Venyaminovskoe apple tree is a winter variety, which has been in the register of breeding achievements since 2001. It gives moderately large, juicy and sweet fruits that can lie until the end of February. Trees bring up to 100 kg of yield, they are quite simple to care for.
The story of
Venyaminovskoe is a domestic apple variety bred by a team of researchers: Zhdanov, Serova, Dolmatov and Sedov. Seeds from free pollination of the 1981 harvest were taken as a basis.
The variety belongs to winter varieties, adapted for cultivation in most regions of Central Our Country. Passed successful variety trials in 1995-2000. The application for admission was filed in 1997, since 2001 it has been included in the register of breeding achievements.
Description of the Venyaminovskoe apple tree
Among the important parameters of the Venyaminovskoe variety, you need to familiarize yourself with the following: appearance, shape of the apple tree and fruits. The main features are described below.
tree appearance
The Venyaminovskoe apple tree is a fairly tall, large tree. It has a rounded shape, and the crown is not too thick, which makes it easier to care for and harvest. The branches depart almost at a right angle, while the ends “look” up. The surface of the bark on the skeletal branches and trunk is smooth, the color is gray. Fruiting occurs on all types of kolchatka – simple and complex.
The shoots of the Venyaminovskoe apple tree are of small thickness, cranked type, bent in an arc. The cross-sectional shape is faceted, the color is brown, covered with pubescence. There are quite a lot of lentils, they are small in size. The buds are pressed against the branches, they also have pubescence. The shape is conical.
The leaves resemble an egg, they are pointed, dark green in color, wrinkled. The surface shines in the sun, a slight pubescence is noticeable. Along the edges of the leaves are crenate, large-wavy, petioles of small length, have pubescence.
The flowers of the Venyaminovskoe apple tree are small, light pink, shaped like a saucer. Petals have a rounded shape, slightly close together.
Description of fruits
As you can see in the photo, apples of the Venyaminovskoye variety, fruits of a conical shape, medium flattened, wide-ribbed, beveled. The size is average, the weight reaches 130-150 g. During the harvest period, it is green, and then becomes greenish-yellow. Cover color with raspberry blush.

The fruits of the Venyaminovskoe apple tree are scarlet in color, have an attractive presentation
There are quite a few subcutaneous dots of a gray tint. The stems are small, straight. The funnels are sharp-conical, rather deep. The tubes under the cups are small, shaped like a bag. Seeds brown, conical.
Characteristic of the variety
Among the characteristics of the Venyaminovskoye apple variety, the taste of the fruit, the yield and winter hardiness indicator should be especially carefully studied. These and other options are described below.
Sweet and sour tones are noticeable in the taste of fruits, it is quite pleasant, it was rated 4,4 points out of 5 at the tasting. In the chemical composition of fruits:
- simple carbohydrates – a total of 8,6% mass fraction;
- acids – 0,7%;
- vitamin C content – more than 4 mg per 100 g of pulp;
- the content of substances with P-activity over 220 mg per the same weight.
The flesh of the fruit is white, may have a greenish tint. The structure is coarse-grained, rather dense, juicy, fragrant.
Ripening dates for apple trees Venyaminovskoe
The fruits of the Venyaminovskoye apple tree are harvested in mid-September, usually from the 15th to the 20th. At this point, they can already be removed, but you should wait another month until consumer maturity – it comes in the second decade of October. Moreover, you can consume fruits until the last days of February.
The variety is winter, the fruits are long-lived and, under the right conditions, are well preserved until the end of winter. They should be placed in a cool, moderately damp and dark room with good ventilation.
In the description of Venyaminovskoye apples, yields of 150 centners / ha are given. For comparison: in the control variety Antonovka ordinary, it was 95 c/ha. In the first years of fruiting, 30-50 kg of apples are obtained from one tree, and after 10-12 years – already 80-100 kg. Therefore, we can definitely say that Venyaminovskoe is a high-yielding tree.
Frost resistance of apple trees Venyaminovskoe
The variety has high winter hardiness. During the tests (artificial freezing) up to -40, the kidneys suffered slightly, by only 0,6 points. Moreover, the bark and cambium had no damage, and the wood froze only by 0,9 points.
Apple Pollinators Venyaminovskoe
Variety Venyaminovskoe is not self-fertile, so the apple tree needs pollinators with similar flowering periods. Suitable, for example, such varieties: Sharapai and Arkad (summer type). You can also use Vyaznikov varieties, including the Mironchik variety.

Arkad summer – one of the best pollinators for Venyaminovsky
Growing regions
The apple variety is intended for cultivation in the regions of Central Our Country, including:
- middle lane;
- the Volga region;
- Northwest;
- Chernozem region;
- southern regions.
But in this case, it will be necessary to especially carefully cover young seedlings for the winter.
Disease resistance
The variety is completely resistant to scab due to the presence of the Vf gene. However, there are no data on immunity to other diseases and pests. Therefore, carrying out preventive treatments and summer spraying from insects is mandatory.
Advantages and disadvantages
From the review of the Venyaminovskoye apple variety and reviews about it, we can say that this is a very productive variety that gives tasty marketable apples. Trees live a very long time, up to 70 years. Frost resistance is good, which makes it possible to grow the crop in almost all regions of Central Our Country.

The Venyaminovskoe apple tree is winter hardy
- pleasant taste of berries;
- attractive presentation;
- high yield;
- long life span;
- absolute resistance to scab;
- keeping up to five months;
- good transportability.
- the variety is not self-fertile, pollinators are needed;
- extended fruiting;
- fruits are mostly small;
- there is insufficient data on immunity.
Planting an apple tree Venyaminovskoe
Planting of the Venyaminovskoye apple tree is planned for autumn 3-4 weeks before the first frost. Usually it is the beginning of October. The place is chosen well-lit, on a small hill, without stagnant moisture and without high groundwater (they should approach a maximum of 2 m to the surface). Of the neighbors, mountain ash and large trees are undesirable. Light loam with a slightly acidic or neutral pH of 6-7 is optimal for growing the Venyaminovsky apple tree.
The soil should be prepared in advance – dig, add compost or humus in a bucket per square meter. If there is a lot of clay in the soil, sand or sawdust of 3-5 kg is embedded in it. Seedlings are purchased from trusted suppliers, they must be healthy, at least 50 cm high, without signs of damage and disease.
The landing process itself is standard:
- Mark several holes with a diameter and depth of 80-100 cm at a distance of at least 4 m.
- Put a wooden peg in the center.
- Pour a layer of stones on the bottom.
- Put the seedling in the center and sprinkle with garden soil with peat and humus 2: 1: 1.
- Tamp a little so that the root neck remains above 5-7 cm above the ground.
- Tie to the peg with a rope.
- Pour settled water.
- After a few days, mulch for the winter. For this, straw, hay, sawdust, needles and other materials are used.
Features of care
When caring for an apple tree, Venyaminovskoe, special attention should be paid to watering. Young seedlings are given water weekly, adult trees – every month. In drought, the frequency is doubled, in the evenings the crown is sprinkled. Water should be used warm, separated.

With proper care, the fruits are formed quite large
After heavy rains and watering, the soil in the surface circle is loosened, if necessary, weeding is done. To keep the soil moist as long as possible, in the summer it is also mulched with sawdust, mowed grass, and hay.
Fertilizers for apple trees of the Venyaminovskoye variety are applied every spring (urea, ammonium nitrate), during the formation of buds and ovaries (superphosphate, potassium sulfate). You can alternate complex mineral compositions with organic matter, for example, mullein infusion diluted 10 times with water.
In the spring, pruning is carried out, as well as preventive treatments for diseases. In summer, the trees are inspected and, if necessary, sprayed with insecticides (“Decis” or “Aktara”).
Collection and storage
Picking apples in mid-September. Immediately after that, they are placed in wooden boxes and stored under the following conditions:
- temperature 0-6 degrees Celsius;
- humidity up to 70%
- darkness;
- good ventilation.
Subject to the described rules, the fruits of the Venyaminovskoye apple tree are stored for five months (until the last days of February). During this time, they do not lose consumer qualities, including taste.
Venyaminovskoe apple tree is one of the best winter varieties with maximum frost resistance and very good yields. Differs in high immunity. In the care of the culture is quite simple, so even a novice gardener can handle the cultivation.