Aquarius man in a relationship with a woman: character traits

😉 Hello dear readers! Astrology lovers will be interested in information about the zodiac sign Aquarius. For cute girls, here are tips on how to conquer an Aquarius man. Aquarius man in a relationship with a woman. Famous Aquarius men. Video.

To understand what an Aquarius man is like in love, you need to visualize the air element. This is a warm wind that plays with the leaves or powerful gusts, or even a storm that crushes everything in its path. Aquarius men in love are frivolous, changeable and elusive. If you liked just such a man, this article is just what you need to learn more about him.

Aquarius man: character

The Aquarius period is from January 21 to February 19. The element of the sign is Air.

Aquarius man in a relationship with a woman: character traits

Aquarius men are distinguished by a subtle mind and curiosity. This is a sign of romantics with very real life views. Such a person considers himself an idealist and actively fights for the truth. He is very outgoing and friendly. Lies and hypocrisy are alien to Aquarius. Often such people remain lonely and misunderstood.

Aquarius often confuses the concepts of friendship and love. It can be difficult for him to maintain a love relationship for a long time. He quickly gets tired of Mexican passions and hides in his shell in order to think about everything alone with himself.

It can be extremely difficult for women to build relationships with such men. Aquarians live in their own closed world. What is happening in their souls is often incomprehensible even to themselves. Aquarius’s feelings prevent him from thinking logically. Love causes him some discomfort, from which he tries to get rid of as soon as possible.

Such a guy is difficult to attract with feminine beauty or sexuality. However, this does not mean that these means of seduction should be discarded immediately. Any man is pleased to watch a beautiful lady.

Aquarius does not care about the concepts of style and fashion; rather, an unusual and catchy outfit will attract his attention. The more a woman surprises her partner with her novelty and uniqueness, the more chances she has to keep him. It is interesting for Aquarius to solve a woman every day, to discover new features in her.

Aquarius man in a relationship – main features

Aquarius men often show frivolity in relationships, they are too eccentric in behavior. They love experiments and open relationships; a guest or civil marriage is acceptable for them.

Aquarius men are softer and more accommodating in relationships than their female counterparts. They are ready to enter into dialogue and seek a compromise, especially if there is a classic gender distribution of roles in the union. For themselves, Aquarians want all the care and affection that a woman is capable of. In response, they give support, protection and material support. Aquarius in love will provide her beloved with everything necessary and will strive to maximize the quality of her life. But all this is only on a voluntary basis! This sign does not tolerate obligation, framework and control and runs away at the first sign.

Even being in a relationship for a long time, Aquarius can seem to be out of it from time to time. He can close in his own world, while his partner will not be able to figure out what’s wrong. It is necessary to get used to this, there is nothing terrible in this, Aquarians just have a rest from the outside world.

How to conquer an Aquarius man

A woman can amaze Aquarius with outrageousness and attract with various female things. But the relationship with such a lady will not last long. Only a high intellect and a game of fantasy will help to conquer Aquarius. The girl needs to show charm with witty jokes and original surprises.

In order to conquer a man, you need to challenge him by showing your talents and analytical mind. A girl should not be available, but, on the contrary, seem like an indestructible fortress. In this case, the interest of Aquarius will grow every minute.

But in order to awaken true love in Aquarius, you should become a true friend to him. He must see in his beloved a reliable and faithful person. Excessive claims and intolerance will only become a hindrance in a relationship. Discretion is a girl’s best weapon.

Such men like independent women who have an inner core and their own point of view. They approve of women’s love of freedom and try not to invade the personal space of another person.

Sexual relationships are not in the first place in Aquarius, but they do not adhere to the old-fashioned views. He can easily offer the girl a civil marriage, and in case of unsuccessful relations, he will not mind remaining a friend.

To win over the Aquarius, the lady needs to show that she does not support the stereotypes established by society. This does not mean that one should abandon all moral foundations, but emancipation, including sexual, certainly does not hurt.

Only an independent idealist with a rich and dynamic inner world can conquer the heart of Aquarius forever. She must be his mirror image, so that the romantic idealist sees in her eyes a safe haven for his soul.

What Aquarius loves in a woman

Aquarius likes a woman who:

  • open;
  • emotional;
  • sexy.

A representative of this zodiac sign will never fall in love with a narcissistic lady who cares only about her own comfort and financial well-being. He needs a person who will understand him and devote time to self-development. It is imperative that the girl treats his pets well, on this basis he will be able to draw conclusions about the degree of openness of a woman. Uranus, which rules Aquarius, makes him a loyal friend and a brave explorer. The ability to build relationships based on friendship and openness to experimentation is what the Aquarius man loves in a woman. If he meets such a lady, their union will be strong and very bright.

Aquarius will definitely not like a girl who:

  • secretive;
  • unemotional;
  • callous.

How to understand that an Aquarius man likes you

Relationship with Aquarius man

Before you propose to Aquarius to enter into a relationship, you need to make sure that your feelings are mutual. In the case of this zodiac sign, this is quite simple. Aquarius is the image of the classic lovesick teenager who is adorable and ludicrous. Bold, bright, fun and recklessly – this is how the Aquarius man loves. It will never be boring with this partner: he can not only make a good joke and organize an exciting adventure, but also maintain an intellectual conversation.

The following signs will tell that a man is experiencing serious feelings:

  1. Humor. Appropriate and not very jokes are the first sign of Aquarius’s love. Trying to impress a woman, he will use various humorous tricks. At the same time, his humor can be not funny, inappropriate, sometimes even offensive. However, the beautiful smile of Aquarius will instantly dispel all your anger.
  2. To attract attention. If Aquarius loves you, he will do anything to get your attention. Being in a big company, he will constantly appear near you and show off his own successes. Probably, a man in love will suddenly change his hairstyle, start going to the gym. Get ready for unexpected twists and turns.
  3. Communication. Aquarians are sociable, mobile. But as a rule, the woman herself invites them on dates. Aquarians love to have intellectual conversations with a companion. Philosophical discussions on eternal topics are something such men cannot do without.

Therefore, if Aquarius fell in love, he will try to infect you with a thirst for conversation. He will want to be around you as much as possible. Even if this time does not seem very suitable for you personally. He may suddenly come to visit or call at 2 a.m. to offer to drive through empty streets.

Understanding AQUARIUS Man || Love and Relationships

How to understand that an Aquarius man is in love

He is well versed in words, understands what needs to be said to create a positive impression of himself. Prone to adventure, flirting, unobtrusive relationships. He can give a girl a lot of compliments, show signs of attention, smile charmingly and carry on conversations with gentle trepidation, as if he had found the very one. However, in reality, his words may not be related to the emotional state – this man skillfully controls emotions.

If you study the behavior of Aquarius better, you will notice that he is a little aloof and aloof. This is due to the fact that he does not want to be at the mercy of spiritual impulses. These guys prefer to be guided by reason, not emotions. So if a man shows sympathy, this does not guarantee that he is in love with you. Aquarians are constantly interested in new things, making acquaintances, but they may lose interest in the “trophy” if it is sufficiently studied and cannot offer anything new.

How to build relationships

Started dating an Aquarius? Do not think that you can relax, rather the opposite. Do not forget that your man belongs to Air. Relationships should contain some intrigue, be charged, otherwise the partner will get bored and simply leave. However, if you can captivate this man for a long time, you will get a partner who will please you in many ways.

  1. Generosity. Gifts from Aquarius who has fallen in love with you are pouring in, as if from a cornucopia. The representative of this sign wants to amaze and delight his beloved. Original bouquets, big toys, poems – it’s all about Aquarius men who want to surprise their girlfriend.
  2. Loyalty. This is hard enough to believe. Around Aquarius there are always many women. Some of them may give him a lot of attention or even interfere with your relationship on purpose. But all these girls will not be able to defeat the true love of Aquarius. His loyalty is truly boundless.
  3. Tenderness and sensitivity. It doesn’t open right away, but it’s worth the wait. It turns out that this merry fellow knows a lot about romance. If the moment is really touching, the representative of this sign will not be ashamed of tears. However, this rarely happens.

Aquarius man in bed

couple in bed

Intimacy for a representative of this sign is similar to the game. He likes the unforgettable emotions of a platonic relationship more than perfect sex.

Aquarians are not inclined to dominate, so they give the girl the opportunity to take the initiative into her own hands. It is not recommended to immediately show all your feelings and desires to Aquarius. If you have an ardent temperament, you need to start your sexual life with Aquarius carefully, without any frills.

When making love with Aquarius, you need to be inventive and laid-back. Do not insistently demand his attention and ask for something, otherwise you may encounter an indifferent attitude. Pretty lingerie and role-playing games won’t help. But the intellect is an excellent means to excite this man. If you want your intimate life to be rich, constantly show your mind to Aquarius. You must be erudite, read books and follow current trends.

Favorite poses

Aquarians value freedom very much. These are people who do not tolerate a despotic attitude even in their sexual life. Favorite position depends only on the mood of a man, but one thing is always the same: Aquarius wants to control the rhythm of sex and knows how to please his partner.

In sex, the position is not as important to them as the atmosphere. Representatives of this sign will not be limited only to the bedroom – they have the courage and excitement to have sex on a secluded beach, in a car, and even in an elevator.

Aquarius man in relationships and marriage

There will be nothing left of the amiable temper of Aquarius if you engage in manipulations, show your imperious character. Such a man vehemently fights for equal relations, he is freedom-loving and does not accept violations of personal boundaries. He believes that any person has the right to live as he wants, and no one can force him to do anything.

If you want to create a family with Aquarius, do not forget for a minute about the love of freedom of this sign. This is important both at the stage of romantic relationships and in family life. A woman who does not cling to her man and respects his personal freedom is more likely to receive a marriage proposal than one who presses, controls and pulls down the aisle.

The same after marriage. The more freedom the Aquarius man gets in marriage, the more valuable this union will be for him. It is also important to consider that this partner is very democratic and does not tolerate stereotypes. He will not tolerate strict rules in relation to himself, but he will not establish them for his wife either.

If you are thinking how to please a man of this sign, become his friend. This will be quite difficult if you are a boring person or disagree with him in your views. Relationships with Aquarius should be partnerships. If you are characterized by independence, lightness, love of freedom, you will most likely be able to find a common language with Aquarius.

Having married a man of this sign, do not teach him, do not give unsolicited advice. Aquarius goes its own way, lives by its own rules, guided solely by the voice of reason. If he does not respond to your persistent messages, it is better to find another target for yourself, you failed to hit this one. At the same time, Aquarians are sympathetic people who are always ready to support in a difficult situation.

How does the year of birth affect


To better understand how to win his heart, check out how the eastern horoscope affects Aquarius:

  1. Rat. Determined, but not aggressive person. In this character, two opposite signs complement each other, forming a harmoniously developed personality.
  2. Bull. Well-read and inquisitive, the soul of the company. It is interesting to spend time with such a person, it seems that he knows everything about everything in the world.
  3. Tiger. A combination of passionate character and predatory determination. But Aquarius-Tigers can also be soft, affectionate, gentle, kind.
  4. Rabbit. Charming affectionate and a little melancholy.
  5. The Dragon. Bright personality with unlimited imagination. These qualities enhance the extraordinary personality of Aquarius.
  6. Snake. A charming inventor, and sometimes a liar. It is difficult to resist such a man, but it is unrealistic to understand his intentions.
  7. Horse. Charismatic with a touch of narcissism. Such people are very fond of showing off their achievements.
  8. Goat. A leader with a desire to always win. With Aquarius-Goat you will feel like behind a stone wall, but such a man cannot stand false and insincere words.
  9. Monkey. Not too serious and not ready to take responsibility for a man. He has a hard time getting close to people. However, if you figure out how to fall in love with Aquarius-Monkey, show your love and wisdom, then you will be able to change such a man.
  10. Rooster. Bright, expressive, understanding. Able to be sensitive and diplomatic. Rooster-Aquarius combines the best features of a male character.
  11. Dog. A devoted, diplomatic, honest and open man.
  12. Boar. Rational, intelligent and insightful. This man is characterized by good creativity, love of beauty.

Aquarius man compatibility with other signs

couple on bicycles

Aries and Aquarius are 90% compatible. The unifying factor is the love of adventure. Love relationships are stormy, delivering a lot of positive emotions to each of the partners.

The percentage of compatibility with Taurus is 60%. Aquarius shows feelings in a carefree way, which at first will cause bewilderment in Taurus, and then can lead to the creation of a barrier between partners.

The percentage of compatibility with Gemini is 100%. A wonderful union in which both partners will constantly receive new experiences. Uranus, which rules Aquarius, suggests surprises and surprising twists that Gemini loves. If you answer the question of what kind of woman an Aquarius man needs, we can say with confidence that she must be Gemini by zodiac sign.

With Cancer, the compatibility percentage is 40. Aquarius is too unpredictable for the sensitive and vulnerable Cancer. Cancer is more stable than Aquarius, who tends to be constantly in search of new experiences.

The percentage of compatibility with Leo is 70%. A creative union that looks very bright to others. These opposite signs of the zodiac are capable of successful interaction, as each of them balances and complements the qualities of the other.

Virgo is 70% compatible with Aquarius. The relationship is not too emotional, with a lot of conflicting traits in partners. Virgo tends to look at reality pessimistically, while Aquarius is inherently optimistic.

The percentage of compatibility with Libra is 80. This is a creative relationship – such a union stimulates each of the partners. Libra’s inherent penchant for diplomacy allows them to cope with the stubborn temper of Aquarius.

The percentage of compatibility with Scorpio is 40%. Relationships usually end after a short period, even before serious problems begin. Scorpio does not want to take part in public affairs that please Aquarius. Most likely, everything will end with the fact that Aquarius will be offended by the harsh statement of the partner and will stop communicating with him.

Aquarius is 80% compatible with Sagittarius. These relationships have every chance of becoming successful. Partners will inspire each other, Aquarius will have many unusual ideas, and Sagittarius will show his optimistic and dreamy nature.

The percentage of compatibility with Capricorn is 70%. Relationships will be built on the ideas of Aquarius and the practicality of Capricorn. Despite the differences between the partners, they both have enough intelligence to accept all the shortcomings of each other.

An Aquarius man is 90 percent compatible with a woman of the same sign. Quirkiness, eccentricity – these traits are inherent in both. Others may consider such a pair to be non-standard, but lovers are not too worried about this.

Aquarius is 60% compatible with Pisces. In such a relationship, the intellectual and emotional are combined, which is a good combination. A strong marriage union between these signs is possible, but it requires both partners to be morally mature.

To learn more about who the Aquarius man is compatible with, the natal chart will help. The location of the celestial bodies at the time of the birth of both lovers will show how their relationship may develop in the future and tell you what to look for. 

Important Tips

So, you figured out whether the Aquarius man loves you or not. If it turned out that your feelings are mutual, check out the recommendations of astrologers – they will help build a strong relationship with a representative of this sign:

  1. Be mysterious. Do not reveal all your secrets at once, keep the intrigue, try to ask Aquarius more about his life. The riddle will provoke a man, he will want to get to know you better.
  2. Learn to listen to the man. Find out more about his past. This will help prevent misunderstandings in the future. Random meetings of Aquarius with an ex-girlfriend will not make you think that the man you have chosen is a womanizer.
  3. Keep in mind that Aquarius wants to make you happy. Express admiration for his strength, goodwill, other qualities that attract you.

Now you know how the Aquarius man falls in love, how to attract his attention, what he is silent about and why at times he does not respond to your messages. By following the recommendations given here, you can live a long and happy life with Aquarius. Do not forget to consider how compatible you are with a representative of this zodiac sign. Best of all, the Aquarius man is compatible with the Gemini woman.

PS Your man is Aquarius, but you do not agree with what is written in the article?

We analyzed the interaction of only one planet – the Sun. The fact is that in your horoscope 10 planets interact with 10 planets of your partner and form your unique pattern of interaction, which may differ from that described in the article. You will see the ratio of the influence of all the planets of a man with the planets of a woman and get a detailed description of the perspective of your relationship.

Famous Aquarius men

  • Charles Darwin
  • Anton Chekhov
  • Ronald Reagan
  • Vladimir Vysotsky
  • Galileo Galilei
  • Dmitriy Mendeleev
  • Mikhail Baryshnikov
  • Isaak Dunaevsky
  • Lev Landau
  • Valery Chkalov
  • Justin Timberlake
  • Mozart
  • Cristianu Ronaldo
  • Thomas Edison
  • Christian Dior
  • Boris Berezovsky
  • Abraham Lincoln
  • Boris Yeltsin
  • Enzo Ferrari
  • Ivan Krylov
  • George Byron
  • Jacob Mendelssohn
  • Franz Schubert
  • Marat Safin
  • Georges Simenon
  • Bertolt Brecht
  • Andre Citroen
  • Somerset Maugham
  • Lewis Carroll
  • Jules Verne
  • John Browning
  • Umberto Nobile
  • Alessandro Volta
  • André Marie Ampere
  • Robert Boyle
  • Didyulya
  • Bob Marley

Astrologer’s recommendations

In this video, curious information “Aquarius man in a relationship with a woman” and astrologer advice.

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