Apple variety Semerenko: characteristic with photo and video

Among all the varieties of apple trees known in Our Country, Renet Semerenko is considered one of the best. What do the trees of this variety and their fruits look like, who discovered these beautiful apple trees, how should fruit trees be propagated and properly cared for?


Leading pomologists of the world conducted a series of studies and came to the conclusion that the Renet Semerenko apple variety is truly unique, since it cannot be seen in any of the European collections. The features of this variety can safely be called an early fruiting period, high yield and high quality of fruits, which are then quite well preserved. What is the description of these trees? As you can see in the photo, the Renet Semerenko variety is a rather tall tree with a spreading dense crown, somewhat reminiscent of a cauldron in shape.

The bark of the branches and trunk is dark gray, and if it gets the sun’s rays, it becomes orange. The variety Renet Semerenko also has a mixed type of fruiting. The shoots of the apple tree are straight or slightly curved, have an average thickness, as well as rare lentils. The description of the leaves is also characteristic of the variety – they are rounded, with a slightly elongated top, slightly wrinkled in the middle part, and have one or two toothed edges. The pubescence of leaves, the plate of which is bent at an angle of 90 degrees, is light and medium. They have a light green color.Apple variety Semerenko: characteristic with photo and videoIf we talk about flowers, then in the variety Renet Semerenko they are white, shaped like saucers, the column of pistils does not have an edge. The fruits of this apple tree variety are large in size, and the shape may be slightly asymmetric, up to flat-round (which is also clearly visible in the photo). During ripening, the fruits have a characteristic light green color with light subcutaneous spots. The main distinguishing feature of the variety can be called warty formations, reaching about 7 mm in diameter.

The fruits of the Renet Semerenko variety have a rich pleasant taste, and the pulp of such apples is white and juicy, with a spicy aftertaste. The chemical composition of fruits is as follows – they contain about 7 – 5% sugars, 12 – 0% titratable acids, about 4 – 0 mg per 7 grams of ascorbic acid. Being obtained naturally, this variety of apples is late winter.Apple variety Semerenko: characteristic with photo and video

Care specifics

In order to get a good harvest from the Renette Semerenko apple tree, you should provide it with good conditions and proper care. It includes activities such as regular watering of the tree, fertilizing with special fertilizers, timely pruning, as well as competent preparation for wintering. In addition to watering, immediately after planting with three to four buckets of water, the tree must be watered periodically – about three times a season, 3 to 5 buckets per tree, in order to prevent excessive drying of the soil. Apple variety Semerenko: characteristic with photo and videoWatering should be stopped only by the end of July so that the tree can prepare for winter. To fertilize trees of this variety, manure is added to the soil in autumn; you also need to buy mineral fertilizers in a specialized store.

It is important to know that in the spring, it is necessary to provide top dressing of trees with nitrogen fertilizers.

On the surface, it is recommended to decompose ammonium nitrate or ammonium sulfate. Phosphorus top dressings have also proven themselves well, which should be added to grooves having a depth of about 30 cm. Humus, compost or peat are used for mulching. This type of care is good for trees that have a shallow root system. To prevent tree trunks from being gnawed by hares, they need to be tied. Do this procedure annually until a dense bark appears on the trunk. Still trunks of apple trees of the Renet Semerenko variety are advised to whitewash.Apple variety Semerenko: characteristic with photo and videoSince the trees have a luxurious crown, in order not to harm good fruiting, the shoots should be pruned during care. It is necessary for all varieties that are characterized by a very developed ringlet, as well as for low-growing trees. In young apple trees, only those shoots that have a length of at least 60 cm should be cut. This procedure will help maintain the annual growth in a normal state, where most of the apples actually appear.

This variety endures both strong winds and heat, but it does not really welcome cold and frost. Therefore, it is necessary to cover the roots, starting in the fall. To prevent the appearance of troubles in the form of scab or powdery mildew, thinning of the crown is done. Old and damaged leaves, fruits, branches are recommended to be burned at the end of the season.Apple variety Semerenko: characteristic with photo and video

How to propagate

There are two ways to propagate an apple tree of this variety – by seeds or cuttings. Propagation by seeds is carried out mainly in order to obtain a new variety of tree. In order to get it, pollen from one tree is transferred to the flowers of another, and good fruits do not appear there so quickly. And for a good sample, you will have to look at many individuals. That is why an easier way, which is successfully used today, is propagation using green cuttings. In this case, each of the new apple trees will have its own roots, and if its aerial part suddenly dies, then self-recovery can be expected.Apple variety Semerenko: characteristic with photo and video

When the cuttings reach the desired length, they are cut off – during this period they are still elastic. The best period for harvesting cuttings is considered the middle or end of June. On the handle, it is necessary to make a neat cut with a knife about 10 cm long so that there are at least 4 sheets on the process. The stalk is lowered by a third into the prepared heteroauxin solution, where it should stay for about 10 hours. The solution is made at the rate of one and a half tablets of the product per liter of hot water. It is necessary to prepare the soil; for this, leaf or humus soil is used, on which a peat-sand substrate should be placed. Cuttings are planted in mini-greenhouses 4 cm deep. The distance between them should be about 5 cm, and between the rows – 10. To grow the cuttings, they are seated in different containers or in a permanent place.

Who discovered

Those gardeners who are going to buy and plant this beautiful variety of apple trees are, of course, interested in who discovered Semerenka. The name of the new type of apples was given by the famous breeder Lev Platonovich Simirenko, who lived in the village of Mleevo in Ukraine. It was there that the scientist created his fruit nursery, and the apples got their name in honor of the breeder’s father, Platon Simirenko. The ancestors of Lev Platonovich, former serfs, were able to redeem themselves from their owners and even became respected people in the circle of merchants.Apple variety Semerenko: characteristic with photo and video

Leo graduated from the Novorossiysk University in Odessa, but was exiled to Krasnoyarsk for his participation in the movement of the “People’s Volunteers”. There he managed to work in the greenhouses of local wealthy people and became famous for being able to breed heat-loving southern crops in the harsh Siberian climatic conditions. In memory of its creator, there is a city park in the city of Krasnoyarsk to this day. Simirenko became the first who was able to create this variety of fruit trees in Our Country. The great scientist devoted one of the three volumes of his famous book “Pomology” to the apple tree. And for his merits, Simirenko received a high award – a gold medal, which was presented to him at the international Paris exhibition.

Video “Apple Tree Semerenko”

On the recording, a woman talks about the features of this type of apple tree, about the specifics of growing and about its fruits.

Apple tree “Renet Simirenko”

1 Comment

  1. Hej! Det är min favorit sort (Renet Semerenko)! Den här äppelträd hade min mormor i sin trädgård i Ukraina. Jag letar efter ngn försäljare i Sverige för att skaffa den här sort och plantera på min tomt🙏🏻. Kan ni ge mig en råd på vilket ställe kan man köpa Renet Semerenko i Sverige?

    Med vänlig hälsning, Anna

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