Apple-tree varieties Ranetka: description
The Ranetka apple variety was bred by crossing Sibirka with other apples. The new variety has absorbed all the best qualities of its “ancestors”. Initially, Ranetka was taken out for cultivation in the Urals, the Far East and Altai. Now it has spread throughout Russia.
Description of the Ranetka apple tree
The main difference between the variety is its size. These are miniature apples, which hardly exceed cherries in size.
The fruits of the Ranetka apple tree can be colored in all shades of red
The taste and characteristics of apples depend on their subspecies. Here are the most common types of “Ranetki”:
- Dobrynya. The peculiarity is intensive growth. The yield per season is 30-50 kg. Every fourth year the harvest is small. The fruits are purple, the flesh is light green and juicy.
- “For a long time”. Feature – increased winter hardiness. Fruits ripen in early autumn and are stored for no more than a month. Apples are distinctly sweet, white flesh with red veins.
- “Purple”. Suitable for regions with harsh climates. Fruits are the smallest – no more than 7-8 g. They are turnip-shaped, bright purple, juicy and tart.
- “Change”. Differs in large fruits for this type of apple. The average yield per tree is 25-30 kg. The shape is oval. Shelf life – until November.
- “Raspberry”. It has a long shelf life. The presentation remains up to six months. The color is dark crimson with a bluish tint. The pulp is pink with sourness.
All described varieties are suitable for cultivation in our country.
Growing an apple tree “Ranetka”
“Ranetki” are undemanding to the choice of a site in the garden. They can grow in any soil, they are fine with direct sunlight and complete shade. It is desirable that there is no groundwater and swampiness near them. In this case, you can create an artificial elevation or put a thick layer of drainage.
An apple tree is planted in early spring before sap flow begins or in autumn, but so that the seedling has time to take root before frost. For vigorous subspecies, allocate an area of 5 by 5 m, for medium-sized ones – 4 by 4 m.A small area of 1 by 1 m will be enough for dwarf varieties.
Prepare the seedling pit in advance, since the earth must have time to settle before planting
Care for this variety needs elementary. Thin pruning from the second year onwards. Spray it prophylactically against pests and diseases. In dry years, water the apple tree 2-3 times per season. Apply mineral or organic fertilizers periodically.
The Ranetka apple tree is resistant to negative environmental influences. It is easy to grow and the harvest is always plentiful and tasty.