Apricots – properties, nutritional values. Apricots in the diet [WE EXPLAIN]

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Apricots have versatile properties and uses. Its fruit and stone are used. They are recommended for athletes, anemics, people with hyperacidity and digestive problems. Most often, fresh and dried apricot fruit are eaten. But do dried apricots have more calories than fresh ones? Are they equally healthy?

Apricots – what are they?

Opinions about the origin of apricot fruit are very divided. However, there is absolutely no doubt that this is one of the most amazing fruits that nature has created. This stone fruit, which looks like a peach but actually tastes like purple plums, is sometimes referred to as an Armenian fruit. Compared to peaches, apricots are small gold – orange fruits, with a velvety skin and flesh. They are not very juicy, but definitely sweeter. Apricot fruit usually weighs around 35 grams and can grow to about 4-5 cm in diameter.

Apricots – nutritional values

Apricots are an extremely nutritious fruit rich in vitamins and minerals. It contains vitamins A, C, E and potassium, fiber, fats and carbohydrates. Furthermore, these fruits are a worthy source of beta-carotene and zeaxanthin, all of which are powerful antioxidants that help fight free radicals in the body. In addition, 100 grams of apricots contain approx. 48 kcal. A medium-sized apricot is about 55 grams, so one contains about 20 – 26 kcal.


Apricots are best eaten raw with the skin, because it contains the highest amounts of precious fiber and nutrients.

The juice that flows from the apricot trunk can be consumed orally and has anti-duodenal and gastric ulcer disease properties. It contains substances such as mineral salts, proteins and glycuronic acid (an anti-rheumatic agent). Apricot kernel also has its use, popular in Chinese natural medicine. They are used to produce oil that helps fight respiratory diseases.

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Apricots – antioxidants

Apricots are a great source of a lot antioxidants including beta carotene and vitamins A, C and E. Moreover, apricots belong to the group of fruits in which there are polyphenolic antioxidants called flavonoids. They protect against many diseases, including diabetes and heart disease.

The main flavonoids in apricots are chlorogenic acids, catechins and quercetin. These compounds work to neutralize the free radicals that damage the body’s cells and cause them Oxidative stress – affects the development of heart disease and obesity.

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Apricots and sight

Apricots are fruits that help maintain the proper health of our eyes. This is due to the vitamins A and E they contain. Vitamin A plays an important role in preventing night blindness and macular degeneration. Vitamin E is a fat-soluble antioxidant, so it protects them from the effects free radicals. Beta carotene, which gives apricots their yellow-orange color – serves as a precursor to vitamin A. Thanks to this, the human body can convert vitamin A.

Other important carotenoids found in apricots are lutein and zeaxanthin. They are located in the lenses and retinas of the eyes and protect against oxidative stress.

See also: Macular degeneration is one of the most common causes of blindness in adults

Apricots and healthy skin

Frequent consumption of apricots can have a positive effect on the condition of our skin. Vitamins C and E contained in this fruit have positive properties affecting human skin. Vitamin C in particular protects against the harmful effects of UV rays and environmental pollution by neutralizing free radicals. In addition, this vitamin helps build collagen, which gives the skin vitality and elasticity. A diet rich in vitamin C helps in reducing skin damage caused by UV radiation and preventing wrinkles. Beta carotene, another apricot nutrient, may protect against sunburn. Apricot kernel oil is a component of the Vianek intensely nourishing night cream, intended for the care of all skin types – the cosmetic is available on Medonet Market.

See what the healthiest fruits are

Apricots for a healthy intestine

Consuming apricots can have a positive effect on the functioning of our digestive system, thanks to the fiber content. One cup (165 grams) of sliced ​​apricots provides approx 3,3 grams of fiber, which is respectively 8,6 percent. and 13,2 percent daily dose for men and women.

Apricots contain soluble and insoluble fiber. The soluble type is water-soluble and includes lisaccharides, while the other type is water-insoluble and includes cellulose, hemicellulose, pectin, and lignin. Apricots are especially high in soluble fiber, which is important for maintaining healthy blood sugar levels as well cholesterol.

Apricots – a rich source of potassium

Apricots are fruits that contain large amounts of potassium. In the human body, it acts as an electrolyte. It is responsible for sending nerve signals and regulates the work of muscles and the level of body fluids. Two apricots (70 grams) provide 181 mg of potassium. Because this ingredient works closely with sodium to help maintain fluid balance, among other things, adequate consumption of it can help prevent gas and maintain normal blood pressure.

Also read on to see what can cause a potassium deficiency

Apricots and body irrigation

Like most fruits, apricots have a naturally high water content. Thanks to the consumption of these fruits, we can help ourselves to regulate blood pressure, body temperature, ensure the health of bones and joints, and even affect the proper functioning of the heart.. One cup (165 grams) of sliced ​​fresh apricots provides nearly 2/3 cup (142 ml) of water.

Since most people don’t drink enough water, eating fresh fruit, including apricots, can help with your daily needs. Of course, this will not replenish your body’s optimal water level, but it will help you stay hydrated.

Apricots and anti-inflammatory effect

Apricots are a source of catechins, belonging to the flavonoid phytonutrient family. A single apricot will provide 4-5 grams of catechins. These phytonutrients are powerful, anti-inflammatory nutrients. Scientists have discovered that catechins can inhibit the activity of an enzyme called cyclo-oxygenase-2 (COX-2), which is one of the key steps in the inflammatory process. Many studies have shown that catechin-rich foods can protect blood vessels from damage associated with inflammationleading to better blood pressure control.

Fresh apricot vs dried apricot

Both fresh and dried apricot fruits have their pros and cons. With the latter, the most distinct advantage is that drying the apricots gives the fruit a longer shelf life.

Percentage of water, minerals and vitamins will vary depending on the form of the fruit. However, in terms of differences, drying fruit concentrates nutrients and calories, for example:

  1. one cup of fresh apricots, cut in half, contains about 86 percent water and 48 calories
  2. in turn, a similar cup of dried apricots contains much less water and about 212 calories,
  3. fresh apricots contain about 3,3 grams of fiber and dried apricots contain about 9 grams of fiber.  

Dried apricots can provide a higher concentration of nutrients compared to the original, non-dried form of the fruit. If you do some physical activity, especially if you like hiking, dried apricots are the perfect snack as they provide a lot of energy.

However, the greater concentration of calories in dried apricots can be a hindrance if you are trying to lose weight. The heat from the drying process can also affect heat-sensitive nutrients such as vitamin C, reducing its amount.

The fruit can also be dried with frost, thanks to which the color, shape and smell of the fruit do not change. The properties of apricots also remain unchanged. We recommend Crunchy plum & apricot – crispy freeze-dried plums and apricots.

See why vitamin C divides oncologists

Dried apricots and the skeletal system

Postmenopausal women and many people experience loss of bone density as they age. It is actually one of the most common causes of bone diseases such as osteoarthritis and osteoporosis.

Dried apricots contain boron, a natural mineral with amazing health benefits. Scientific research has shown that boron may play a variety of essential roles in the functional properties of bone health. Evidence suggests that boron may help with overall bone health, bone healing and bone metabolism.

Dried apricots and anemia

Pregnant and menstruating women are very often at risk of developing anemia (anemia). This is a condition where there are not enough normal red blood cells in the blood to carry oxygen to the body’s tissues. Anemia can be a temporary or long-term condition that results from iron deficiency. Eating iron-rich foods is the best way to prevent and treat anemia. Dried apricots, a cup of dried apricots to be precise, provides 3,5 milligrams of iron. Despite the fact that this dose does not meet the daily nutritional requirements for iron, apricots have an additional advantage – a high content of vitamin C, which increases the absorption of iron in our body.

Check what you need to eat to raise iron levels in your blood

Dried apricots – nutritional recommendations

At present, there is no specific maximum daily intake of dried apricots. The general rule is that half a cup of dried fruit is considered a full glass of fresh fruit.

Keep in mind that dried apricots are full of nutrients and essential compounds, but also high in calories. So you can limit your servings and start with half to one cup of dried apricots a day.

Apricots – how to introduce them into the diet?

Like any other fruit, apricot can be eaten in many ways. The dried and fresh versions are the most popular. For example, you can chop them up and add to your morning corn or oat flakes. You can even mix them with yogurt and make a bread dip or paste (if you don’t mind a sweet sandwich). Apricots are also widely used in jams and preserves.

Apricot tarts, cakes, cookies are also popular, but you can also enrich the taste of some salads. This fruit goes well with green salads, feta cheese and almonds. And all you need to complete your salad is a little balsamic dressing!

Of course, dried apricots are easier to store, as long as we don’t keep them in too much light. Fresh apricots need to be eaten faster as the peel may wrinkle and the fruit may even rot.

Apricot oil is extracted from the seeds of the apricot fruit. It is widely used in cosmetics and massage parlors. The main fatty acids present in this oil are healthy, unsaturated fatty acids such as oleic and linoleic acids, belonging to the omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Thanks to this, it exhibits moisturizing and inflammation-reducing properties. It is also used as a carrier of essential oils in aromatherapy.


In the XNUMXth century, apricots were considered to have aphrodisiac properties, as Shakespeare suggested in A Midsummer Night’s Dream.

Apricots – contraindications

Not everyone should eat apricots. They are not recommended for diabetics because they contain a large amount of sucrose (up to 84%). Fresh fruit is best eaten alone or in combination with other fruits, but not with plums, figs, milk, cucumbers, and should not be washed down with raw water. Such combinations can cause gastric revolutions. Ingesting too much (approx. 10) can also cause diarrhea. 3-4 pieces a day are recommended.

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