Apple tree Sunny – an unusually decorative and easy-to-care variety

Apple tree Sun is one of the favorite fruit trees of domestic gardeners. It is unusually decorative (ripe fruits form picturesque scarlet clusters on branches) and easy to care for. In addition, the fruits of the tree are distinguished by excellent taste, juiciness and a long shelf life. Below you will find a detailed description of the variety, as well as a story about the unconditional advantages and few disadvantages of these trees.


The apple tree of the Sun variety will not grow very high, on average, the trees reach a height of no more than 4 meters. Each tree forms a predominantly rounded crown of medium density. The trunk of the tree is covered with dark brown, glossy bark. The tree forms thick, arched shoots.Apple tree Sunny - an unusually decorative and easy-to-care variety

During the flowering period, the apple tree is covered with a pale pink color, while the buds are collected in small inflorescences – about 5 pieces each. When it comes time to harvest, you will get medium-sized apples – about 200 g each. This size is also due to the fact that the winter hardiness of the variety is quite high. The fruits are oblong in shape, with a bright yellow skin. However, the true color of Sunny apples is rarely seen, since the entire fruit is covered with a bright raspberry blush. At the same time, apples of this variety are characterized by a large number of subcutaneous points located evenly throughout the fruit.

Apple tree Sun gives fruits with dense white pulp, sometimes with a slight creamy tint, with incredible juiciness and a pronounced sweet and sour taste. Largely due to the fact that the winter hardiness of this variety is really high, the composition of the fruit is rich in various trace elements:

  • each contains at least 8% sugars;
  • ascorbic acid – about 7,2 mg;
  • titratable acids – about 1%;
  • более 100мг Р-активных соединений.

The ripening period of the Sunny variety falls at the end of September, but the fruits reach consumer ripeness only by October (in fact, these are all the shortcomings that this apple tree can “boast about”). But on the other hand, you can easily preserve the presentation and taste of the fruit, until January.Apple tree Sunny - an unusually decorative and easy-to-care variety

In addition, the Solnyshko apple tree gives consistently high yields, on average, up to 100 centners of fruits per hectare of plantings can be harvested from mature trees.

The description of the variety would be incomplete without mentioning that the Sun is distinguished by high winter hardiness, such an apple tree is able to withstand temperature drops down to -40 degrees.

Video “Description”

From the video you will learn about the features of the Sun apple variety.

Advantages and disadvantages

In addition to the fact that the Sunny variety is characterized by a consistently high yield, it is also resistant to scab (and this quality is especially important if you prefer to grow fruits for the purpose of their sale). And such an apple tree is just a delight for the eye – a real beauty!

Another plus is the incredible winter hardiness of trees: the tree will not suffer even if the frost drops to about 40 degrees. In addition, this apple tree is not afraid of drafts, respectively, you can not choose a place for planting it too carefully.

Для плодов характерна высокая лежкость и универсальность: их можно употреблять свежими, готовить из них соки, применять в домашней консервации или даже использовать для приготовления сидра. Более того, они долго лежат, не теряя своего товарного вида, отлично переносят длительную транспортировку на большие расстояния.Apple tree Sunny - an unusually decorative and easy-to-care variety

The conditional disadvantages of the variety include the fact that the apple tree begins to bear fruit late – not earlier than the 7th year after planting. And yet, as already noted, the fruits ripen quite late, which is largely due to such a factor as the winter hardiness of the variety.

Sometimes gardeners note fruit drop long before they are ripe. This may be due not to the characteristics of the species, but to non-compliance with the rules of agricultural technology and care. Be that as it may, the scope of such apples is limited to eating them fresh or making juice – they are unlikely to be stored for a long time.


Despite the unpretentiousness and winter hardiness of the variety, it also requires compliance with certain rules for caring for trees, otherwise you can not wait for a bountiful harvest. Such trees prefer any soil, with the exception of clay or heavy. It is very important, when planting a tree, not to deepen the root collar into the ground, so you will enable the plant to actively develop.Apple tree Sunny - an unusually decorative and easy-to-care variety

Лучше всего выбирать для посадки саженцев весеннюю пору – в начале мая. Старайтесь выбрать теплый, светлый участок без сквозняков (хотя зимостойкость сорта высокая, молодым деревьям нужны щадящие условия). Если земля в вашем саду все-таки глинистая, добавьте в нее небольшое количество песка – это улучшит циркуляцию воздуха и воды и облегчит их доступ к корням дерева. Существует также особенность формирования лунки для такой яблони, она должна быть не менее полуметра в глубину, тогда как ее ширина, как и для всех прочих сортов, будет регулироваться размером корневой системы саженца.

Когда вносите удобрения при посадке, старайтесь сделать прослойку из обычной земли так, чтобы органика не прикасалась к молодым корешкам, этим вы защитите деревце от ожогов и травм. Когда лунка заполнена наполовину, можно влить 0,5 ведра чистой теплой воды и продолжить закапывание. После того как посадка дерева завершена, еще раз полейте яблоньку, но в этот раз тремя ведрами.Apple tree Sunny - an unusually decorative and easy-to-care variety

Before planting a tree, be sure to shorten its branches. They need to be cut exactly one third of the length. And in the future, every year of cultivation, do not forget to form a crown – this procedure effectively stimulates fruiting.


Although the winter hardiness of apple trees largely determines their unpretentiousness, there are still a few rules that will allow you to achieve maximum results:

  • this variety does not welcome stagnant water or excessive waterlogging of the soil. Therefore, try to regulate watering, carry it out often enough, but moderately. The exception is a particularly hot, dry summer, then the frequency of watering needs to be increased. If the summer, on the contrary, turned out to be rainy, form a small groove near the seedling to drain excess water – this will protect the roots from rotting;
  • apple trees are very sensitive to the state of the soil – the land around a young seedling requires constant care: it needs to be loosened, weeds removed. At the same time, loosening is useful, regardless of weather conditions: in the heat it will improve air access to the roots, in the rain it will provide moisture;
  • you can not neglect regular top dressing – do it every spring. And if in the first year after planting, top dressing is limited to what was applied at the time of planting, each subsequent year you can apply nitrogen, phosphorus, potash fertilizers or use ordinary organic matter;Apple tree Sunny - an unusually decorative and easy-to-care variety
  • Like any tree, an apple tree requires regular pruning. Such a procedure not only has a good effect on the shape of the crown, but also effectively stimulates fruiting;
  • the winter hardiness of the variety also has an effect on the flowering period – even flowers are not afraid of a short-term return of cold weather.


Pick apples in the fall when they are fully ripe. This happens in September-October, when all the fruits are covered with a blush and have acquired other signs of ripeness. When picking apples, do it carefully so as not to provoke the fall of neighboring fruits, because this will affect their shelf life. You can leave the plucked fruits to lie down for a short time so that they can “reach” the desired state, gain the necessary juiciness and blush.


Of course, it is important to harvest properly. But it is equally important to know how to organize its storage so that the winter hardiness and high yield of the variety are fully justified. For long-term storage of apples, small wooden boxes with ventilation holes are ideal.

Each fruit should be covered with an insulating layer, paper or sawdust, and the container with apples should be placed in a cellar or pantry, where the air temperature will be constant, it is not expected to increase the level of humidity.

Video “Growing”

From the video you will learn how to grow an apple tree to get a good harvest.

Apple Growing Tips and Apple Tree Care

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