Varieties of apple trees for the Leningrad region, according to their characteristics, should correspond to the climatic features of the region. The main direction of breeding work is the creation of varieties that are winter-hardy, with high immunity, adapted to temperature extremes, with a short fruit ripening period and with good keeping quality.

What type of apple tree to choose

The Leningrad region is located in the zone of the Atlantic-continental climate. Due to sea air currents, winters are relatively mild, with frequent thaws. Summers are often cool, with an average temperature of +18-20 °C. But the humidity is quite high at any time of the year. All these factors do not allow growing any kind of crop, therefore, special varieties of winter-hardy, long-term apples were created for the North-West.

Apple trees for the Leningrad region and the North-West: the best varieties, reviews

Apples of all varieties for the Leningrad region are distinguished by a high tasting rating, they are stored for a long time without losing their presentation

The shelf life of fruits when choosing a seedling plays an important role. Most of the autumn and winter fruits do not have time to reach biological ripeness in a natural way, the fruits are plucked before the onset of frost, and they ripen for a certain time.

Return frosts during sap flow lead to damage to wood fibers and death of fruit buds, these factors are also taken into account when creating apple trees for the Leningrad region. All varieties calmly react to temperature changes and retain the ability to bear fruit regardless of climatic conditions.

High humidity during the cool summer contributes to the development of fungal diseases; in the varieties for the North-West, high resistance to infections is inherent at the genetic level.

Important! When choosing a seedling, they pay attention to the fact that it is zoned in the Leningrad region or specially created for it.

Without fail, the apple tree must be characterized by:

  • winter hardiness;
  • adaptation of fruit buds, buds and flowers to sudden changes in temperature;
  • stable fruiting;
  • stable immunity;
  • the ability to quickly regenerate wood;
  • short ripening period;
  • good keeping quality.

All these qualities are present in apple trees specially bred for the Leningrad region. To provide yourself with fresh fruits all year round, it is recommended to plant several types of early, medium and late harvest.

The best varieties of apple trees for the Leningrad region

According to the time of maturation, trees are classified into summer, winter, autumn. They taste sweet and sour. There are also self-fertile or requiring pollinating neighbors. Form: tall, medium-sized or dwarf. There are also groups of apple trees that bloom already in the third year of vegetation and varieties that give the first fruits only for 5-6 years of growth. Below is a general overview of the most popular specimens for the Leningrad region.

Winter-hardy varieties of apple trees for the North-West

This category includes varieties that resist low temperatures without loss, are not afraid of spring frosts and winter thaws. Below are the best of them.

The Baltics

Baltika is a tall apple tree with a spreading rounded crown. Harvest in mid-September. Fruiting begins in the fifth year of vegetation. The yield of an adult tree is 180-220 kg. The fruits are sweet and sour, light yellow with pink strokes and a pale blush, rounded. Shelf life is two months.

Apple trees for the Leningrad region and the North-West: the best varieties, reviews

The average weight of fruits near the Baltic is 150 g


Iedzenu is a late hybrid of the Latvian selection. Fruits are harvested at the stage of technical ripeness, they ripen in artificially created conditions for 1,5-2 months. They retain their presentation and nutritional value until the end of May. Begins to bear fruit in the fourth year of growth. The apple tree is high, with a compact spherical crown. Fruits with a bumpy surface, sweet and sour, juicy, dark red, weighing up to 180 g.

Apple trees for the Leningrad region and the North-West: the best varieties, reviews

Iyozenu transportable, suitable for commercial cultivation

Beauty of Sverdlovsk

Krasa Sverdlovsk is an ideal variety for winter hardiness for the Leningrad Region, a late, medium-sized apple tree with stable immunity to fungal infections. Fruits are yellow-green with a bright red large blush, weighing 160-180 g, rounded. Well preserved until May. The height of the tree is suitable for mechanized harvesting; it is grown in the Leningrad Region on an industrial scale.

Apple trees for the Leningrad region and the North-West: the best varieties, reviews

Productivity from the tree Krasa Sverdlovsk – 70-80 kg

Sweet varieties of apple trees for the North-West

Sweet in the Leningrad region include varieties in the fruits of which the concentration of sugars is 2,5 times higher than the content of acids. In a climate with a deficiency of ultraviolet light, it is difficult to grow completely sweet ones. Below are the most delicious varieties of apples in this category for the Leningrad region.

Belarusian sweet

The apple tree is early, fruiting begins from the third year of vegetation. Late, in order for the taste to fully reveal, ripening is necessary for 30-40 days with sufficient lighting.

Important! The apple tree is demanding on the landing site, only the southern part of the site, protected from the north wind, is allocated for it.

The tree is stunted with a compact crown. This is a good option for small areas. Productivity up to 80 kg.

Apple trees for the Leningrad region and the North-West: the best varieties, reviews

Belarusian sweet apples are round, dark red, with creamy fine-grained pulp, weighing up to 130 g


Caramel is one of the early summer hybrids. Fully fruit ripen in mid-August. The shelf life is short. The tree is tall – 5-6 m, compact. Fruiting is stable, they take off up to 100 kg. For tall crops, the indicator is average, there are many fruits, but they are not large, weighing 80-110 g.

Apple trees for the Leningrad region and the North-West: the best varieties, reviews

The color is yellow with scarlet areas, the aroma is pronounced, vaguely reminiscent of the smell of spring honey


The robin is a tall tree with a loose spreading crown. The yield is unstable, one year you can take up to 200 kg, the next about 100 kg. Neighbors are required – pollinators of autumn ripening. It bears fruit in the sixth year, the apples are medium-sized, but very juicy, tasty, fragrant, round, bright raspberry.

Apple trees for the Leningrad region and the North-West: the best varieties, reviews

Mass of robin fruits – 70-90 g

Summer (early) varieties of apple trees for the Leningrad region

The early ones in the Leningrad region include varieties that ripen from early August to September. During this time, they manage to ripen completely, are characterized by a sweet and sour taste and juicy pulp. The disadvantage of summer varieties is considered to be a short shelf life and the ability to crumble if the crop is not harvested on time. Common early varieties for the North-West include the following apple trees.


Orlovim is a rather old variety, grown for over 40 years. The tree is pyramidal, compact, tall. It begins to fully bear fruit in the Leningrad region in the seventh year. The yield is high – up to 250 kg. Apples are large, some specimens grow up to 250-300 g. The taste is closer to sweet with slight acidity, juicy. They do not store for a long time, after two weeks they lose their presentation. Ideal for juice processing.

Apple trees for the Leningrad region and the North-West: the best varieties, reviews

The fruits are yellow-green with dark red streaks.


Auxis is an early maturing Baltic hybrid. A short, compact apple tree yields up to 180 kg of yield. The fruits are juicy, tasty, fragrant, slightly flattened. The color of the peel is dark yellow with a bright pink blush. The variety is self-fertile with long-term storage of the crop, transportable, suitable for mechanized harvesting.

Apple trees for the Leningrad region and the North-West: the best varieties, reviews

Auxis apples weighing 130-150 g


Mantet is a variety from Canada, adapted to the climate of the Leningrad region. The first crop is harvested in the fourth year of growth. A medium-sized apple tree with a loose domed shape, with a low planting of the first circle of skeletal branches. The fruits are light green with pale pink stripes, balanced in taste, juicy and fragrant, suitable for winter processing.

Apple trees for the Leningrad region and the North-West: the best varieties, reviews

Fruit weight Mantet – 90-100 g

Winter (late) varieties of apple trees for the North-West

The harvest of late varieties of apple trees, suitable for the Leningrad region, is harvested in mid-October, you need to be in time before the first frost. Apples do not fully ripen and reach biological ripeness in a plucked form. The advantage of such apple trees is considered to be high winter hardiness, long shelf life and good taste. The range of winter varieties of apples for the Leningrad region is small, mainly the following are preferred: Moskovskoye, Solnyshko, Antey.


The apple tree is tall, sprawling, with a dense crown, it requires constant pruning and shaping until the moment of the first flowering. The crop yields at the age of seven years, the fruits retain their nutritional value and presentation until mid-spring. This is one of the varieties with a good keeping quality.

Apple trees for the Leningrad region and the North-West: the best varieties, reviews

Apples yellow-green with pink patches, weight 200 g


The sun is a fairly common variety in the Northwest. Withstands record low winter temperatures. The apple tree is medium-sized, compact, with absolute resistance to fungal diseases. The fruits are large 150-200 g, cone-shaped, yellow-green with a slight pink area, sweet and sour. Keeping quality after collection – four months.

Apple trees for the Leningrad region and the North-West: the best varieties, reviews

Productivity at the Sun – 180 kg per tree


Antey is a tree for a small area: undersized, self-fertile, the crown is compact. Large apples are plucked at the end of October. It takes two months to mature. The fruits of biological ripeness are bright crimson, spherical, juicy, sweet and sour. Stay until April. Productivity up to 60 kg.

Apple trees for the Leningrad region and the North-West: the best varieties, reviews

Weight of apples – 150-180 g

Autumn varieties of apple trees for the North-West

Autumn is the most optimal ripening period for the climatic conditions of the region. Autumn varieties bloom later than early ones, ripen in early October. They lie well, over time only improving the presentation and taste. This category is quite diverse, below are apple trees of autumn varieties for the Leningrad Region with a time-tested reputation and positive feedback from gardeners.


Asterisk is a medium-sized apple tree with a dense, compact crown. The first flowering occurs in the third year of vegetation. Harvest in mid-September. One tree consistently gives 100-130 kg. Stay until April. Apples with a predominance of sugars in taste, juicy, fragrant, rounded, weighing 130-150 g.

Important! The variety is not self-fertile, it needs pollinators and it itself is ideal for other autumn apple trees.
Apple trees for the Leningrad region and the North-West: the best varieties, reviews

The main background of the color of the Asterisk peel is maroon with yellow-green small areas.


Aelita is a tall apple tree with a narrow pyramidal crown. Yield 150 kg. Collected in mid-September. Apples lie for five months. The fruits are rounded with a pronounced bright pink blush on a light background. Weight – 150 g.

Apple trees for the Leningrad region and the North-West: the best varieties, reviews

Aelita begins to bear fruit from the seventh year of vegetation

Antonovka golden

Golden Antonovka is a large-fruited variety, apples grow up to 250-300 g, this is the brightest yellow variety grown in the Leningrad region. The tree is tall with a spreading loose crown. Each year yields up to 200-250 kg.

Apple trees for the Leningrad region and the North-West: the best varieties, reviews

Antonovka golden in the reproductive age enters the seventh year

Low-growing varieties of apple trees for the Leningrad region

Undersized include apple trees, in which the natural form does not exceed 3 m in height. This category includes columnar and dwarf hybrids.


Ladoga is a variety of local selection with a fast fruiting period, the first flowering occurs in the third growing season. The crown is compact, domed. Up to 150 kg of apples are taken from a small tree. Fruits weighing up to 130 g are harvested in the second half of September. Stay until April.

Apple trees for the Leningrad region and the North-West: the best varieties, reviews

The peel is greenish with a pale pink blush, slightly acidic in taste.


According to its characteristics, Mechta is the best dwarf apple variety for the Leningrad Region. It grows up to 2,5 m, the crown is very dense, compact, due to the high yield and large fruits, up to 150 kg are taken from the tree. It blooms in the second growing season, reaching its peak by the fourth. The summer variety gives apples weighing up to 350 g. The taste is closer to sweet, the pulp is juicy, white.

Apple trees for the Leningrad region and the North-West: the best varieties, reviews

The fruits of the Dream have a light yellow peel, with a pronounced burgundy area on the south side.


Arbat is an apple tree of a columnar type, grows up to 1,8 m. The yield is constant, at least 18 kg. Does not get sick, does not require pruning, calmly hibernates. Apples are medium-sized, rarely exceed 70 g, ripen in October, lie until mid-April.

Apple trees for the Leningrad region and the North-West: the best varieties, reviews

Apples are cone-shaped, bright red with a yellow-green fragment on the north side

Self-fertile varieties of apple trees for the North-West

Self-fertile are early summer or autumn hybrids of apple trees created for the North-West, they do not need pollinators and cannot act in this role for other varieties.

Some of the most popular in the Leningrad region:

  • Chosen One;
  • Telvenauding;
  • Silver hoof;
  • Grushovka Moscow;
  • Wine;
  • Pirya;
  • Medunica;
  • Chinese gold early.
Important! All hybrids were grafted onto rootstocks of winter-hardy crop varieties and were experimentally grown in the Leningrad Region.

New varieties of apple trees for the North-West

The seed market constantly offers new varieties of crops, including those for the northwestern regions. Below are the most popular varieties recommended specifically for the Leningrad region:

  • Murat Busurin;
  • Borgovskoye;
  • Veteran;
  • Zorenka;
  • Belarusian raspberry;
  • Mustard;
  • Brown new;
  • Bogatyr;
  • Orlovskoye striped.

This is not the whole list of new products for the Leningrad region. All of the above have already earned positive feedback from gardeners.


Varieties of apple trees for the Leningrad region are represented by a fairly wide range. It is recommended to purchase seedlings in nurseries located in the region, only there they sell apple trees zoned or specially created for growing in a temperate continental climate.

Reviews about varieties of apple trees for the Leningrad region

Sergeev Ivan, 39 years old, Gatchina
One of the first apple trees in my summer cottage, Glory to the Winners, has been producing a stable harvest every year for more than 15 years. I take off the fruits in the middle of autumn, they give three weeks for full ripening. The taste of apples is closer to sweet. They are juicy, fragrant, the weight reaches 200 g. The tree is unpretentious, tall, there was no scab all the time, for our Leningrad region it’s just that.
Olga Mukhina, 51 years old, Sertolovo
The autumn Melba apple tree has been growing on the plot for more than 15 years. It bears fruit stably, I have not yet taken less than 200 kg from a tree. The fruits are very juicy, bright red, uniformly colored, sweet and sour. I store in the basement in wooden boxes with dry shavings, they lie until April. I think that for the Leningrad region this is the best option for growing.
Varieties of apple trees for the North-West of Our Country

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