Cockerels are a decoration for a home aquarium. They are bright, active and unpretentious. To keep your fish beautiful and healthy, you need to provide them with proper care. How to keep a cockerel aquarium?
Cockerels are beautiful, interesting fish.
In terms of water, cockerels are one of the most unpretentious. You don’t need filters or water aeration. The temperature in the aquarium should be in the range of 24-28 ° C, but this type of fish will calmly survive a decrease in temperature to 18 ° C.
But the aquarium should be spacious enough. Choose it at the rate of 3-4 liters of water per fish.
In this regard, you have a wide choice, as males are omnivorous. You can give them:
- dry food for fish;
- frozen food;
- live food – zooplankton, tubifex, bloodworms and even earthworms cut into pieces.
By the way, the last point is the most preferable. Feed the fish 1-2 times a day, add as much food as the fish can eat in 15 minutes. Remove excess. Reduce the portion next time. Over time, you will find out how much feed you need at one time. Do not overfeed the cockerels, it is bad for them.
Let’s take a look at the main diseases in bettas and their symptoms so that you can identify them quickly.
- Sticky fins and decreased activity are indicative of a fungus. Also, this disease can cause lightening of the color and the appearance of fluffy growths on the fish. Fungus appears if the aquarium owner forgets to add a special antifungal powder to the water.
- Excessively bulging eyes indicate a bacterial infection. It happens if the water in the aquarium is too dirty.
- Bloating fish and protruding scales are symptoms of dropsy (kidney disease). It appears due to poor feed.
- White specks on the scales are ichthyophthyroidism. It occurs due to sudden changes in temperature in the aquarium.
- A frayed, faded tail and fins are signs of decay. This happens with fish that are too cramped in the aquarium.
At the first sign of illness, quarantine the sick fish, and thoroughly clean the aquarium and change the water.
Be considerate of your pets. Observe their behavior and appearance. Remember that they cannot complain to you about illness or poor conditions in the aquarium, you need to notice all the little things in time.