Aquarius man and Gemini woman are a pair of similar personalities. They make not only great friends, but also colleagues. This union is quite interesting for its originality, spontaneous ideas and unusual plans. Looking at Aquarius and Gemini, the thought involuntarily visits that these people are made for each other. Often a spark between them can flare up at the first meeting. Aquarius man and Gemini woman, filled with feelings, are ready to soar like butterflies, but more often than not, their romance can end in a free intimate relationship. After all, each representative of this couple requires independence.
Aquarius and Gemini will be in a relationship as long as they are comfortable being together. Despite the love of freedom of partners, their union can be envy strong. And all thanks to the fact that representatives of these constellations are able to understand, forgive and make concessions.
If you look into the horoscope of Aquarius and Gemini, you will notice that they are very similar to each other. Both representatives of these constellations belong to the air element, which favorably affects mutual understanding. They literally look in the same direction. At the same time, relations are developing quite dynamically and rapidly. Any unrealistic fantasy of a woman finds a return in the soul of Aquarius, as a result of which it stimulates a creative impulse in him. And the wealth of the inner world of Aquarius has a positive effect on the worldview of a beautiful person.
Astrologers note that Aquarius men and Gemini women have very good compatibility. Aquarius, as a person with great patience, is ready to listen to the abstruse reasoning and philosophizing of the lady of his heart for a long period of time. In order for their relationship to succeed, the couple should work on their emotions, and, if possible, give the partner as much warmth and love as possible. In addition, it is important to make concessions, listen to a loved one, and of course, learn to forgive and turn a blind eye to shortcomings.
Love compatibility
The friendship between Aquarius and Gemini can also be very bright, but as sad as it may sound, it is quite superficial, which can lead to a number of certain grievances. There is understanding in a couple, but a woman often does not have the patience to listen to her partner to the end. Sometimes a man is predisposed to spiritually open up to a lady, but she quickly loses interest and stops listening to her chosen one. Such situations can lead to trouble and hidden grievances.
Often, Aquarius and Gemini have a common passion in sports, music, or any other activity related to acting. If there is a mutual hobby, partners will always have topics for discussion. However, it is not common for men to weave intrigues, which cannot be said about a woman, Gemini cannot imagine their life without gossip and rash acts. In practice, many Aquarius-Gemini couples manage to maintain friendly relations only if the woman does not make fun of the man. If fate favors, and the relationship between the Aquarius man and the Gemini woman moves to a more serious stage, then there is a high probability that the relationship will be gentle and warm. From the side, the couple is lively and forever young, regardless of the age of the partners. Joint development is important for them, Aquarius and Gemini strive for new knowledge.
This couple is close on a mental level, they show interest in each other literally from the first minutes of the meeting. The love relationship of Aquarius and Gemini will be intellectual, as they do not have conflicts over trifles. For them, reason is more important than emotions, and there is no point in wasting time on a useless showdown.
Astrologers say that this union is one of the most compatible. Due to the similarity of characters, partners manage to understand each other perfectly. Common desires to develop and explore the world have a positive effect on relationships, lovers do not get tired of each other due to diversity. But despite a lot of similar character traits and the same tastes in many things, Aquarius and Gemini still have differences. The upside is that these distinctive features are not capable of creating chaos, rather, on the contrary, the differences of partners can prove impartiality in the relationship. They both can’t stand being alone. Due to the fact that the representatives of these constellations are open and sincere, it is easier for a Gemini woman to endure adaptation. Some time passes, and she begins to understand that all the main features that are so important to her in her life partner are concentrated in the Aquarius man. But Gemini should be more restrained in terms of showing feelings, otherwise it may push Aquarius away.
Marriage compatibility
If the Aquarius-Gemini couple manages to marry, then their family life will be quite easy. There will be no complaints or nit-picking in the relationship. Equality is the main style of family life for this couple. As a rule, there is no clear division of roles. Money in the family will be earned equally, a similar situation will be with cleaning the house and raising children. That is, each sphere of their life will be divided equally.
An Aquarius man is comfortable with his wife, she does not put pressure on him and does not limit the freedom that the spouse values uXNUMXbuXNUMXbso much. And as for the Gemini woman, she will not have to listen to nit-picking about the household, which does not attract her at all.
The intimate life of partners adds up harmoniously. In the bedroom, the spouses are comfortable with each other. But sex does not play a primary role in their lives. Yes, of course, they would like to spend every night together, pleasure is important for them, but they understand that there are a lot of other equally interesting things in life. Often, during intimacy, partners tend to be distracted by secondary topics. Aquarius and Gemini are very happy to communicate with each other. On a five-point scale, the compatibility of partners in sex reaches 4 points. Although conflicts happen quite rarely in this couple, they prefer to restore lost energy in bed.
Both representatives of these constellations are not distinguished by increased passion, it is for this reason that physical intimacy is not at the head. But to please their beloved is not a problem for them. Aquarius and Gemini often do not immediately manage to guess about the desires of their lover, but for the most part they are turned on by fantasy. The union of the two signs of the zodiac under consideration prefers to unite primarily with hearts, and only after that with bodies. According to the horoscope, intimacy in this couple mainly depends on the girl. If Aquarius manages to win the heart, and he becomes desirable for her, then Gemini will do everything possible to please her lover. For greater emancipation, it is important for a woman to learn to talk about her preferences and desires, then a man will become more attentive to his beloved.
Pros and cons of the union Aquarius man and Gemini woman.
The main advantages of a couple include a mutual desire to know all the delights of this life. They absolutely do not enjoy spending evenings at home in front of the TV. Each time, both try to find an excuse to get out of the house routine. Like Aquarius, Gemini loves to spend time with friends. Most of the time they are on a walk, traveling or traveling. Even if a couple does not have a suitable company in the form of friends, they are never bored together, because there are a lot of hobbies and interesting activities around. They tend to take on any business together. The advantages of the Aquarius-man and Gemini-woman pair include the following:
- Partners are interested in each other
- There is a high compatibility in pastels,
- Both perfectly adapt to various kinds of changes, if desired, they can adapt to any situation,
- Faced with difficulties, partners remain as optimistic
- Aquarius and Gemini are equally friendly, the doors of their house are open to everyone,
- Mutual assistance plays an important role in relationships, partners are always ready to support each other, and in which case turn a shoulder,
- Both lovers are drawn to travel,
- This couple is never bored, monotony is not at all about them,
- Aquarius and Gemini are able to become both excellent friends and lovers, thanks to good sexual compatibility.
Despite the fact that the pair of Aquarius-man and Gemini-woman has high compatibility, problems still sometimes happen, as a rule, they entail certain disadvantages:
- Partners are not characterized by a deep emotional attachment to each other and empathy,
- In case of loss of interest, neither Aquarius nor Gemini intend to empathize for a long time, a new object of adoration may quickly appear on the horizon,
- A couple rarely thinks rationally, most often both are in the clouds,
- The lack of the ability to set goals leads to the fact that the couple has to turn off the intended path,
- Partners are not particularly loyal,
- Even if the couple managed to survive fire and water together, they are able to part because of mere trifles.
Gemini and Aquarius manage to understand each other perfectly, but it is important to learn how to coordinate plans and goals. It often happens that partners confuse friendship with love, take sexual attraction for something serious, while partner preferences may not be taken into account at all. By not making these mistakes, you can avoid disappointment. An Aquarius man is able to respect his woman, as she does not restrict his freedom and does not violate personal space. To build a strong and happy relationship, a couple should be able to discuss all the points in advance.