The Red Chief apple tree is one of the most famous varieties, the advantages of which are large-fruited, excellent appearance and pleasant taste. The culture is quite winter-hardy, which allows it to be grown in the southern regions and in the Black Earth region. Subject to agricultural technology and shelter for the winter, it can be cultivated in the middle lane.
History of breeding
Red Chief is an apple variety popular in Our Country and in many other countries. There are several versions regarding its origin. Some sources say that the culture appeared in the state of Virginia (USA), and this happened after the accidental sowing of hybrid seeds. Previously, it was obtained from crossing varieties Grims Golden and Golden Reinet.
According to other sources, Red Chief occurred as a result of the hybridization of Wagner and Jonathan varieties. They also became the forerunners of the famous Idared variety.
For the first time, the Red Chief apple tree was demonstrated to the society of gardeners in 1914. At the same time, the culture was registered in the register of breeding achievements of the Federation in 2016. The Garden Giant company acts as the applicant, as well as the originator. The Red Chief apple tree was successfully tested, after which it was approved for cultivation in the south of Our Country, as well as in the Black Earth region.
Description and characteristics of the Red Chief apple tree
The variety has been known for a long time, so its description is presented in detail. The tree is tall, with a not too spreading crown. The crop is characterized by good yields and other valuable benefits.
tree appearance
The Red Chief apple tree reaches a height of 6-7 m. A tree of medium or weak growth vigor. The crown has a narrow pyramidal shape, moderately thickened. Skeletal branches are crooked, grow compactly, diverge almost at a right angle. Every year they grow by 5-7 cm. There are a lot of ringlets, it is on them that the crop is formed. The internodes of the shoots are short, the bark is colored greenish-brown. The lenticels are clearly visible, they are small in size, light in color and slightly convex.

The tree gives a lot of rings, the yield is consistently high
The foliage of the Red Chief apple tree is quite good. Leaf plates are green, medium in size, have pointed tops. The base is in the form of an arc, the edges are serrate-crenate. The surface is matte, without wrinkles, the edges are slightly raised. Petioles long, thin, stipule subulate.
Description of fruits
Red Chief apples are large, one-dimensional, reaching 170-200 g in weight, less often up to 300-400 g. The shape is oblong-conical, the appearance is very attractive, reference. Ribbedness is pronounced. The skin is thick but not hard. The surface is smooth, with gloss, the color is dark red, the color is saturated.
A dense coating of wax is visible on the surface of the fruit. The funnel is small, blunt-conical, without rustiness. Subcutaneous points of a light shade, numerous, not very large. The saucer is not too wide, deep. Protruding hills are visible along the edges of the pericupular depression. The cups themselves are large, semi-open type. The subcup tubes are conical, deep.
The description of the Red Chief apple variety indicates that it bears fruit with green flesh, while the apples themselves are dark red. The stalks are short and thick, curved. Seed chambers are oblong, small in size. Seeds are dark brown.
Taste of Red Chef apples
The taste qualities of Red Chief apples are excellent, with pronounced sweetness. The aroma is weak. Some freshness is noticeable. At the tasting, the variety receives invariably high marks – 4,7-4,8 points out of 5. The density of the pulp is medium, pleasant, and the juiciness is moderate.
The chemical composition of the pulp (per 100 g raw):
- the total share of dry matter is about 14%;
- the total share of sugars is more than 10,5%
- total acidity – 0,4%
- vitamin C content – 5,5 mg per 100 g.
When and how it blooms
The Red Chief apple tree blooms from mid-May to early June. But if the spring is late, cool, the dates can shift by 1-2 weeks. Flowers white-pink, numerous.
Apple Pollinators Red Chief
The variety is not self-fertile, so it needs pollinators with similar flowering times. Among the suitable representatives are Gloucester, Elstar.

Golden Delicious is one of the best pollinators for Red Chief.
What year does the Red Chief apple tree bear fruit?
Fruiting begins from the second or third year after planting. But this can be achieved under the condition of growing on rootstocks of weak and moderate vigor. On vigorous specimens, the harvest will need to wait longer.
The yield of the Red Chief variety is quite high. From one adult tree, 120-150 kg of marketable fruits can be harvested, with industrial cultivation – 380 kg / ha. In the first years, young apple trees give 30-50 kg each. The productive period lasts more than 25 years.
Frost resistance of Red Chief apple tree
The winter hardiness of this variety is average, mature trees hibernate when the temperature drops to -25 degrees. Therefore, the culture is mainly cultivated in the south of Our Country and in the regions of the Black Earth region. But with competent agricultural technology, including careful warming for the winter, you can try to grow in cold regions. There is data on cultivation in the Novosibirsk region. But due to the lack of sun, the taste can deteriorate.
Disease resistance
The Red Chief variety is quite resistant to various diseases and pests (according to the register of breeding achievements of the Federation). Gardeners note good immunity to bacterial burn and powdery mildew, but poor resistance to such pathologies: scab, subcutaneous spotting, vitreousness (especially often observed when the crop is harvested later than the accepted dates), various types of rot.
Advantages and disadvantages
The Red Chief apple tree has many tangible advantages over other varieties. It brings large fruits of the reference appearance with excellent taste. The yield is high, so you can grow trees both in personal and in farms.

The fruits are large, about the same size
- pleasant taste;
- keeping quality;
- transportability;
- productive period of more than 25 years.
- the variety is not self-fertile;
- it is desirable to grow only in the south and in the Black Earth region;
- immunity to all diseases;
- medium drought tolerance.
Planting seedlings of the Red Chief apple tree
The main planting date for the Red Chief apple tree is September or early October, 2-3 weeks before the first frost. If it is missed, you can land in the second half of April. When landing, they act like this:
- Dig holes measuring 70×70 cm at a distance of 4 m.
- Pour a layer of pebbles or other small stones.
- Lay fertile soil.
- Place the seedling in the center and straighten the roots.
- The soil is compacted so that the root neck remains 5-7 cm above the surface.
- Water and mulch.
Care instructions
In order to grow a healthy and productive Red Chief apple tree in the Moscow region and other regions, summer residents in their reviews recommend adhering to the following care rules:
- Watering should be regular, especially in drought. Adult trees are given up to 6-8 buckets of water, young trees – 2-4 each.
- Fertilizers are applied from the second year of planting. In the spring they give nitrogen compositions, during the flowering period and at the fruiting stage – potassium-phosphate. It is recommended to alternate complex mineral fertilizers with organic ones.
- Periodically, the trunk circle is loosened, weeding is done.
- Sanitary and formative pruning is done annually.

To get a good harvest, you need to regularly water and feed apple trees.
Fighting diseases and pests
The variety has an average immunity. The culture can suffer from fungal, bacterial infections. Therefore, for treatment and prevention, it will be necessary to carry out several treatments using fungicides:
- “Bordeaux mixture”;
- “Ridomil Gold”;
- “Fitosporin”;
- “Skor” and others.
Trees need to be inspected periodically. If aphids, leafworms and other insects are found, they are treated with insecticides:
- “Fufanon”;
- “Agravertin”;
- “Match”;
- “Ephoria” and others.
Collection and storage
In terms of ripening, the Red Chief variety belongs to autumn apple trees (some sources indicate that this is a winter crop). Harvest begins to be harvested in the second half of September, often in early October. Fruiting lasts for three weeks, the dark red fruits of the Red Chief apple tree ripen unevenly. Therefore, it is necessary to collect in several approaches. Apples are placed in wooden boxes or other containers and stored in a cellar or other room.
Good keeping quality: up to eight months under the following storage conditions:
- temperature + 2-6 degrees;
- humidity 60-70%;
- air ventilation;
- darkness.
The transportability of the fruits is also very good, so they can be transported over long distances to the point of sale or processing.
If the conditions are violated, the core may become loose.

During fruiting, it is better to treat with biological preparations.
During fruiting, it is better to treat with biological preparations.
The Red Chief apple tree is quite suitable for growing in different regions of Our Country. Culture can be cultivated both for oneself and for commercial purposes. Gives consistently high yields for 25 years, the fruits of the presentation, exceptionally soft and very tasty. A description of the Red Chief apple variety is also presented in the video.