Apple variety Lobo: photo and description of the variety

The Lobo apple variety was originally bred in Canada, and soon appeared in Our Country. The Macintosh variety was taken as the basis. Further, thanks to free pollination, the Lobo variety appeared. Then these apples appeared in the State Register as an industrial variety. To date, the apple tree “Lobo” is successfully grown in the Baltic countries, Belarus and in the conditions of central Our Country. Based on this, it would be interesting to consider a detailed description, photos, reviews, and also find out how the Lobo apple tree is planted. This will be discussed in this article.

Apple variety Lobo: photo and description of the variety

Characteristic of the variety

Apple tree “Lobo” is a large-fruited variety. The mass of each apple is from 130 to 160 grams. Fruit color – bright red, noble. On top of the apples are covered with a waxy coating of a bluish color. If you erase it, you can see a rich shiny apple. They can be eaten fresh, as well as prepare various desserts and preparations.

The pulp of apples is very dense and juicy, but at the same time the fruit is tender and soft. It has a slightly flat shape and barely noticeable ribs. Apples are tightly attached to the branches with short and thick stalks. They contain approximately 10-11% sugar, which gives the fruits a pleasant sweet and sour taste. Vitamin C or ascorbic acid in apples contains about 10%.

Important! Lobo apples have a light apple flavor with caramel notes.

Based on the reviews about the Lobo apple variety, it can be seen that these are high-yielding trees. According to estimates, from 300 to 380 kg of ripe apples can be harvested from one tree. Ripening time is the end of September. It is noteworthy that the harvest of apple trees is given away together. The fruits have excellent commercial qualities and are suitable for growing for industrial purposes. Apples tolerate transportation well and do not lose their taste.

Apple variety Lobo: photo and description of the variety

You can find different information about how long the Lobo apple variety is stored. The description of the Lobo apple tree specifically shows that this variety is not suitable for storage for the winter. This is an autumn variety with medium keeping quality. True, if you create the necessary conditions, then the apples will stand for at least 3 months. For this reason, some sources call the variety winter. But as soon as the room temperature drops below 0, the fruits will quickly deteriorate.

The shape of the tree itself is conical. The first few years the tree grows very rapidly, after which growth begins to slow down. The result is beautiful trees of medium height. They are very slender and fit perfectly into any landscape design.

At first, the trees may have an oval shape, and then become more round. The final shape of the plant is created by pruning. The shoots are not very thick and almost even. Articulation is rather weakly expressed. Thanks to all this, the trees have an attractive and neat appearance.

Attention! Even after freezing, the apple tree quickly recovers. The main thing is to cut off all damaged shoots.

Apples are formed near the twigs and on the rings. The branches themselves are dark brown with a slight reddish tint. The leaves are emerald green, large and ovate. They have beautiful rounded ends and a matte finish.

Apple variety Lobo: photo and description of the variety

The Lobo apple tree blooms not very early, but not too late either. Any early varieties are suitable for dusting. Reviews of the Lobo apple tree show that the variety tolerates drought and frost perfectly. But at the same time, the tree does not cope well with the heat and can be susceptible to various diseases. Wet environments during rainy seasons can cause scab and powdery mildew. To protect the trees, preventive maintenance should be carried out in the spring. To do this, use special preparations based on copper. Then you will need to re-spray with fungicides. Gardeners recommend using Skora or Horus preparations for these purposes.

Correct landing

In order for the Lobo apple tree to grow beautiful and sprawling as in the photo, it is necessary to plant trees at the right distance. An interval of 4 meters is considered ideal. If young cuttings of a variety are grafted onto an old trunk, then the distance should be even greater. Pits for planting seedlings are prepared in advance. If the trees are planted in the autumn, then the preparation begins several months in advance. And spring planting is planned from autumn.

Apple variety Lobo: photo and description of the variety

To plant an apple tree, you must follow this order:

  1. Planting begins with digging the soil.
  2. All old roots and weeds are removed from it.
  3. Then mineral or organic fertilizers are applied to the soil. Acidic soil must be limed.
  4. The seedling must be inspected, all damaged roots removed and, if necessary, soaked in water. Immediately before planting, the young tree is lowered into the clay solution.
  5. The pit should be filled with water so that all the air is squeezed out of the soil. Thus, the root system of the seedling will be completely compressed by the soil.
  6. The seedling is carefully laid out in a hole, the roots are straightened and everything is covered with earth. After planting, it is lightly tamped.

Apple variety Lobo: photo and description of the variety

apple tree care

Reviews of the Lobo apple variety show that young trees need to be taken care of intensively. The soil near the apple tree should always be moist and loose. In spring, seedlings are fed using fertilizers with nitrogen. In the first half of summer, top dressing will need to be repeated. The first ovaries must be removed. The apple tree should be well established. Do not forget about pruning, it depends on it what appearance the tree will have.

Attention! The crown of an apple tree is formed from the skeletal branches of the second and first rows.

In areas with a cold climate, it is better to insulate trunks for the winter. This will not only protect apple trees from frost, but also save them from various rodents. The description of the Lobo apple variety shows that these are early ripening trees. Already after 3 or 4 years it will be possible to harvest the first crop of apples. During the fruiting period, the branches are often propped up, as under the weight of the fruit they can simply break.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

We see the undeniable advantages of the Lobo apple tree in the description of the variety, in the reviews of gardeners and in the photo. To summarize, this variety has the following advantages:

  • generous and regular harvest;
  • fruits are very large;
  • taste qualities at a high level;
  • attractive fruit appearance, suitable for sale;
  • tolerate transportation well, do not lose juiciness and taste;
  • drought tolerant tree.

 But there are also serious drawbacks, which should not be forgotten either:

  • short shelf life of fruits;
  • poor resistance to frost and heat;
  • low disease resistance. Trees are often affected by scab and powdery mildew.

Apple variety Lobo: photo and description of the variety


In this article, we saw a detailed description of the Lobo apple tree, also examined it in the photo and learned the reviews of experienced gardeners. All this shows that this variety has a lot of advantages and is suitable for both home and industrial cultivation. Photos of the Lobo apple variety cannot but bewitch. This is a neat tree with large bright red fruits. Probably, every gardener dreams of having at least a few copies of this variety on his site.


Alexandra Viktorovna, 45 years old, Volgograd
Before planting the Lobo apple variety, I examined in detail the description of the variety and photos on the Internet. In principle, everything suited me. The only surprise was the difference between when Lobo apples ripen and how long they are stored. Usually, fruits that are harvested in late autumn are suitable for storage throughout the winter. But as it turned out, I worried for nothing. I had apples until February. Very happy with these varieties.
Evgeny Nikolaevich, 47 years old, Astrakhan
The apple tree “Lobo” has a high yield, and the fruits are simply incredibly tasty. True, you constantly have to carry out the prevention of diseases and wrap the trunks for the winter. But after a bountiful harvest, none of that matters.
Apple tree, Lobo.

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