Apple variety Pinova: description and photo, reviews

The Pinova apple tree is a hybrid that is popular in many countries and has valuable characteristics. Ripe fruits have excellent taste and are suitable for home-made preparations for the winter.

Apple variety Pinova: description and photo, reviews

Pinova apple trees are high yielding

History of breeding

The Pinova apple variety is the result of many years of work by breeders from East Germany. The source material was Golden Delicious and Clivia apple trees, which have excellent commercial qualities. In 1986, the bred fruit crop was patented and in a few decades has become widespread throughout the world.

It has been registered in the state register of breeding crops in Our Country since 2016. The following is a detailed description and photo of the Pinova apple variety.

Description of the Pinova apple tree with a photo

The variety of fruit trees Pinova is suitable for cultivation in individual horticultural plots. It is also used for growing fruits on an industrial scale.

tree appearance

The Pinova apple tree is a medium-sized tree. The height of an adult plant is 3 – 3,5 m. The crown is cone-shaped, of an average degree of thickening. The branches are compact.

Apple variety Pinova: description and photo, reviews

The branches of the tree are at right angles to the trunk.

The Pinova variety is also presented under other names. In some specialized reference books, the hybrid is referred to as Pinata, Coral and Sonata.

Description of fruits

The fruits of the Pinova apple tree are quite large. The average weight of an apple is 170-200 g. But some fruits grow larger and can weigh 300 g. Apples of this variety are slightly elongated, conical in shape, with barely visible ribbing.

Ripe fruits acquire a beautiful uniform matte red color. A dense blush in small areas is interrupted by a lighter shade with subcutaneous dots barely visible through the thin skin and blurry stripes.

Apple variety Pinova: description and photo, reviews

The fruits of the Pinova variety have a coral-red color.

Characteristics of the Pinov apple tree

The fruit tree has increased resistance to infectious diseases and frost resistance. The culture adapts well, showing resistance to heat and drought.


Ripe fruits of the Pinova apple tree have a pleasant sweet and sour taste and a pronounced apple aroma. The flesh is creamy, juicy and firm.

Important! The taste of Pinova apples is recognized as one of the best. 100 g of fruit contains 15,2% dry matter, 2,0 mg of vitamin C, 12,1% sugar.

Terms of maturation

Pinova apple trees are winter species. The flowering of the fruit crop begins at the end of April. The fruits reach their final maturity in September-October, depending on the geographical latitude.


The apple tree bears fruit, as a rule, for 2-3 years after planting the seedlings. As the plant matures, the volume increases. Already in the sixth year, the tree is able to give a bountiful harvest – up to 40 kg of quality fruits per season.

Warning! So that the fruits do not shrink over time, it is necessary to ensure the rationing of the ovaries. Regular pruning ensures good fruiting and quality fruit.
Apple variety Pinova: description and photo, reviews

Annual pruning of lateral branches is the key to a bountiful harvest of apples

Frost resistance of the Pinova apple tree

The fruit tree has a high level of frost resistance. Temperature indicators that an apple tree can withstand without additional insulation are -24-25 0C.

Experts warn that the winter hardiness of the plant is significantly reduced when growing on waterlogged soils, especially in lowland areas. In the case of a snowless, frosty winter, it is recommended to mulch the tree trunks with a layer of peat or humus.


Pinova belongs to the category of self-fertile varieties. Due to the inability to achieve self-pollination of trees, other pollinators must be planted around the plantings.

Among mutually pollinated varieties, German breeders distinguish:

  • Golden Delicious;
  • Coke Orange;
  • Fuji;
  • Champion;
  • Melrose;
  • Elstar.
Comment! Pinova serves as an excellent pollinator for other varieties of apple trees. Especially appreciated by gardeners is that the flowers open gradually, and therefore the variety has time to serve for many types of apple trees.
Apple variety Pinova: description and photo, reviews

Full fruiting of Pinova variety trees is possible if mutually pollinated apple species are planted nearby

Growing regions

The area of ​​​​growth of the Pinova variety is extensive. Apple trees have taken root on all continents except Antarctica, but the temperate and subtropical climatic zones are considered the best conditions for breeding.

In Our Country, Pinov’s apple trees feel great in the North Caucasus region. Adapted garden trees in the Middle lane, the Volga region and the Urals. But for the successful cultivation and preservation of young trees in the temperate climate zone, it is necessary to provide additional measures – shelter with matting or other protective materials.

Disease resistance

The Pinova apple variety has an increased resistance to infectious diseases and pests. Gardeners confirm that the tree is not susceptible to scab, which affects many types of fruit crops. Pinova has moderate resistance to fire blight and powdery mildew.

Advantages and disadvantages

Pinova apple trees, like any fruit crop, have their advantages and disadvantages. The undeniable advantages of this type are:

  • excellent taste;
  • precocity (for 2-3 years);
  • annual big harvest;
  • long shelf life of fruits;
  • resistance to bacteria, fungi, parasites and exposure to cold.

The disadvantages of the variety are associated with the creation of additional conditions for growing crops. Gardeners consider the main disadvantages:

  • the need to breed additional pollinators;
  • the obligatory regular thinning of the ovaries.
Advice! Nutritionists consider Pinova apples to be a tasty and healthy dessert. Fruits rich in vitamins are successfully used for making juices, compotes, jams, marshmallows, marmalade and serve as a filling for baking.

How to plant

Experts recommend planting apple seedlings in early autumn so that they can take root before the onset of stable cold weather. For the development of the tree, nutritious soils with a good level of permeability to moisture and air (sandy, loamy), with no stagnant groundwater are necessary.

It is advisable to choose an open area illuminated by the sun during daylight hours. Best of all, one- and two-year-old seedlings adapt in a new place. When planting, a distance between trees of 3,5-4,5 m should be observed.

Compliance with the rules of agricultural technology allows you to achieve an excellent harvest. Features of care are similar in relation to other varieties of apple trees. When cultivating fruit trees in areas with a temperate climate, watering is carried out as needed. In a hot climate, the Pinova variety needs frequent irrigation, timely watering during the budding period is especially important.

Important! When purchasing seedlings, you should inspect them for disease damage, the absence of mechanical damage. Healthy planting material is a prerequisite for a bountiful harvest in the future.

Care instructions

Every spring, it is necessary to remove twigs and excess shoots affected by frost. The horticultural crop is responsive to top dressing, primarily with organic fertilizers.

Apple variety Pinova: description and photo, reviews

When planting, it is necessary to provide a space of 3,5 m between seedlings

Experienced gardeners are advised to adhere to the following algorithm:

  • before flowering, a nitrogen-containing fertilizer is applied;
  • at the end of flowering, mineral complexes containing phosphorus and potassium are used;
  • mulch (compost, sawdust, humus, peat) is used throughout the season.

For better penetration of nutrients into the root system, several holes are formed around the tree. Fertilizer is poured into the dug recesses.

Attention! Timely weeding protects the plant from weeds that slow down the growth of seedlings. In addition, weeds can become a source of viral diseases.

Collection and storage

Apples hold tightly and practically do not fall off when ripe. The fruits of the Pinov apple tree reach removable maturity in September, early October. It is necessary to harvest the crop carefully, since the pulp of the fruit is not dense enough. Apples should be stored in refrigeration units or cool basements. Optimum temperature +1 0C. For storage, the fruits are stacked in layers in boxes or containers with sawdust. Under specially created conditions, apples do not lose their commercial qualities for nine months.


Pinova apple trees are a promising hybrid that has become widespread in Europe and America. Proper care of the fruit crop allows you to get a big harvest with excellent taste.

Reviews of gardeners about the Pinov apple tree

Vyacheslav Ivanov, Turas
I planted the Pinova variety at the dacha six years ago. The first three apples appeared in the third year. A year later, we removed about two buckets of rather large, red-yellow apples from the apple tree. Now we collect 35-40 kg per tree. My kids and wife love the taste. I personally don’t care for apples. But I eat apple jam in winter with pleasure.
Irina Mikhailova, Orenburg region
Two years ago we bought a finished house with an orchard. I don’t know exactly how old the Pinov apple tree growing on the site is. I think that at the time of purchase was five years old. Apples taste good. Part of the harvest is stored in a cool room. It is not stored for as long as Antonovka, but on New Year’s Eve the fruit was in excellent condition. Didn’t prune the first year. Got a lot of sidewalls. A neighbor advised to cut the branches after wintering. Now everything is fine. I also began to mulch the soil under the apple trees for the winter. I use overdrive. I am afraid that if the winter is not snowy, the tree will die. We have severe winters in the Urals.
Ilya Prigogine, Voronezh
My family has a large garden plot. I am a fruit wholesaler. For ten years I have been dealing with the Pinova apple variety. Significant care is not required, there have been no cases of the disease yet, although four years ago many trees suffered from powdery mildew. Yield is good. I like that we get apples every year, while most varieties “rest” after a year. Last year, they harvested 70 kilograms from two apple trees.
Planting apple trees Idared Ligol Pinova

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