Apricot variety “Northern Triumph”: characteristics and description

Many people love apricots very much, but it is not always possible to grow this tree in their garden. This is due to many reasons, including climatic features. Thanks to selection work, today it is possible to choose a variety that will meet all the climatic and soil requirements of your garden. In this article, we will analyze such a variety as the Northern Triumph apricot. Here we will consider the description of the variety, its advantages, as well as the features of planting and care.

Variety description

Apricot Triumph northern is most common in the Central Black Earth region. It was bred by crossing apricot varieties Severny early with Krasnoshchekiy.

Outwardly, it is a rather vigorous tree, which is characterized by the presence of a wide and spreading crown. Usually the skeletal branches are quite thick. They diverge from the trunk to the sides at an angle of 45 degrees. They have many branches with numerous, pointed and large leaves. 

Apricot variety Northern Triumph: characteristics and description

The tree begins to bear fruit three to four years after planting. Every year the intensity of the harvest increases. Productivity is high and can reach 64 kg. Fruit weight is about 60 g. 

Apricot Triumph Northern is characterized by slightly oblong fruits. Apricots are very juicy, fragrant and sweet. Their maturation occurs in the middle of summer and towards its end (end of July and beginning of August). The stone is large with a sweet kernel. It is easily separated from the pulp, has an orange color.

Apricots are oval-round in shape with a medium-thick peel, which is slightly lowered. It has an orange-yellow color with small areas of light green or green hues. Sometimes a dark red or purple blush can be found on the fruits. The skin has a sour taste, although the flesh itself is sweet, tender and juicy.

The fruits stick well on the tree and do not fall off in strong winds. Basically, apricots are consumed fresh, but they are also quite suitable for conservation.

The tree is considered early-growing, characterized by periods of productivity that alternate with recessions.

The life expectancy of a tree is about 25 years. Apricot variety Triumph Severny is characterized by increased resistance to various diseases. The most dangerous diseases for the Triumph of the North are: cytosporosis, moniliosis, clasterosporiasis and verticillosis. It also has strong resistance to even the most severe frosts. But the flower buds have an average winter hardiness. This type of apricot is classified as a self-pollinating variety.

Advantages of the variety

Separately, we should dwell on the merits of the Northern Triumph, which made it so popular among gardeners.

The main advantages of this type of apricot include:

  • rapid onset of fruiting;
  • quality taste characteristics of fruits. In addition to large sizes, juicy and fragrant pulp, the taste of apricot will delight all lovers of these fruits. Some claim they taste like almonds;
  • strong attachment of apricot to branches;
  • this is one of the most reliable varieties grown in the Non-Black Earth region;
  • excellent resistance to spring and winter frosts;
  • resistance to most diseases;
  • very beautiful early flowering.

Features of planting and care

The peculiarities of planting this type of fruit tree include the fact that the planting material itself is quite problematic to find, and cultivating it on your own is considered a rather laborious process. It is possible to buy a seedling in a specialized nursery.

When transporting the seedling to the planting site, it is necessary to ensure that the root system does not become weathered and does not dry out.

The best time to plant a tree is spring. But, in the case when the root system of the seedling is closed, it can be planted in the fall.

Apricot variety Northern Triumph: characteristics and description

Propagation can be done in two ways: by seeds or by grafting.

Experienced gardeners believe that a tree that has been grown from a stone will be more viable, and the tolerance for temperature changes will increase.

When grown from stone, it is planted in the ground in summer. In this case, the soil must be periodically moistened. You can also plant them in the spring. It is believed that the optimal time for planting is May.

Before planting, organic and mineral fertilizers must be applied to the ground. The stone is placed at a depth of 0,07 m. After that, the beds must be mulched with peat, humus or sawdust. During the summer period, it is possible to grow a seedling by one meter. A year later, you can transplant or use as a vaccination.

Seedlings should be planted before the buds wake up (at the end of April). Landing pits should be prepared in the fall. Their size is 70x70x70. The distance between the trees should be about 5 meters. Drainage is placed at the bottom of the pit and soil mixture and fertilizers are added. After planting an apricot, a watering circle is formed near it and 2 buckets of water are poured. Branches can be pinned with hooks to the ground.

After that, the care of the tree consists in the periodic pruning of excess branches. It is made in early spring. Sections are covered with pitch or paint. There is no need to cover the tree for the winter. Apricot is whitewashed with an admixture of copper sulfate.

Be sure to carry out periodic watering. The subcortex is carried out during the flowering period and before harvesting.

It is very good to plant nasturtiums around the apricot to reduce the risk of damage by aphids.

Video “Proper planting of an apricot”

In this video you can get acquainted with the stages of planting an apricot seedling.

By adhering to these rules, you will get a strong, healthy and well-bearing tree.

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