Apricot is a medium-sized fruit tree common in the southern regions of Our Country. In the middle lane, such a plant began to be grown recently, after the appearance of species resistant to negative factors. Description of the apricot variety Orlovchanin will help in growing a hybrid fruit crop.

History of breeding

Orlovchanin is a relatively new variety of apricots. He was taken out in 2000. Initially, the variety was intended for cultivation in the Central Black Earth region, which covers the Voronezh, Kursk, Oryol, Tambov and Lipetsk regions. Subsequently, the apricot was grown for experimental purposes in Siberia, where it showed resistance to low temperatures.

The variety was bred by a group of specialists from the All- Research Institute of Fruit Crops Breeding, which is located in the Oryol region. In 2006, the variety was included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements.

Variety description

Apricot trees Orlovchanin medium-sized. The plant is strongly branched, with a dense spreading crown. Shoots brown, without growths. The foliage is large, ovoid, smooth, without villi.

Apricot Orlovchanin: description, photo, self-fertile or not

The average height of Orlovchanin apricots is 2,5 m

Apricot Orlovchanin is a high-yielding variety. The fruits are round, rarely oval, yellow. Some have a slight reddish tinge. The pubescence is weak. The average weight of one fetus is 33 g.

The flesh inside is bright yellow, mealy, without hard veins. The taste of the fruit is sweet and sour. The stone is easily separated from the pulp.


Orlovchanin, like any other type of apricot, has a set of specific properties and qualities. These characteristics reflect the varietal affiliation and are taken into account when planting and growing crops.

Drought resistance, winter hardiness

Apricot is a fruit crop that is most often grown in southern countries, where rainfall is irregular and the air temperature is high. This explains the plant’s resistance to drought. Variety Orlovchanin is resistant to a long absence of watering. The condition of the fruit tree and the yield is not affected by the frequency of rainfall.

Important! Drought is a danger only for young seedlings that are growing recently. They need abundant watering for rooting.

Sudden temperature changes are also not afraid of the Orlovchanin apricot. Mature plants can withstand frost down to -35 degrees. Young specimens are sensitive to cold, so they need shelter in the first year after landing in the ground.

Apricot pollinators Orlovchanin

The need for pollinators depends on whether the variety is self-fertile or not. This is true for fruit crops, whose productivity directly depends on additional pollination.

Cultivar Orlovchanin is partially self-fertile. Without pollination, the plant produces a crop, but less plentiful. Self-pollination of a crop can be aggravated by adverse weather conditions.

To ensure a high yield, the following varieties are planted next to Orlovchanin:

  • Tsunami;
  • Pineapple;
  • Gold Rich;
  • Early Orange;
  • Kyoto;
  • Mlievsky early.

Any type of apricot can act as a pollinator. The main requirement is that their flowering period must coincide with the Orlovchanin.

Flowering period and ripening period

Budding occurs at the end of March. Flowering begins closer to mid-April. The average duration is 2 weeks. The flowers are five-petalled, white with a yellow center, up to 2 cm in diameter.

Apricot Orlovchanin: description, photo, self-fertile or not

Flowering dates may be shifted under adverse climatic conditions.

Variety Orlovchanin of medium ripening. Harvesting is usually carried out in mid-late June.

yield, fruiting

Apricot Orlovchanin begins to bear fruit 3-4 years after planting the seedling in the ground. The yield of the variety is very high. The plant bears fruit abundantly every year, subject to cultivation technology.

From 1 tree, from 20 to 60 kg of fruits are harvested. The main factor affecting the yield is whether the Orlovchanin apricot is pollinated or not.

Scope of fruits

The harvested crop is suitable for various purposes. The fruits have a pleasant taste, so they are consumed fresh. Apricots tolerate heat treatment well, they are preserved with subsequent sterilization of containers.

Variety Orlovchanin is suitable for making jams, jams, drinks, various desserts. Also, apricots can be dried for the winter, increasing the shelf life of the fruit many times over.

Disease and pest resistance

Variety Orlovchanin is sensitive to fungal infections. An exception is clasterosporiasis. This disease is very rare among representatives of the variety.

Like other types of apricots, Orlovchanin can be affected by pests. Therefore, the agricultural technology of such a culture provides for the implementation of preventive measures.

Advantages and disadvantages

The selection of apricots for planting on the site is carried out taking into account numerous criteria. The variety Orlovchanin is characterized by many advantages, which should be considered when choosing.

The main advantages of the variety:

  • high yields;
  • ease of tree care;
  • resistance to cold, drought;
  • small tree height, which simplifies harvesting;
  • the possibility of growing in any region;
  • excellent fruit taste.

The main disadvantage of Orlovchanin apricots is susceptibility to fungal diseases. The yield of the variety may decrease if the flower buds freeze in the spring.

Features of landing

To obtain a good harvest, it is necessary to follow the Orlovchanin apricot cultivation technology. The initial stage is the correct planting of a fruit crop on the site.

Recommended dates

In the southern regions, apricots can be planted both in spring and autumn. For the middle lane, winter landing is recommended.

Important! In the spring, it is dangerous to transfer seedlings to the ground due to the risk of night frosts.
Apricot Orlovchanin: description, photo, self-fertile or not

In autumn, the Orlovchanin apricot is planted in September or early October.

The main condition is that at least 1 month must pass before the first frost from the moment of planting, so that the plant has time to adapt.

Choosing the right place

For apricot Orlovchanin, you need a site that is well lit by sunlight. The plant does not tolerate shading well. It is also not recommended to plant a tree in partial shade.

The soil for the fruit tree should be light and well-drained. For apricot Orlovchanin, slightly acidic sandy or loamy soils are best suited. Groundwater should not lie close to the roots to eliminate the risk of flooding during heavy rainfall.

What crops can and cannot be planted next to an apricot

The Orlovchanin variety can be planted in the same area next to other plants. However, not all crops are allowed to be planted.

Next to the apricot you can plant:

  • pears;
  • quince;
  • plums;
  • viburnum;
  • persimmon;
  • mulberry;
  • cherry;
  • cherry
  • nut;
  • would take

It is strongly not recommended to plant currant and raspberry bushes next to apricots. Also an undesirable neighborhood for Orlovchanin are apple trees and coniferous plants.

Selection and preparation of planting material

Seedlings are purchased in specialized stores or nurseries. When choosing, you need to inspect a young plant and make sure that there are no defects.

Optimum seedling characteristics:

  • age from 1 to 2 years;
  • height – up to 2 m;
  • the presence of at least 2 strong shoots;
  • strong, well-developed root system with a large number of processes;
  • no damage to the bark, signs of rot.

It is best to purchase seedlings whose roots are immersed in an earthen ball. If they are open, then such a plant should be planted in the ground as soon as possible.

Landing algorithm

When planting a plant in open ground, you need to follow a simple instruction. Failure to comply with the planting technology can lead to the fact that the Orlovchanin apricot will grow slowly and produce a poor harvest.

Landing method:

  1. Prepare a planting hole 60 cm deep.
  2. Fill 1/3 with a mixture of fertile loose soil and compost.
  3. A wooden stake, 1,5 m high, is placed in the center of the pit as a support.
  4. Place the seedling, straighten the roots, fill the space between them with earth.
  5. Fill the hole with soil mixture so that the root neck is 2-3 cm above the surface.
  6. Tie the seedling to the support.
  7. Pour 2-3 buckets of settled water.
Apricot Orlovchanin: description, photo, self-fertile or not

On the north side, the apricot must be protected from strong winds.

In the first few weeks after planting, the plant needs a lot of liquid. Therefore, watering is carried out every 2-3 days.

Features of apricot. Planting and caring for apricots

Aftercare for apricot

In spring, the tree needs to be pruned, removing dried branches and pieces of bark. If necessary, remove the top of the crown to stimulate the growth of new shoots. This pruning is done every 2 years.

Apricot Orlovchanin does not need regular watering. The liquid is applied in April once before the start of flowering.

Important! In May, the apricot is watered twice. During this period, ovaries appear, from which fruits are formed.

When ripe, water again. After that, the plant is left without liquid until autumn. The last watering is carried out in early October, so that the roots of the plant have time to saturate with moisture before wintering.

Variety Orlovchanin responds well to top dressing. The first time fertilizer is applied in the spring at the beginning of warming. The tree is sprayed with solutions from urea.

The second top dressing is basal. Make superphosphate and ammonium nitrate. Re-fertilizers are given before and after flowering.

Diseases and pests

Often you can see a photo of an apricot of the Orlovchanin variety, affected by a fungus. The plant is susceptible to infections. Therefore, competent prevention of diseases and treatment in case of their occurrence is required.

Main diseases of apricot:

  • cytosporosis;
  • bacterial necrosis;
  • apricot burn;
  • phyllostictosis.

When signs of disease appear, affected apricot shoots should be removed so that the infection does not spread. The tree is sprayed with a complex fungicide or copper sulfate. Chlorine is considered an effective antifungal agent.

Apricot Orlovchanin: description, photo, self-fertile or not

The appearance of brown spots on the leaves is the main sign of phyllostictosis

Common pests of the Orlovchanin apricot:

  • aphid;
  • leaflet;
  • moth;
  • American butterfly;
  • spider mite.

Affected fruits must be collected and disposed of. For preventive purposes, it is necessary to clean off the old bark from the tree. In winter, the soil around the plant is dug up so that the larvae die from the cold. The most effective method of pest control is the use of insecticides.


The description of the apricot variety Orlovchanin contains comprehensive information about this fruit crop. Such information will help gardeners when planting and caring for the plant. Subject to simple rules of agricultural technology, the Orlovchanin variety gives a good harvest. Therefore, this variety is considered one of the best for home cultivation.

Reviews about apricot variety Orlovchanin

Tatyana Stepanchuk, 44 years old, Tambov.
Variety Orlovchanin was advised by a neighbor in the dacha. He has been growing apricots for sale for many years. The tree began to bear fruit 3 years after planting. However, it does not require special conditions for growing.
Andrey Zinchuk, 38 years old, Krasnodar.
Apricot Orlovchanin is known for its resistance to cold and drought. This is easy to verify by planting a tree in your garden. To get a good harvest, constant watering or regular fertilizing is not required.
Svetlana Osipova, 53 years old, Kaluga.
Orlovchanin is one of the highest yielding varieties. Every year we collect about 50 kg of fruits from one tree. All of them are very tasty, are stored for a long time and are suitable for different preparations.

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