April cucumber: description, characteristics
Cucumber “April” is interesting in that it can be grown not only in the garden, but also on the windowsill, glazed loggia or in a greenhouse. This hybrid yields a harvest within a month and a half after planting. More than 1 kg of cucumbers can be harvested from 30 square meter of the garden.
Characteristics of the “April” cucumber
Cucumber “April” refers to early maturing varieties. It has been grown in Russia for a long time, since the end of the seventies of the XX century. It is a high-yielding, self-pollinating hybrid that is resistant to most diseases.
Cucumber “April” can be grown in an apartment on a windowsill
Fruiting of the “April” cucumber is amicable, the greens are distinguished by good taste – juiciness, tenderness, light crunch. The average weight of one cucumber is about 200 grams
The harvested fruits are well stored, suitable for making salads, pickling and pickling. The value of the variety is in its cold resistance, long-term fruiting, high yields.
The cucumber is grown by the seedling or seed method. When planted with seeds, they are sown outdoors in late May or early June. The seeds are buried in the soil by 1,5 or 2 centimeters.
Two weeks before planting seedlings in open ground, prepare the soil. Compost, complex fertilizers are introduced and dug up. Twenty day old seedlings with four leaves are suitable for permanent planting. They are carefully placed in the holes, taken out of the pot along with a lump of earth, trying not to injure the root system.
In greenhouses per 1 square meter, no more than 2 or 3 seedlings are placed, and in the garden, the planting density for such an area is up to five plants
A week after planting, when the seedlings take root, they are tied to wires horizontally stretched at a height of two meters. Cucumbers grown in greenhouses are formed into one stem. Flowers and shoots up to a height of half a meter above the soil are pinched, and the rest are removed after the 2nd or 3rd leaf. When the cucumber grows to the top of the support, the top is pinched, and two or three apical shoots are directed to grow downward.
Water the plants in the morning with warm water, its temperature should be about 24 ° C. They are fed with complex fertilizers as needed. Air humidity when grown indoors should be 70 or 80%, drafts should not be allowed, cucumbers do not like them.
From the description of the “April” cucumber it follows that this is an early ripening and high-yielding hybrid. You can enjoy delicious cucumbers with sweetish crispy flesh even in winter by planting seeds in a pot on the windowsill.