The union of Aquarius and Capricorn is an amazing combination of dissimilar people in love. It’s pretty hard to believe, but Capricorn and Aquarius have much more in common than it seems at first glance. Despite the fact that the signs of the earth and air elements rarely find a common language, Capricorn and Aquarius feel comfortable together. And at the same time, it does not matter at all that everyone has their own opinion on the order and everyday issues.
Often a woman born under the constellation Capricorn is reasonable, but constrained. For greater emancipation and predictability in behavior, she lacks an active and wayward Aquarius man. It is this temperament of a companion that she just needs. In this case, the partners feel great in each other’s company. For the Capricorn woman manages to become more relaxed and open, Aquarius, in turn, on the contrary, acquires seriousness with such a companion.
Aquarius and Capricorn have a strong attraction, but despite this, the couple will have to go through a lot of trials and obstacles. Life can also cause some harm to relationships. After all, each representative of the considered signs of the Zodiac has a different attitude to cleanliness, putting things in order as a whole. In addition to the fact that housekeeping can provoke people into conflicts, leisure often becomes a serious problem for Aquarius and Capricorn. However, if their feelings are stronger and can overcome all obstacles on the way, then the couple will truly become the happiest.
The love between an Aquarius man and a Capricorn woman can not flare up immediately, however, a little sympathy tends to develop.
The difference in life views is not able to prevent people from becoming happy. Aquarius man and Capricorn woman will be able to create a difficult, but rather emotional union. Thanks to his eccentricity and her seriousness, the couple is drawn to each other, thus, in their lover, they manage to find what they lacked before.
Love compatibility
A man born under the Aquarius zodiac sign is considered a great friend. He is reliable like no other, always ready to help. As for the Capricorn woman, then, as in a friend, she is valued, first of all, constancy and fidelity. But besides this, Capricorn is inherently conservative, it tends to observe principles and traditions. As soon as this woman marries another man, their friendly relations with Aquarius will stop in an instant.
The beauty of the friendship between Aquarius and Capricorn is that she does not seek to correct him. With deep understanding refers to his oddities. Aquarius brings lightness and positivity to a serious lady. They manage to find contact, despite a lot of differences. However, friendship between representatives of the constellations under consideration may be interrupted at the initiative of Capricorn. A woman may get bored with round-the-clock communication, or she will indignantly accept the next unexpected visit of Aquarius. A man can perceive a negative on her part only as a betrayal, because friendship for Aquarius is of great value.
If feelings flare up between Aquarius man and Capricorn woman more than just friendship, then most of all they are attracted by the opposite features of each other. After all, the new and the unknown always attracts, especially if previously all this was alien.
There is also curiosity in the compatibility of Capricorn and Aquarius. A man is amazed at the purposeful and organized nature of his woman. These are just the qualities that he himself needs. A woman, in turn, cannot but ignore the independent, freedom-loving nature of Aquarius men. Relations in the personal life of this couple develop smoothly until they are faced with everyday problems. Capricorn goes well with Aquarius due to its education. Both individuals are quite well-read, easily able to understand issues of any nature. But since the Capricorn woman is naturally rewarded with leadership qualities, she will try to subdue the Aquarius man. Often this can be the reason for parting.
Thanks to Aquarius, such an iron lady as Capricorn can become tender. This is exactly what a restrained woman lacks. She will try to add seriousness and organization to her windy companion. The strictness and discipline of a Capricorn woman can be explained by the fact that she belongs to the planet of prohibitions – Saturn. As for Aquarius, it is ruled by “reckless” Uranus. Merging together, a woman seeks to control and keep her life partner in her fist. Aquarius extremely negatively perceives any kind of violation of personal space, does not tolerate control and pressure. Capricorn is annoyed by his love of freedom. He does not understand the framework and boundaries that are set in the head of his woman. If the couple will try to unravel each other, then there is a certain possibility that the relationship will be long and happy. Partners tend to have opposite mindsets, which is probably why they are often so interested in each other.
Marriage compatibility
The marriage of an Aquarius man and a Capricorn woman is quite special. The best option would be if everyone engages in creative activities. In this case, they will be able to avoid some of the problems. Often, partners decide to register their relationship at a fairly young age. This can be explained by the fact that the young period is the time when everyone is full of hopes, aspirations and plans.
In the event of conflict situations, Aquarius wants to immerse himself least of all in problems. A man prefers to start a new romance on the side in order to make his life easier. Such weakness on the part of Aquarius men can push the family to divorce.
Among other things, the family of Aquarius and Capricorn will not be able to avoid financial difficulties. And all because the man in this union is too wasteful, unlike his wife. They have completely different views on family budget planning. As a result, conflict cannot be avoided. However, as soon as a conflict arises in the family, feelings can begin to cool down. In order for the marriage relationship not to crack, the partners should discuss all the key points before concluding a formal union.
The sexual relationship of an Aquarius man and a Capricorn woman can have two completely different directions. First, the partners are fixated exclusively on their love games, in this scenario, both lovers are consumers. This kind of self-centeredness will negatively affect relationships. The second direction is that Aquarius and Capricorn get to know each other’s temperament and intimate desires with great pleasure. Some difficulties in sex can only be due to the inconsistency of the characters of the two parties. The Aquarius man is by nature an experimenter, the Capricorn woman, on the contrary, is a conservative. Capricorn in bed, as in life, does not like to give preference to ingenuity, she rather likes a traditional love affair.
Pros and cons of the union Aquarius man and Capricorn woman
No matter what difficulties the pair of Aquarius and Capricorn have to face, they still have more advantages than disadvantages. It is not easy for them, however, they accept the character traits of their other half. Thanks to the differences, the lovers only manage to complement each other, thus, mutual love only becomes stronger and brighter. The Capricorn woman is the main teacher of life for Aquarius. It is thanks to her that a man achieves most of his goals. He, in turn, is ready to turn the stable life of Capricorn into a real spontaneous holiday. Union benefits:
- Partners trust each other 100%.
- There is mutual respect and love in relationships.
- Such opposite personalities as Aquarius and Capricorn are drawn to each other.
- When living together, development and personal growth are observed.
- A woman helps a man in self-realization.
- Aquarius contributes to the emancipation of the Capricorn woman in love relationships.
- Each of the partners is a self-confident person who is able to protect his rights in case of emergency.
- Love matures gradually, but it has a long-term character.
The main problems in the relationship between Aquarius men and Capricorn women include life. They have completely different points of view on this issue. Astrologers assure that everyday problems are a test of the strength of the love relationship between Aquarius men and Capricorn women.
Union Disadvantages:
- Lack of common ground in solving everyday issues.
- The practicality of Capricorn does not resonate with the extravagance of Aquarius.
- Divergence of views on the upbringing of children. Difficulties may arise closer to adolescence.
- Relationship partners can get bored, most often the conservatism of Capricorn women is to blame.
- The amorous and windy nature of Aquarius has a detrimental effect on relationships.
- Often, partners may regret entering into a marriage union.
In order to find happiness, Aquarius and Capricorn need, first of all, to grow up. Only after some time they are able to learn to accept their partner as he really is. In addition, Aquarius should hover less in the clouds, this is extremely important for realization in life, a practical Capricorn woman can help with this. However, in this case, you should also be careful, because if Capricorn puts too much pressure on Aquarius, she may lose him.
A man like Aquarius will be happy if he gains understanding from the female side. Thanks to his love, he is able to forgive a lot, sometimes even excessive pressure, violation of personal space and bright flashes of jealousy. Partners are able to get along well together, they are not characterized by quarrels and showdowns, the reason can only be life. It is especially difficult when a Capricorn woman begins to dictate her own rules and tell her husband what to do in a given situation. The truce of this couple happens quite easily in the presence of mutual love.