Apricot jam: recipes for making fruit slices, with and without seeds, in a slow cooker for the winter

Apricot jam: recipes for making fruit slices, with and without seeds, in a slow cooker for the winter

Apricot jam: recipes for making fruit slices, with and without seeds, in a slow cooker for the winter

Apricot jam, if desired, is used as a filling for baking. Women who are breastfeeding are also allowed to use such a delicacy, since it is quickly absorbed by the body and will not cause allergies in the baby. You will learn how to make apricot jam from our article.

Preparation of ingredients

Apricot jam: recipes for making fruit slices, with and without seeds, in a slow cooker for the winter

Any jam will turn out delicious if you pick up fresh and ripe fruits. Take smooth fruits with elastic skin for jam. It is important that the color of the fruit is bright. If the apricot is sluggish or damaged by insects, do not use it for harvesting for the winter.

Wash selected fruits thoroughly. Take a clean sponge with which you wash the dishes to better wipe off the dirt remaining on the skin of the fruit. Then send the apricots to a colander, and when the water has completely drained, put them on a towel and let them dry thoroughly.

Divide the fruit into two parts to pull out the pit. Do not forget to prepare the jars: wash thoroughly and then sterilize.

Video “Delicious apricot jam recipe”

In this video you will learn how to make delicious apricot jam.

Apricot Jam – Very Tasty and Easy | Apricot Jam Recipes

Collection of the best recipes

There are many recipes for delicious apricot jam. Cooks prepare these fruits for the winter with seeds and almonds, with the addition of other ingredients. Consider the most popular recipes.

With bones

Apricot jam: recipes for making fruit slices, with and without seeds, in a slow cooker for the winter

This homemade dessert has a long shelf life. To prepare it, you will need 1 kg of apricots, 0,6 kg of granulated sugar and 1-2 glasses of water. Wash the fruits and let them dry. At this time, start cooking sweet syrup: dilute sugar in water and bring the composition to a boil. Place the fruits in syrup and cook for 15 minutes.

It is important to stir the jam from time to time and remove the foam. After that, remove the pan from the heat and leave for 12 hours so that the apricots are better saturated with syrup. The next stage is languishing on fire. The jam will be ready when it thickens. All you have to do is pour it into jars and roll it up for the winter.


Apricot jam: recipes for making fruit slices, with and without seeds, in a slow cooker for the winter

We will find out how to cook pitted apricot jam separately. Take 300 g of apricots and 200 g of sugar. Wash the fruits, let them dry, and then separate the seeds from the pulp. Put the fruits in a bowl and cover them with sugar. Put the container with fruit in the refrigerator for two days, do not forget to mix them from time to time.

When the fruits release a lot of liquid, start making jam. The whole process will take no more than 20 minutes. It is important to stir the apricots, otherwise they will stick to the bottom of the pan. When the dessert is ready, remove it from the heat, let it cool and thicken a little, roll it into jars.

In the multivariate

Apricot jam: recipes for making fruit slices, with and without seeds, in a slow cooker for the winter

It is quite possible to make jam in a slow cooker for the winter. The dessert turns out to be tasty and healthy, since this method of cooking allows you to save more vitamins. For 1 kg of apricots, add 2 kg of sugar. Mix the pulp with sugar, put it in a multicooker container and set the “Stew” or “Baking” mode.

Dessert takes less than an hour to prepare. It is important to sterilize the jars, then pour hot jam into them and roll them up. After that, put the dessert jars in a warm place so that they gradually cool down.


Apricot jam: recipes for making fruit slices, with and without seeds, in a slow cooker for the winter

Cooking apricot jam in this way will surely appeal to many. The process is simple, and the dessert is used as a filling for pies and other pastries. Carefully select fruits for cooking – they should be tight, slightly underripe. Otherwise, the fruits will quickly boil and lose their shape. Take 1 kg of apricots, 1,3 kg of sugar, 300 ml of water. First, wash the fruits, dry them, separate the seeds from the pulp.

Cut the fruits into slices, then put them in an enameled container, while it is important that they lie skin down. Dissolve sugar in water and make syrup. When the liquid boils, pour it over the apricots and let them brew for 10-12 hours. The next morning, pour the syrup into a separate saucepan and boil it again. Pour the fruits again and leave for such a time to infuse.

The procedure is repeated for the third time. Now the jam is put on fire and languishes for 1 hour. It is important to stir the dessert often, otherwise the slices will stick to the bottom of the dish and burn. Don’t forget to skim off the foam. Another key point: use a wooden spoon when making jam. When the treat is ready, remove it from the stove and pour into jars.


Apricot jam: recipes for making fruit slices, with and without seeds, in a slow cooker for the winter

If you are on a diet or cannot eat sugar, make apricot jam without it. Wash the apricots under running water, let them drain. Then cut into slices, remove the bones and put on fire. Boil the apricot mass for no more than 20 minutes, during which time the dessert will thicken and turn into a uniform consistency. It is important to stir the jam and remove the foam.

Make apricot jam with almonds or just without sugar for a delicious dessert.

Choose the recipe that impressed you the most and feel free to experiment to please yourself and your household with new healthy desserts.

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