Apricot Northern Triumph

The popular Triumph Northern apricot is a gift from breeders to gardeners in cold regions. The qualitative characteristics of the variety help to grow a heat-loving crop in Central Our Country.

History of breeding

The variety was obtained as a result of the work of the breeder A. N. Venyaminov in 1938. The scientist crossed the Krasnochekiy variety (southern large-fruited) with the early Zabaikalsky Severny apricot. The cultivar was bred and zoned in the Central Black Earth region. After 20 years in 1954, the cuttings of the Northern Triumph came to the Far East, to Khabarovsk. After grafting onto seedlings and the crown of the “Best Michurinsky” variety, it began to spread throughout the regions of Our Country. Apricot Triumph of the North fully showed the qualities inherent in it and won the gratitude of gardeners. A little about the variety:

apricot Triumph northern

Description of the culture

The external parameters of the apricot variety are needed by the gardener for proper site planning. The height of the tree and the spreading of the crown affect the placement of fruit crops. This variety has a spreading crown, and the height of the Triumph of the North apricot in adulthood is 4 m.

Apricot Northern Triumph

Branching is medium, skeletal branches and tree trunk are thick. When marking the garden, the area necessary for the growth and nutrition of the apricot should be taken into account. The tree is actively developing.

The leaf plates are large, the edges on them are pointed.

The flowers are large, white. The pistils are much longer than the stamens. In years with an early onset of spring, flowers form without pistils. Scientists explain this fact by a shift in natural timing and a lack of heat.

The fruits are slightly elongated, the weight of one varies between 30-40 g, but with regular care it reaches 50-60 g. The color of apricots during the harvest period is yellow-pink, the taste is sweet.

Apricot Northern Triumph

Like most northern varieties, the fruits look like cherry plums. Peel with a slight pubescence, medium thickness. The pulp is juicy, it is separated from the stone very easily. The bone is big. Apricots hold tightly on the tree, even with a strong wind, falling is not observed.

Attention! More detailed information about the beneficial qualities and dangers of apricots can be found in the article.

The variety Triumph of the North is best adapted to the climate conditions in the Central region. A good photo of Triumph Severny apricot for fruit lovers:

Apricot Northern Triumph


The description of the main characteristics contains the originator’s assessments and reviews about the apricot Triumph of the North. Among them should be highlighted:

  1. The edibility and taste of seeds resembling almonds. This quality of the Triumph Severny apricot is very much appreciated by culinary specialists.
  2. The early maturity of the variety. The first fruiting is noted for 5 years after planting.
  3. Self-pollination. Pollinators are not required for Triumph Severny apricot, the variety bears excellent fruit in single plantings.
  4. Resistance to the main diseases of the culture, especially to fungal infections. The variety does not require frequent preventive treatments. Amenable to quick cure when problems arise.
  5. Apricot Triumph North demonstrates good adaptive ability of the bark to temperature changes. But, it should be noted that the kidneys are more susceptible to cold and can freeze slightly.

The life span and fruiting of an apricot is 40 years. Some growers see this as a positive trait, while others would like a more durable variety.

Drought resistance, winter resistance

The most valuable characteristic of the Triumph Severny apricot variety for Central Our Country is frost resistance. The branches of the variety without damage tolerate frost down to -40 ° C, but with a constant indicator. As soon as sudden changes in temperature begin, annual shoots can freeze slightly. Then fruiting continues for two or three years. Kidneys react worse to low temperatures, their frost resistance is classified as medium. Apricot Triumph Northern does not bloom in years with sudden spring frosts. The roots are located close to the surface, so the variety does not tolerate prolonged drought. Winter hardiness of apricot varieties Northern Triumph is considered above average.

Pollination, flowering period and ripening period

Pollinators are not required for this self-fertile variety. You can increase the yield by group planting with apricots Amur, Best Michurinsky. Other varieties are also suitable, the flowering period of which coincides with the Triumph of the North. The tree blooms earlier than other species, the harvest is ready for harvest in the last decade of July or early August.

Apricot Northern Triumph

yield, fruiting

The first crop is harvested from a tree at the age of 3-4 years. Usually it is 4-5 kg ​​per plant. As the apricot matures, the yield increases steadily. The average value for a tree at the age of 10 years is 60-65 kg per plant. Reviews of gardeners about apricot Triumph North indicate the instability of fruiting. Harvest years alternate with dormant periods. This is due to the tree’s need to recuperate. Prolong the fruiting age allows competent pruning of the tree.

Scope of fruits

Fruits of a grade gentle, fragrant, tasty. Fresh apricots are good, they are also suitable for harvesting.

Attention! You can read more about how to harvest apricots in the article.

Disease and pest resistance

For gardeners, the resistance of apricot varieties to fungal infections is important. It shows good resistance to most diseases. In years with adverse weather conditions, it can suffer from cytosporosis, verticillosis, monilliosis, and clasterosporiosis.

Advantages and disadvantages

Compared to other varieties, the Triumph of the North has a lot of advantages. The main advantages of this apricot are:

  1. Rapid onset of fruiting.
  2. Taste characteristics of fruits.
  3. Frost resistance
  4. Durability of fruits and flowers.
  5. The suitability of kernels for eating.
  6. Self-pollination.
  7. Disease resistance.
  8. Decorative tree at the time of flowering.

Apricot Northern Triumph

There is no consensus among gardeners about the shortcomings. Some are dissatisfied with the size of the fruit, others do not like the quality of the blanks. But more significant disadvantages should be considered the possibility of freezing of flower buds and the irregularity of fruiting.

Features of landing

One of the main problems is the difficulty in acquiring high-quality planting material. Self-growing seedlings is quite laborious, so it is better to buy them in nurseries.

Recommended dates 

Numerous reviews of the Northern Triumph apricot in the Moscow region indicate that it is best for the region to plant young trees in spring in April. But it should be noted that you should not be late with landing. Apricot enters the sap flow phase early, so earthworks must be completed before this moment.

In autumn, trees tolerate planting only with a closed root system or in the south.

Choosing the right place 

In the Middle lane, the best place to plant an apricot would be a sunny area protected from the cold wind. It is best if it is the south side of the building or fence. For the Northern Triumph, it is important that during the spring snowmelt the trunk does not stand in the water. Therefore, a southern slope with an inclination angle of 10° is chosen. On flat areas, you will need to make a hill. The groundwater level is 2 meters. It is recommended to choose a soil with a neutral reaction or to carry out preparatory measures to reduce the acidity index in the soil.

What crops can and cannot be planted next to an apricot

Apricot refers to plants-individualists. Triumph should not be planted in close proximity to other fruit trees and shrubs. It is better to allocate a separate area in the garden for the variety. Only plantings of different types of apricots are well combined.

Selection and preparation of planting material

The best solution is to buy a seedling in a specialized nursery or store.

Important! The root system of an apricot seedling should be tightly packed.

It is best to purchase planting material in a container. Then the seedling takes root and develops easier. In a well-formed tree, the root system should exceed the crown by 2 times in volume.

Landing algorithm

Planting an apricot Triumph North has its own algorithm that allows a young plant to quickly take root in a new place. Need:

  1. Dig a hole 60 cm in size and 70 cm deep.
  2. Prepare a nutrient mixture of peat, sand, clay, garden soil in equal amounts.
  3. Pour the mixture into the bottom of the hole with a mound.

    Apricot Northern Triumph

  4. Place the roots of the seedling on top of the mound and straighten.
  5. Put a peg next to it.
  6. Fill the hole in layers, alternating soil and watering.
  7. Leave the root neck above the soil surface at least 2 cm.
  8. Tamp the soil and water the plant.

A distance of 4 m is left between the trees. A young Triumph apricot will require attention and caring care.

Culture aftercare

Growing an apricot Triumph North is a simple task even for beginner gardeners. The main thing is to give the seedling enough attention in the first year of life.

Watering is necessary in spring and in the middle of summer. For young trees, 30 liters of water per 1 sq. m., for adults not less than 50 liters. In August, watering is suspended.

Top dressing. Nitrogen components are needed by the variety before flowering and after fruit set. Quantity 30 g per 1 square. m.

Potassium components are added during the fruiting period (40 g per 1 sq. M).

Superphosphate is needed before flowering and after it is completed (60 g per 1 sq. M).

Manure is laid in the ground when digging once every 3 years (3-4 kg per 1 sq. M).

Pruning helps to regulate the yield of the variety. Immediately after planting, the branches of the seedling are shortened by a third to start laying the crown. In adulthood, annual pruning in spring and autumn is required.

Preparation for winter consists in whitewashing the trunk and branches with a special garden solution. This event also protects the plant from rodents. Additionally, they dig up the soil and cover the trunk with a material that allows air and water to pass through.

Important! Polyethylene is not used for these purposes!

It is necessary to watch when the Triumph Northern apricot wakes up. This happens when the first warm days come. Be sure to take frost protection measures so that the flower buds do not freeze. How to revive the Northern Triumph apricot after the winter, if the buds do not bloom for a long time? It is necessary to water the tree with an anti-stress preparation and feed it with nitrogenous fertilizers.

Harvesting and recycling

If the fruits are to be eaten raw or dried, they are harvested fully ripe. To transport the crop, you need to collect apricots at the stage of technical ripeness.

Apricot Northern Triumph

Do not be too hasty with the collection of fruits. Even when ripe, they hold fast to the branches.

Triumph Northern apricots are harvested on a sunny day. The dew should have evaporated by now. It is best to appoint a collection in the morning or evening. When harvesting during a period of cold snap or extreme heat, the fruits quickly deteriorate, their taste worsens.

What can be prepared from ripe apricots can be found in the following article.

Diseases and pests, methods of control and prevention


Ways to prevent and fight


Careful observance of the requirements of agricultural technology.

Treatment with a solution of lime and copper sulfate (100 g of drugs per 10 liters of water).

Spraying with Horus 4 times per season according to the instructions.


Treatment with Bordeaux liquid.

Cleaning in the fall of all plant residues.


Treatment with copper oxychloride before the leaves bloom.

Insect pests.

The drug “Entobacterin”. Spraying according to instructions.


Apricot Triumph North fully justifies its name. Unpretentiousness and high productivity in the climatic conditions of Siberia and the Middle Strip are the most sought-after characteristics of the variety. Planting and caring for Triumph Northern apricots do not qualitatively differ from other varieties.


Maria Petrova Veryutina, 60 years old, Voronezh region

I found a good variety of apricot for the garden. Triumph Severny behaves well in our climate. Shows not only good winter hardiness, but also productivity. The first flowering showed the third year after planting. And next season they harvested. Fruits liked the taste, appearance and size. I think they are sweeter in the south. The first years the whole family only had enough fruits to eat. Now we dry the apricots, prepare compotes and jam. The variety is completely satisfied. Very persistent and unpretentious. It is important only to purchase a seedling from a reliable supplier, so as not to be mistaken.

Valery Prostakov, 41 years old, North of Moscow region
For the first time I saw an apricot Triumph of the North at a neighbor’s dacha. Surprised by the size and number of fruits. I have small apricots growing in my garden. I bought a seedling in a nursery, after 4 years I collected 5 kg of delicious fruits. I carry out processing for the entire garden at the same time. I cover for the winter, be sure to prune every year – the variety has a high growth rate. When the crown is not thickened, the yield increases.

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