Apple variety Delight

Gardeners take into account many factors when choosing varieties of apple trees for a plot: ripening time and taste of apples, tree height and rules for caring for it, frost resistance of apple trees and various other indicators. The apple tree variety Delight was looked after by many summer residents for their gardens due to its excellent characteristics.

Apple variety Delight

This variety has proven itself in the central regions of Our Country, as it winters well and ripens in areas with rainy summer periods.

Variety description

The height of the tree does not exceed 3,5-4 meters. In young apple trees, the outline of the crown is closer to a round shape, and during the period of tree growth, the crown acquires an oval-elongated shape.

Fruits weighing 105-135 grams ripen round, slightly oval. With proper care, an apple gains weight up to 170 grams. Apples have a smooth and not very thick skin. The color of the fruit has a greenish-yellow color with a characteristic rich crimson hue in the form of a “blush”. The reddish tint can cover the entire surface of the apple or form wide bands of a blurry red tone (as in the photo).

Apple variety Delight

Apple pulp is most often white, but sometimes fruits with pale pinkish flesh are found. Uslada apples are classified as dessert apples and have a rich sour-sweet taste. In the aroma of ripe fruits, raspberry notes can be distinguished.

Uslada apples should be attributed to universal varieties – the fruits are tasty fresh, excellently used for conservation, winter harvesting and are well stored. A distinctive feature of the variety is that the characteristics of the apple are especially suitable for baby and diet food.

Advantages of the variety:

  • excellent winter hardiness;
  • precocity – the apple tree begins to bear fruit after 4-5 years;
  • abundant annual harvest;
  • elegant and appetizing appearance of apples;
  • scab resistance.

Some summer residents consider the heterogeneity of apples to be a disadvantage.

Attention! The phenomenon of heterogeneity may occur due to the thickening of the crown. If you regularly thin out the apple tree, then there will be no problems with different sizes of apples.

Moreover, the Uslada variety is considered a semi-dwarf tree and does not cause trouble with pruning branches.

Recommendations for breeding apple trees and care

Probably, all summer residents and gardeners will agree that the Delight apple tree does not claim special care and is grateful for periodic attention.

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For planting seedlings of Delight, it is better to allocate spring time. At the end of April, the soil almost thawed. If the opportunity to plant Delight appeared only in the fall, then it is advisable to start seedlings in September-early October. In this case, the apple tree will still be able to take root and take root before the cold period.

Important! The Uslada variety is self-infertile, that is, the fruits will hardly set without the help of a suitable pollinator.

When planting Delight, it is important to choose the right pollinator tree.

Next to the Delight apple tree, trees of the same group should be located, with a suitable flowering period.

The varieties President, Bogatyr, Grushovka are best suited for cross-pollination of Delight.

Apple variety Delight

Delight apple trees do not grow luxuriously sprawling. However, when laying the garden, it is necessary to provide for a distance between individual apple trees of at least 4-5 meters. This measure will provide each tree with good lighting and ventilation. Before landing, preparatory work is carried out.

  1. It is recommended to choose a place for planting a seedling Delight in advance. A hole is dug a week before planting, about 70 cm deep.
  2. Humus, mineral fertilizers (superphosphate, a mixture of potash and nitrogen fertilizers) are poured into the bottom of the pit. Be sure to pour a little soil on top and mix everything gently.
  3. A week later, the apple tree is placed in a hole, straightening the roots, and covered with soil. Water abundantly so that the earth in the pit is compacted. After 7-8 days, it is recommended to repeat abundant watering.
Advice! In order for the seedling to take root faster and suffer from the wind, it is tied to pegs.

The best option is to drive two / three pegs along the edges of the pit and fix the seedling between them with ropes (as in the photo).

Apple variety Delight

Chernozem, of course, is a universal soil for apple trees. But Delight perfectly takes root and bears fruit in various lands. A generous harvest is ensured with conscientious care, timely watering, periodic loosening of the soil and fertilization.

Watering and feeding trees

Autumn top dressing of the Delight apple tree is carried out to preserve and ensure fertility. It is best to use organic fertilizers during this period – manure or litter. If a compost pit is equipped in the country house, then you can feed with compost at the rate of 8 kg per square meter.

In the spring, during budding and during the flowering period of Delight, it is useful to fertilize the soil with a mineral composition. Complex fertilizers are applied when watering apple trees.

For proper irrigation, water must be poured into a special ditch (15-20 cm deep), designed around the apple tree in the form of a circle.

Apple variety Delight

When carrying out irrigation work, it is important to take into account the relief of the site. On flat terrain, furrows are usually leveled when loosening the soil. If the garden is laid out on a slope, then it is advisable to form a roller around the trunk of an apple tree or equip a hole. Such measures will help retain moisture during artificial irrigation and during rains.

Water rates are determined by the age of the apple tree.

Advice! Until the age of five, Delight is watered more often than an older apple tree.

During dry periods, naturally, trees are watered more often. This is especially important during flowering and apple setting. As a result of a lack of moisture, part of the ovary may fall off, and the apples will not pick up juice and will be small.

pruning apple trees

A distinctive feature of the Uslada variety is that when the crown thickens, the apples begin to ripen in different sizes. To avoid this problem, it is recommended that this variety be sure to prune unnecessary branches.

Spring is the best time to prune apple trees. The sap flow has not yet begun and you can see the branches that are superfluous.

When pruning, thinning of the crown is carried out – branches that interfere with each other and thicken the tree in the summer are removed. Be sure to cut the tops. These are strong fattening shoots that take away the juices from the tree. They thicken the crown and never bear fruit. Pruning aged apple trees Delight still has a rejuvenating value.

APPLE CUTTING. Detailed review.

When pruning branches, the places of cuts must be covered with garden pitch, which accelerates the healing of the branch, prevents the penetration of fungal diseases and stops the flow of juice from the cut.


The variety of apples Uslada belongs to the autumn varieties. But you can start harvesting from the end of August or the beginning of September. As a rule, Delight cuttings hold fruits well, so you can not be afraid that apples will crumble. Ripe apples are well stored, but it is advisable to eat them within a month.

If you pick fruits a little unripe, then apples can lie until the middle of winter. True, subject to storage conditions:

  • it is advisable to put apples in well-ventilated containers;
  • it is better to store the boxes in a dark room, at an air temperature of +2 ˚ С to +5 ˚ С.

Careful care and timely thinning of the crown contribute to an increase in the yield of the Uslada variety. And then from one adult tree you can collect about 80 kg of apples.

Diseases and pests of the apple tree

The Uslada apple tree stands out for its amazing resistance to scab, as well as to various pests and fungal diseases.

Gardeners do not use any special measures to protect the Delight apple tree. But as a preventive measure, it is recommended to treat the apple tree with Bordeaux liquid in early spring. Spraying is necessary before the dissolution of the kidneys.

Thanks to unpretentiousness and endurance, such an apple tree can decorate the site of even a novice gardener.

Reviews of gardeners

Sergey Petrov, Belgorod
Indeed, a good variety of apples. I planted three trees at once, they bear excellent fruit, the apples are bright and tasty.
Svetlana Novoselova, Taganrog
There is Delight in the garden, but still young, the apple tree overwintered only three winters. I bought a two-year-old seedling, it survived the winter perfectly. This year I harvested the first harvest, but left a few ovaries, as I took pity on the apple tree. Very beautiful apples (greenish with a red side) and tasty, juicy, indeed, a delight. I plucked it in early September, the size of apples is medium.

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