Despite the fact that a couple of Aquarius men and Pisces women treat each other with warmth, however, both are in great need of a solid inner core. Only in this way will they be able to solve all the problems on the path of life. In the presence of certain difficulties, lovers always manage to support each other. Often, even if the relationship has become obsolete, they can resume again. To build a strong and happy romance, a couple of Aquarius and Pisces should be more self-sufficient and self-confident, then they will be able to avoid parting, saving their union from misunderstandings and contradictions. It is also important that each of the partners could embody their ideas and plans in life. If the Aquarius man manages to take a leading position in a relationship, then he is often mistaken in his decisions. The Pisces woman also tends to behave not quite correctly, because she initially counted on decisiveness and a serious approach from her life partner. However, faced with disagreements, the couple puts up without problems and forgets past grievances. They do not have to forgive a loved one.

Marriage compatibility

The family life of an Aquarius man and a Pisces woman can turn out quite well. And all thanks to the fact that the spouses are quite peaceful and non-conflict natures. There is no cruelty and hostility in their relationship. The couple loves to spend time together. They enjoy talking for hours on end. Over time, romance and tenderness in the relationship between Aquarius and Pisces only becomes stronger, and their union is only stronger and more reliable. However, quite often, lovers may encounter problems due to the inability to complete the work they have begun.

From the side, the pair of Aquarius and Pisces looks a little eccentric: a man can talk endlessly, and his wife, smiling sweetly, listen to him carefully. They are so absorbed in each other that they often do not pay any attention to others. In addition, Aquarius and Pisces do not attach much importance to their appearance, sometimes both can be very expensively dressed, but there will be some sloppiness in the image. Plus, the spouses are completely far from everyday affairs, for them these are trifles that do not need attention. But as for creative ideas, the fantasy in this pair is overflowing. Often, ingenious masterpieces can be born in this pair.

If we take into account that in family life the spouse is a sentimental woman, and the man is expansive, then we can say that their life takes place “on suitcases”. He does not like to do household chores, and she alone cannot do everything.

Problems in everyday life can provoke a married couple of Aquarius and Pisces to increase the tone in communication. Also, do not forget about the windy nature of the Aquarius man, often he can afford an affair on the side. If the spouses can exclude the manifestation of infantilism, then they will be able to save the marriage for a long time. The physical intimacy of the Aquarius man and the Pisces woman will be full of exciting emotions. Together they will want to go on a journey through the secret desires of their subconscious. Thanks to developed intuition and curiosity, the couple boldly goes to experiments in intimate life. However, often a couple will miss eye contact, and in sex this is extremely important.

Pros and cons of the union Aquarius man and Pisces woman

An Aquarius-Pisces relationship can be fairly easy to get into. Such a sociable, intelligent, erudite man cannot but attract a woman. She, in turn, conquers him with her sincere and mysterious nature. With Aquarius, the Pisces woman will feel important and needed. She will literally drown in attention from him. A woman of the water element benefits from communication with an air man.

Advantages of the couple:

  • In a relationship with Aquarius, the Pisces woman becomes more positive and sweet;
  • From her husband, the Pisces woman begins to make new acquaintances, acquiring the necessary contacts;
  • In relationships, partners will learn to act logically and deliberately;
  • Both will have a great interest in the world;
  • An Aquarius man with such a sentimental woman will become much more emotional;
  • Having entered into an official marriage, the couple will become more responsible.

As soon as the first stage of a romantic relationship passes, the couple may stumble upon pitfalls that were previously completely invisible.

The disadvantages of the couple:

  • Emotionally, partners may sometimes not understand each other, and all because Pisces is too emotional, Aquarius is used to thinking rationally, turning off all emotions;
  • The changeable mood of both spouses sometimes negatively affects the relationship;
  • Often, views diverge in everyday life: she is an introvert, he is an extrovert;
  • Often, the Aquarius man prefers the company of friends rather than his beloved woman;
  • Aquarius is too freedom-loving, such a trait can result in betrayal. Such a man prefers an open relationship in which there are no obligations or claims;
  • There is no practicality, which affects the material side of the life of a pair of Aquarius and Pisces.

It is commendable that a couple of Aquarius men and Pisces women strive to improve relations, work on them, however, they often do not notice some details that at first glance may seem insignificant. To build harmonious relationships, partners should pay great attention to the financial side of life, as well as the organization of life. Often they are so passionate about each other that they overlook the solution of everyday problems. Sometimes Aquarius, carelessly, refers to work, this happens for the reason that he finds it uninteresting, however, often it is quite profitable. Pisces are more serious in terms of finances, a woman takes an active part in the family budget.

Aquarius and Pisces, like any couple, should learn tolerance for the world around them. Often a couple is annoyed by immediacy, earthiness coming from outside. The longer the relationship between partners, the worse they treat their environment.

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