Apricot tincture: 5 recipes at home

Any beginner can make an apricot tincture. All recipes require a minimum of experience and complex manipulations, and the final drink will undoubtedly please with its taste and aroma.

They also make apricots: brandy, home brew and moonshine, liquor, liqueurs, wine, syrup

Sweet apricot tincture on vodka

Let’s start with the simplest option: a classic drink made from fresh ripe fruits.

List of ingredients

  1. Apricots – 1 kg

  2. Sugar – 1 kg

  3. Vodka – 1 l

Method of preparation

  1. Wash the apricots, remove the pits from them and put them in a jar of a suitable size.

  2. Fill the container with fruit to the top with vodka, close the lid and put it in a sunny place for a month.

  3. Then drain the liquid into a clean container, and cover the unsqueezed apricots with sugar, close the lid again and return to their original place for another half a month. This time, the jar should be shaken from time to time to speed up the dissolution of the sugar.

  4. After the expiration of the above period, filter the contents of the jar, squeeze the apricot pulp into it through cheesecloth and mix thoroughly.

  5. The resulting sugar solution is gradually added to the apricot vodka. At this stage, there is a danger of over-sweetening the drink; accordingly, as the sugar component is added, the tincture must be tasted periodically (see, do not overdo it).

  6. Almost ready tincture should ripen for another week in a dark, cool place.

  7. Next, the liquid is filtered again and finally bottled.

Apricot tincture on alcohol with honey and mint

The drink is recommended to be used not only for entertainment, but also for medical purposes (in particular, for gastritis, swelling and diseases of the cardiovascular system).

List of ingredients

  1. Apricot fresh – 500 ml

  2. Water-alcohol solution (60-70 degrees) – 500 ml

  3. Water – 300 ml

  4. Honey – 150 g

  5. Peppermint – 25 g

Method of preparation

  1. Pour boiling water over mint and insist under the lid for 5 hours.  

  2. Strain the broth and mix it with alcohol, honey and apricot fresh juice (of course, store-bought juice can also be used, but it will not be so bright).

  3. Pour the resulting mixture into a jar, close the lid and send for half a month in a dark, warm place (at the same time, the liquid must be shaken periodically during the first week).

  4. The finished tincture should be well filtered and bottled for later use.

Apricot kernel tincture

It is also a tincture of apricot kernels, it is also a tincture of apricot pit, it is also a tincture of apricot kernels. Whatever it is called, at the exit you will get a very refined drink with an almond flavor, somewhat reminiscent of many people’s favorite amaretto.

For cooking, both good vodka and food alcohol diluted to a strength of 45-50 degrees are suitable.

Shake it is not recommended in this case to use even very well-purified moonshine. Apricot kernel tincture on moonshine, due to the excessive saturation of the alcohol component, will largely lose the very almond flavor that is so valued in this drink.

List of ingredients

  1. Apricots – 1 kg

  2. Vodka / Alcohol 40% – 500 ml

  3. Sugars – 250 g

  4. Cloves – 2-3 pcs.

  5. Cinnamon – 1 pinch

  6. Vanilla – 1 pinch

Method of preparation

  1. Separate the washed and dried apricots from the pits.

  2. Peel the kernels from the seeds and grind them thoroughly.

  3. Fruits, kernels and spices are placed in a glass jar and filled with alcohol. Close the container tightly with a lid and determine for a month in a dark, warm place.

  4. Carefully strain and filter the tincture prepared in this way.

  5. Then it is bottled and, if desired, is sent to ripen in a cool dark place for another month.

Apricot kernel tincture

Apricot tincture

Unlike the previous version, this non-traditional tincture is made on moonshine and only on moonshine. Actually, the purpose of this operation is nothing more than the refinement of homemade distillate.

It all started with the creation of an imitation of aging moonshine in an oak barrel by means of insisting the finished product on oak chips. Subsequently, some unnamed folk experimenters tried to use chips of other deciduous trees instead of oak; including apricot. In the latter case, the drink acquired a kind of soft velvety aftertaste, appreciated by many lovers of alcoholic exoticism.

List of ingredients

  1. Moonshine (45-50 degrees) – 10 l

  2. Apricot chips – 200-300 g

Method of preparation

  1. Peel a dry apricot log from the bark, then chop it into pegs with a diameter of 2 cm and a length of 10 cm.

  2. Soak the chips for a day in cold water (change the water every 8 hours).

  3. Then, for 6 hours, hold the pegs in a soda solution (30 g of soda per 5 liters of water). Rinse the wood, throw it into a pot of water and boil it over low heat for 50 minutes.

  4. Next, rinse the wood chips again and dry in a well-ventilated shade throughout the day. After that, “brown” the pegs in the oven for 2 hours at a temperature of 140-160 ° C and store them in a warm, very dry place.

  5. Before direct use, the wood chips should be heat-treated by laying them out on an oven or microwave oven grate. With light firing of wood (the appearance of the first haze), the moonshine infused on it will acquire a light fruity and floral aftertaste; with medium roasting (the appearance of a smoky smell) – we get a drink with a caramel-nutty taste, accompanied by spicy notes; with strong roasting (the tree begins to change color) – the tincture will acquire a smoky taste with a subtle chocolate overtones.

  6. Put the fried wood chips in a bottle and pour moonshine.

  7. Keep the container under a tight lid in a dark, cool place from 3 months to six months.

  8. After 3 months, the drink should be tasted periodically until it acquires the optimal taste for you.

  9. If you are satisfied with the result of the tasting, strain the drink through cheesecloth, bottle it, let it rest for another week and invite guests.

Exquisite apricot tincture


  1. Vodka – 1 l

  2. Apricot fresh – 400 ml

  3. Apricot kernels – 1 cup

  4. Sugars – 800 g

  5. Chopped coriander and cloves – 2 g each

Method of preparation

  1. Grind apricot kernels well, mix with apricot juice, spices and sugar.

  2. Stir until sugar dissolves, pour vodka and pour into a large container.

  3. Close, insist 30 days in a warm place.

  4. Strain thoroughly and pour into dry bottles, cork tightly and store in a cool place.

Relevance: 21.06.2018

Tags: Liqueurs, Liqueurs, Tinctures, Recipes for tinctures

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