Apple tree “Treasured” – features and advantages of the variety

It is difficult to imagine a garden in which apple trees do not grow. Before planting fruit trees, it is important not to make a mistake with the choice of a good variety. Among the types of favorite trees, one can name the Cherished variety, which is very popular among gardeners in our country. From our article you can find out how this wonderful variety of apple trees appeared, what the trees themselves and their fruits look like, what are the pros and cons of the species, as well as about the features of growing, caring for and harvesting.


The external description of the treasured variety is as follows. These apple trees are not too big and quite sprawling. Trees have a sparse crown, the shape of which can be called rounded. The bark of apple trees is dark brown. The branches can be observed perpendicular to the trunk. The shoots have received a straight form from nature. They are quite thin and have a high edge. Painted in dark brown. The foliage of the Cherished variety is pointed with a corrugated structure, endowed with a dark green color.Apple tree Treasured - features and advantages of the variety

As for the description of the fruits of this variety, they are medium in size and rounded. Each apple weighs about 60 grams.

Fruits are formed traditionally on fruit rods. They have a pale color and a deep red blush. From above, the fruits of the Cherished apple tree are covered with a smooth peel. It is very juicy and crispy. They have a pleasant sweet and sour taste with characteristic notes of wild strawberries. The aroma cannot be called strongly pronounced. The fruits have a high content of acids, in particular, ascorbic, as well as vitamins.

Video “Description”

From the video you will learn about the features of the Cherished apple tree.

Winter semi-cultivating variety “Treasured”

How was it bred

The appearance of the Zavetnoye apple tree is due to the specialists of the Research Institute of Horticulture of Siberia, named after M. A. Lisavenko. It was under his strict guidance that a number of studies were carried out, the result of which was the development of a new type of favorite fruit trees. This was achieved by crossing varieties such as Autumn Joy and Melbera. This event happened back in 1958. The new variety entered the register only in 1995.

Thanks to well-conducted selection, he received such advantages as resistance to low temperatures, immunity to diseases and pests. Today, such trees can be found on the territory of Western Siberia, and more specifically in the Tyumen, Tomsk, Omsk regions and the Altai Territory.

Advantages and disadvantages

Apple trees of this variety have early winter ripening periods and the universal purpose of the fruit. They are used to make delicious compote, jelly, fruit wine, cider, jam, dried fruits. The advantages of the species include the rapid entry into fruiting. This happens when the tree reaches the age of 4 years. The crop ripens on the branches every year, and even old cultures give it.Apple tree Treasured - features and advantages of the variety

Gardeners are attracted by a high degree of productivity and excellent taste characteristics of fruits. They ripen almost simultaneously by mid-September, which is convenient in terms of harvesting. They look great and can be stored for up to 150 days without creating special conditions. Apple trees are also endowed with strong immunity to dangerous diseases, in particular, to brocade. The downside can be considered insufficiently high resistance to frost. Because in too harsh winters, trees can freeze slightly.


Planting such a tree is not a difficult procedure even for beginner gardeners. This should be done in the spring.

When planting in a prepared pit, two-thirds are poured into a mixture consisting of a fertile layer of earth, manure and high-quality complex mineral top dressing. In the process of planting, the seedling must straighten the root system and place it in a hole so that the root collar is located at a level of 8 cm above the soil.

When planting, you should not forget to install a stake in the pit, which will serve as a reliable support for the growing tree. The dimensions of the pit are normally 60 cm deep and up to 80 cm wide. Fruit trees are not usually planted in autumn in Siberia. Because, due to the peculiarities of the local climate, they do not have time to take root before the arrival of the first cold weather.


Crop care includes watering, fertilizing, pruning, pest control and rodent control.Apple tree Treasured - features and advantages of the variety

Watering is an important part of proper care. It is recommended to moisten the soil at least 2 times per season. In spring, each tree older than 4 years needs about 100 liters of water. After the tree has shed its leaves, namely in the fall, it is necessary to water the earth abundantly in the near-trunk circle. In a dry year, the apple tree will need watering even in summer. When caring for a crop in June – August, it is advised to water it at least twice.

An obligatory stage of proper care is the introduction of dressings. The composition of the soil for the tree is not particularly important. Liquid mullein is excellent for feeding fruit crops of this species. In the spring, it is also customary to scatter urea around the trunk circle.

The pruning procedure is an important step in care. It should be scheduled for the spring, but you need to be in time before the start of the sap flow. In the process, it is advised to get rid of improperly growing shoots. For work, you should prepare a hacksaw or pruner. You do not need to touch only the branches located horizontally. Since they have the largest number of fruits in the fall.

Although these trees are resistant to scab, they can be attacked by pests. For prevention, it is advised to spray crops with such a composition in the spring. Urea in the amount of 700 grams, copper sulfate – 50 grams per 10 liters of water. This is done before flowering. In order to protect your favorite trees from the invasion of codling moths, it is customary to use trapping belts. Tree care also includes measures to protect them from mice, which are very fond of damaging wood. To do this, the foliage collected from under the trees is burned, the trunk circle is dug up on the spade bayonet, and the trunk is wrapped with protective material. Apple tree Treasured - features and advantages of the varietyInstead of artificial material, you can use hand-assembled spruce paws. Before wrapping them, it is recommended to whitewash the trunk with lime or water-based emulsion. Remember that the largest number of needles should be near the ground itself. To scare away rodents with complex care, drugs such as Ratibor in the form of briquettes are used in practice.


Trees begin to produce crops in the 4th year. The frequency of fruiting is annual and regular. About 70 kg of selected tasty fruits can be harvested from each crop per season. Picking apples is very convenient, because they ripen quite amicably. Apple tree Treasured - features and advantages of the varietySuch fruits are subject not only to consumption in their pure form, but also to processing, conservation, and cooking. They have good transportability and degree of keeping quality. Ripening early winter. The fruiting age is up to 5 years. The fruits begin to ripen in September.

Video “Growing”

From the video you will learn how to grow an apple tree so that it gives a good harvest.

Apple Growing Tips and Apple Tree Care

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