Apricot Honey is distinguished by dense, numerous and sweet fruits. The tree is unpretentious in care, easily takes root in all regions, is characterized by increased winter hardiness and drought resistance. The variety was bred for cultivation in the northern regions. Its yield is high, the fruits are suitable for fresh consumption and processing.
History of breeding
The variety of honey apricot was bred in 1996, it is still not included in the state register of Our Country. The breeders of the South Ural Research Institute of Horticulture and Potato Growing worked on a new fruit tree. Scientists tried to get a winter-hardy apricot. As a result of free cross-pollination of the Kichiginsky variety, a new type of fruit appeared.
The frost-resistant tree takes root well in the Urals and Siberia. To this end, K. K. Mulayanova carried out work so that gardeners in the northern regions could enjoy sweet fruits.

Honey apricot fruits are all the same shape and size, they are suitable for sale
Description of the apricot variety Honey
The fruits of the Honey Apricot are small in size, weighing up to 15 g, the color is yellow, with small red spots. In the cut, the fruit is the same color as the peel, the density of the pulp is medium. The stone is easily separated, has an almond shape, is colored brown. Fruit tasting score – 4,3. They attract with their honey flavor.
The tree reaches a height of 4 m, the crown is spreading, triangular in shape. Foliage is light green. Peduncles are painted in a burgundy shade, the bark is a rich brown color. Fruiting begins in the fifth year of vegetation, 20-30 kg of fruits are harvested from one apricot.
Characteristics of apricot Honey
A description of the honey apricot is presented in the video below. Before buying a tree, it is advisable to study all the characteristics in advance to comply with the rules of agricultural technology.
Drought resistance, winter hardiness
Honey apricot is able to endure frosts down to -40 0С. Such features appear closer to the third year of vegetation. Until this age, it is desirable to cover the landing for the winter. This tree easily tolerates spring return frosts, unlike other fruit and berry crops.
The fruit plant also tolerates heat. However, do not forget about timely watering. If you plant a tree near groundwater, then it will independently receive the necessary amount of moisture. You don’t have to worry about irrigation.
Apricot Pollinators Honey
The only disadvantage of this variety is self-infertility. This means that the plant needs pollinators to set pilaf. For this purpose, apricots of other varieties are planted near Medovoe: Kichiginsky, Chelyabinsky, Pikantny, Sibiryak Baikalova, Sayansky, Khabarovsky, Northern Lights, Amur, Gorny Abakan and others.
Other crops with the same flowering period are also suitable for pollination. In the garden, a distance of 3-4 m is kept between trees.

It is better to keep apricot orchards separate from other crops, this will protect them from fungal infection.
Flowering period and ripening period
The fruits ripen in mid-August, the variety is mid-season. Budding begins in early June. Large flowers bloom, which consist of 5-6 white petals. In the center are yellow stamens. Fruits are tied by the end of June, until the end of ripening they gain weight and ripen.
yield, fruiting
Fruiting begins from the fifth year of vegetation. Until this time, the plant is gaining green mass. From each apricot, 20-30 kg are harvested. This indicator refers to high-yielding. The peak of fruiting occurs at 7-10 years.
Scope of fruits
Honey apricots are pleasant in taste, suitable for fresh consumption. The fruits are good for preparing winter preparations, such as:
- compotes;
- jam;
- jams;
- dried fruits;
- candied fruit;
- conservation.
Many gardeners plant this variety for the purpose of preparing winter preparations.

Apricots of the Honey variety are well stored fresh for 4-5 months in a cool place.
Disease and pest resistance
Apricot variety Honey is resistant to many fungi and pests. However, preventive measures are recommended. To do this, during the flowering period, the plant is treated with fungicides and insecticides. This gives protection against many diseases.
Advantages and disadvantages
Honey apricot has many advantages, so gardeners often plant it on their plots. These include:
- mid-season;
- drought tolerance;
- winter hardiness;
- good taste;
- transportability;
- duration of storage;
- resistance to diseases and pests;
- presentable fruit.
Of the shortcomings, only self-infertility is noted.
Features of landing
The honey apricot in the photo is similar to its closest relatives, which grow in the northern regions in the wild. Tree care and planting have their own characteristics.
Recommended dates
Planting work is carried out in early spring or early autumn. In the north, it is recommended to plant seedlings in the spring so that the roots are well established in the ground. Winter planting is suitable for temperate climates and the south.
Choosing the right place
Apricot prefers well-lit areas. The plant needs at least 8 hours of sunlight. The tree grows comfortably in gardens, next to a fence and bush plantings.

Annual plants are sold in nurseries, they adapt faster
What crops can and cannot be planted next to an apricot
It is undesirable to plant apple trees, plums, pears, peaches, cherries, mountain ash, cherries, currants, raspberries and nuts next to the trees. These plants affect the same diseases as apricots. They can infect each other. For honey and other varieties, it is better to fence off a separate area in the garden.
Selection and preparation of planting material
It is recommended to buy seedlings in proven nurseries. Acquisition of a tree “from hands” does not give a guarantee of quality.
When choosing, you should pay attention to the following features:
- there should be no rot;
- barrel without cuts and scratches;
- dense and healthy foliage;
- healthy roots.
Young seedlings take root quickly.
Landing algorithm
The landing pit begins to be prepared 2-3 weeks before being transferred to the ground. Dig a hole 70 cm deep and 80 cm in diameter. The resulting soil is mixed with humus or fertilizer for fruit crops. Fill the hole with half of the soil.
Landing algorithm:
- The roots of the seedling are soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate for 24 hours.
- Pour 1 bucket of water into the hole.
- The roots of the tree are lowered down, straightened with their hands.
- Close up the hole in layers, pressing each layer with your hands.
- A near-trunk circle with a radius of 20 cm is formed, watered abundantly.
- Cover with mulch to retain moisture.
When planting in the spring, the hole can be prepared in the fall, during which time the fertilizers have time to be absorbed into the ground.

If you lay fertilizer in the planting pit in advance, then they will last for two years
Culture aftercare
To get a decent harvest of apricots, follow the rules of care:
- Water the plant 3-4 times per season. 7-8 buckets of water are spent on a young tree, 10 on an adult tree. In a dry climate, irrigation is increased, with frequent rains it is limited.
- Top dressing is combined with watering. Add organic or mineral fertilizers.
- Pruning is carried out three times a year: at the beginning of the season, thinning in the summer and after harvest. Remove all damaged and dry branches.
- Mulch is laid in the area around the trunk circle, it helps to retain moisture and protect against the growth of weeds.
- At the beginning of spring and for the winter, the trunk is whitewashed until the first branching with a chalk solution.
- During the flowering period, preventive treatments with insecticides and fungicides are carried out.
To avoid infection of apricot with fungi, it is necessary to follow all the rules of agricultural technology. High-quality watering and top dressing strengthen the health and immunity of the culture.
Diseases and pests
Apricot honey is susceptible to infection by fungal diseases and insect damage with a decrease in immunity. This happens during prolonged wet and cool weather.
Types of ailments:
- Moniliasis. The tree begins to dry out slowly, sheds foliage and fruits. You can fight with the Teldor solution.
The areas affected by moniliosis are clearly visible, they are localized in one place
- perforated spotting. Spots with a halo appear on the foliage of the plant, the inner part dries up and falls off, holes form. The tree does not receive the necessary nutrition. Treatment is carried out with Bordeaux mixture or copper sulphate.
At the initial stage, perforation is similar to sunburn.
- Mushroom Waltz. Convex large growths of orange color appear on the leaves of the honey apricot. A fungicide spray helps get rid of it.
You can not cut the growths with scissors, this will serve to further spread
- green aphid. These are small insects that feed on the leaves of the plant, holes remain from their bites. Aphids reproduce rapidly and can be controlled with insecticides.
The aphid is very small, it is difficult to notice it in time
- Plodojorka. Insects lay their larvae inside the honey apricot bud. After the formation of the fruit, they penetrate inside the apricot and eat it from the inside.
Codling moth butterflies lay their larvae during the flowering period, you can scare them away with insecticides
- Leaflet. Caterpillars that suck the juice from the leaves of the honey apricot, after which it curls and turns yellow.
Leaf rollers can cause serious damage to a healthy honey apricot tree, after which it will be difficult to restore it
Apricot Honey is distinguished by its winter hardiness. The fruits of the tree are pleasant and sweet in taste, for which they got their name. Seedlings are sold in nurseries, easily take root in new areas. Productivity is high, fruits can be consumed fresh and processed for the winter.