Apple variety Spartan: photo and description of the variety

The Spartan apple tree was bred in the 30s of the twentieth century and became widespread in many countries. Its distinctive feature is the fruits of dark red color, which have good taste properties. The variety is late, and the fruits have a long shelf life. The following is a description of the Spartan apple variety, photos, reviews.

Variety description

Spartan refers to the winter varieties of apple trees. The country of origin of the variety is Canada, but it is grown in the Moscow region, the Central and Central Black Earth region of Our Country. In the middle lane, the Spartan variety is rare, because it has low frost resistance.

tree appearance

The Spartan apple tree is a tree 3 m high with a rounded crown. The central conductor (the section of the trunk above the first shoots) grows at an angle.

Apple variety Spartan: photo and description of the variety

The branches have a pronounced burgundy color. The leaves are dark green in color, rounded in shape and embossed plate.

Apple tree Spartan is characterized by abundant flowering. The variety is self-pollinating, but is suitable for pollination of other varieties of apple trees.

Fruit Characteristics

Apples of the Spartan variety correspond to the following characteristics:

  • average sizes;
  • rounded, flattened shape;
  • fruit weight about 120 g;
  • bright red blush against a yellowish color;
  • matte skin, shimmering blue;
  • juicy, firm and snow-white pulp;
  • sweet taste, sometimes a slight sourness is felt.

The chemical composition of fruits includes:

  • sugar content – 10,6%;
  • titratable acids responsible for acidity – 0,32%;
  • ascorbic acid – 4,6 mg per 100 g of pulp;
  • pectin substances – 11,1%.

Apple variety Spartan: photo and description of the variety

Productivity of the variety

From the Spartan apple tree, you can harvest the third year after planting. Depending on the care and age of the tree, from 15 apples are removed from it. From a tree older than 10 years, 50-100 kg of fruit are obtained.

The Spartan apple variety is suitable for winter storage. Harvest can be done at the end of September, when the fruits turn bright red. They are easy to pick from the branches, some apples even begin to fall off.

Important! Before storage, apples do not need to be washed or wiped, so as not to damage the natural waxy film.

It is recommended to collect fruits in dry and clear weather at an air temperature of about +10 degrees. Apples should be stored at a temperature of 0 to +4 degrees. Shelf life is up to 7 months.

In closed containers, the shelf life is extended. By December, the fruits acquire a richer and sweeter taste.

Apple variety Spartan: photo and description of the variety

Advantages and disadvantages

The apple tree variety Spartan is valued for the following advantages:

  • high yield;
  • good taste;
  • the content of useful substances;
  • ability to endure long-term transportation and storage;
  • disease resistance.

The disadvantages of Spartan apple trees are:

  • low winter hardiness (requires frost protection);
  • in the absence of pruning and with age, the fruits become smaller.

Features of landing

Apple tree Spartan is recommended to be purchased at a gardening center or nursery. When choosing a seedling, you should pay attention to its appearance. The plant should not show signs of damage or mold. Landing is carried out on the prepared site after the formation of the pit and the application of fertilizers.

Apple variety Spartan: photo and description of the variety

Choosing a seedling and planting site

The best time to plant a Spartan apple tree is spring. If you plant a plant in the fall, then there is a high probability of freezing and death. In the Moscow region, work is carried out in late March or early April.

A seedling is chosen with a healthy root system, without growths and damage. The bark on an annual plant has a dark cherry color, the trunk is without branches.

For landing choose a sunny place, protected from the wind. The groundwater level is at least one meter.

Important! The apple tree grows best on loam.

The soil under the tree should be fertile, with good moisture and breathability. The composition of clay soil is improved by introducing coarse sand and peat. Sandy soil is fertilized with peat, humus and compost.

Apple variety Spartan: photo and description of the variety

Preparation is recommended to start in the fall. The planting site is dug up and fertilized:

  • turf – 3 buckets;
  • humus – 5 kg;
  • superphosphate – 100 g;
  • wood ash – 80 g.

A pit measuring 0,5×0,5 m and a depth of 0,6 m is being prepared for planting. The pit is filled with the prepared mixture, a peg is driven in and covered with special material until spring.

Landing order

Immediately before planting, you need to place the roots of the seedling in warm water for a couple of days. The plant is placed in the middle of the hole and its roots are straightened. The root neck (the place where the color of the bark changes to dark brown) is located 5 cm above ground level.

When falling asleep with soil, the apple tree needs to be shaken slightly to fill the voids between the roots. Then the soil is trampled down, and the plant is watered abundantly.

A small earthen rampart with a diameter of about a meter is poured around the tree. If the soil begins to subside, the soil should be topped up. An apple tree is tied to a support.

Apple variety Spartan: photo and description of the variety

Features of care

The growth of the apple tree and its yield depend on proper care. Young garden trees require special attention. Apple orchards need to be regularly watered, fertilized and pruned.

Watering the apple tree

The intensity of watering the Spartan variety depends on weather conditions and the age of the plant. A young apple tree needs more water, so moisture is applied every week.

You can water the apple tree along special furrows between rows with plantings. They need to be dug to a depth of 10 cm around the circumference in accordance with the Sami long side shoots.

Another way of watering is sprinkling, when moisture comes evenly in the form of drops. The soil should get wet to a depth of 0,7 m.

Important! It is necessary to water the apple tree several times: before bud break, when the ovary appears, and a couple of weeks before harvest.

Annual plants need 2 buckets of water, two-year-olds – 4 buckets. Mature trees need up to 8 buckets.

Apple variety Spartan: photo and description of the variety

Top dressing of an apple tree

Top dressing of the Spartan variety is carried out in several stages:

  1. When the buds open, the soil is loosened with the introduction of nitroammophoska (30 g) and humus.
  2. When the buds begin to form, an infusion based on mullein or chicken manure is introduced into the soil under the apple tree.
  3. After flowering, a complex fertilizer is prepared: 8 liters of water, 0,25 kg of nitroammophoska, 25 g of potassium sulfide, 20 g of dry sodium humate. The resulting solution is watered with an apple tree.
  4. When the fruits ripen, the apple orchard is watered with fertilizer obtained from 8 liters of water, 35 g of nitroammophoska and 10 g of humate.
  5. After harvesting the fruits, 30 g of superphosphate and potassium sulfide are added to the soil.

Wood trimming

The first pruning is carried out the next year after planting the apple tree. In an annual tree, the stem height should be 0,5 m. 6 buds are left above it, and the top is cut by 10 cm. The crown is formed taking into account the fact that the branches of the apple tree grow sideways.

Important! Work is carried out in spring or autumn, when there is no sap flow.

Apple variety Spartan: photo and description of the variety

Sanitary pruning is carried out twice a year. Dry and damaged branches must be removed. Slices are covered with garden pitch.

Shelter for the winter

The Spartan apple tree needs shelter for the winter. To do this, it is abundantly watered about a month before a cold snap. The soil under the tree is dug up, a layer of peat is applied on top.

The trunk should be wrapped with spruce branches or burlap. Young trees can be tilted to the ground and covered with a wooden box. When the snow falls, a snowdrift is made around the Spartan apple tree. In the spring, the shelter is removed.

Reviews of gardeners

Igor, 30 years old, Zelenograd
The Spartan apple tree has been growing in the country for 10 years. The variety is late, the apples themselves are rounded. Ripening occurs at the end of September. Fertilizers were applied only natural, watered rarely, it was enough rainfall. Apples go well for jam and compotes, you can still cut them and dry them for the winter.
Svetlana, 52 years old, Bryansk
Spartan is one of the best late varieties in my area. Delicious apples that lie until the New Year. In spring and autumn, I definitely make top dressing, for prevention I process pests. In autumn, I water my garden abundantly so that it can better endure frosts.
Vitaly, 45 years old, Stavropol
Variety Spartan planted four years ago, chose an apple tree in many respects according to the description. The first fruits appeared in the second year. The last harvest was distinguished by beautiful red-violet apples with snow-white flesh. The fruits are quite large, weighing 150 g.


Variety Spartan is suitable for growing in regions with mild winters. Its apples have a rich red color, medium size and excellent taste.

For planting apple trees choose a well-lit place. Soil and seedlings are preliminarily prepared. The tree requires care in the form of watering, fertilizing and pruning old branches.

Garden and Garden 2017! My Apple Trees Variety Spartan!! Maximum Harvest!!!

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