Apple tree Strifel: description, photo, reviews

The taste of Shtrifel apples has been familiar to many of us since childhood. And few people know that these, so dear, juicy and fragrant apples were first bred in Holland, where they received the official name “Streifling”. Over time, the variety was brought to the Baltic States, and then spread throughout the post-Soviet space. Today, many gardeners grow these apples on their plots and call them autumn striped. So, why are Shtrifel apples so popular, and why hasn’t a worthy replacement been found for this variety for many years? The answers to these questions lie in the characteristics of the apples themselves and the tree. In our article we will try to offer a photo, a description of the Shtrifel apple tree and reviews about it.

Apple tree Strifel: description, photo, reviews

Variety description

There are a huge number of different varieties of apple trees, but many domestic gardeners prefer the Shtrifel variety. These apples have excellent external and taste characteristics. Along with the high quality of the fruit, the tree itself is also unique. We will try to tell as much as possible about its features and characteristics later in the section.

Description of the fruit tree

If a huge, powerful apple tree with spreading strong branches flaunts in the garden, then we can say with confidence that this is a “Shtrifel”. Its height can reach 8-9 m. This giant with a lush crown can cover a huge territory with itself, crowding out other trees and shrubs.

Apple tree Strifel: description, photo, reviews

Apple trees of the Shtrifel variety are unpretentious, resistant to various climatic conditions. They can be found in the southern regions and in the north of Siberia. Fruit trees remarkably tolerate the lowest winter temperatures. And even if in some cases the crown is damaged, then its complete regeneration is observed after 2-3 years.

Apple trees “Shtrifel” throughout the entire growing season actively grow greenery and young shoots. They need to be thinned out as the fruit tree grows. Removing excess vegetation will increase the yield of the apple tree and will be an excellent preventive measure to prevent the development of various diseases.

The adult branches of the Shtrifel apple tree are strong, drooping at the ends. They reliably hold the apple crop, which sometimes weighs up to 430 kg. The bark of the fruit tree is dark with pronounced lenticels, slightly glossy. The buds of the apple-tree “Stripel” are gray, elongated. The stalk of apples is long.

The leaves of “Stripel” are rounded, wrinkled. Veins clearly stand out on them. The leaf blades are covered with a characteristic fluff and curl inwards. They are located most densely at the top of the shoot.

Apple tree Strifel: description, photo, reviews

Apple tree variety “Stripel” always blooms profusely with white or slightly pink, large flowers. The first fruiting occurs only in trees at the age of 7-8 years.

Characteristics of apples

Having planted the Shtrifel, it is necessary to properly shape the crown and take care of the tree for several years before you can taste a delicious, ripe apple. The first harvest in the amount of several apples can be obtained 4-5 years after planting. Apples ripen in September. The average fruit weight varies from 80 to 100 g.

The Shtrifel apple itself has a regular rounded, sometimes slightly ribbed shape. Its color is predominantly green-yellow, but it is not for nothing that the common people “Striefel” are called the autumn striped apple. After all, indeed, along its entire surface, one can see longitudinal, rather bright, scarlet and red stripes. They are the hallmark of the Shtrifel variety. You can see photos of apples in the section.

Important! Appearing bright stripes on the apple indicate the maturity of the fruit.

The taste of apples is wonderful: light yellow flesh is juicy and sweet. It contains about 10% sugar and only 1% acid. Apples “Shtrifel”, due to their rich microelement composition, are extremely useful. They contain 12% pectin and a large number of useful substances. So, in 100 g of apples of the Shtrifel variety, there are about 130 mg of vitamins and a lot of fiber.

Apple tree Strifel: description, photo, reviews

It is not for nothing that the huge tree of the “Shtrifel” will occupy the area on the site: apples ripen in large numbers on its huge branches, with a total yield of up to 300-400 kg. Of course, in the early stages of cultivation, such a yield cannot be expected, therefore, in the first years, the gardener must give care and attention to the fruit tree in exchange for the harvest of future years.

Important! To increase the volume of fruiting, it is necessary to place a pollinator near the Striefel, which can be an apple tree of the Antonovka, Slavyanka, and Papirovka varieties.

Disease resistance

Apples “Striefel” are highly resistant to freezing, but, unfortunately, are susceptible to various fungal and viral diseases. The most malicious enemy for “Striefel” is the scab. This fungal disease can affect fruits and spoil their appearance with numerous brown spots. To combat scab and other fungal diseases, it is necessary to regularly carry out sanitary pruning of trees and their treatment with folk remedies or chemicals.

Transportation and storage

Having collected 300-400 kg of apples, it is unlikely that they will be able to eat or process them quickly. It will also not be possible to store Shtrifel apples for a long time without some preparation. This can result in rapid rotting of the fruit. Therefore, if you decide to keep apples fresh, then you need to remember some rules:

  • Do not wait for the full ripening and fall of apples from the tree. Slightly unripe fruits should be stored for storage. They should be collected in early September by carefully picking them off the branch.
  • Store “Shtrifel” in a wooden box in a dry, cool place with good ventilation.
  • Apples with signs of illness or mechanical damage cannot be stored.
  • During storage, it is necessary to regularly review the fruit and remove rotting specimens.

Apple tree Strifel: description, photo, reviews

Important! Even if all storage rules are observed, by December, the quality and taste, the aroma of Shtrifel apples change, and the fruits themselves become unusable.

Thus, having collected a good harvest of Shtrifel apples, it is worth taking care of the speedy processing of fruits or their sale. For storage, it is worth laying only the highest quality, slightly unripe apples.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

“Stripel” is a rather old variety that has imperfect genetics. It is quite difficult for him to “compete” with modern varieties of apples, since he does not have a high resistance to diseases, and his fruits cannot be stored for a long time. But at the same time, the popularity of the variety is the best proof that “Shtrifel” is unique and in demand due to its many advantages, which include:

  • record high yield;
  • excellent unique taste of apples;
  • high resistance of fruit trees to freezing;
  • good fruit transportability;
  • high taste qualities of fruits after processing.

Apple tree Strifel: description, photo, reviews

Having decided to grow “Shtrifel” on your plot, you need to clearly understand its advantages and disadvantages and think in advance how to use the huge harvest of apples.

Important growing rules

It is preferable to plant a fruit tree in the spring, for better survival. Before planting the Shtrifel, it is necessary to provide a place where this large plant will not obscure important objects on the site or interfere with other fruit trees. The soil for “Striefel” should preferably be loamy or black earth. For planting, you should make a large spacious pit and prepare nutrient soil with the presence of minerals and organic matter.

After planting and in the future throughout the cultivation of “Stripel” must be regularly and plentifully watered. In hot, dry times, for every 1 m2 near-stem circle should account for about 80-100 liters. water. To feed adult trees, 0,5 tbsp. urea. Copper sulphate and boric acid can also be used as fertilizer in June. At the end of the fruiting period, phosphorus and potassium supplements should be added to the soil, which will help prepare the apple tree for winter and improve the taste of the fruit.

Apple tree Strifel: description, photo, reviews

Annually in late autumn or early spring, young shoots on the apple tree should be thinned out. This will help keep the plant healthy. After 20-30 years of growing “Striefel”, as a rule, there is a decrease in fruiting. In this case, it is recommended to carry out deep pruning of trees to completely rejuvenate the apple tree. Information on how to do it correctly can be found in the video:

🍎 Apple tree variety Shtrifel (Streifling, Autumn striped) 2 species 🍎


A good harvest of apples is very easy to obtain by growing the Shtrifel variety. A lot of fruits during the season can be used both for fresh consumption and for processing and sale. A tree of this variety is able to feed any family with healthy and tasty fruits. A generous harvest of apples of the Shtrifel variety will be a good gratitude to the gardener for the care and care provided.


Vladimir Kryukov, 52 years old, Kaliningrad
A long time ago, my grandmother grew “Shtrifel” in the village. The taste of these apples and today bring me back to my childhood thoughts. I thought that no one breeds and grows seedlings of this variety, but when I saw a young tree at the fair, I bought it without hesitation and planted it in the country. I know that the harvest will have to wait a long time, but I hope that in ten years, my grandchildren will eat apples and remember their grandfather with a kind word.
Anna Moroz, 34 years old, Obninsk
There was an old apple tree “Striefel” on the site. Apples on it were tied in small quantities and were more affected by scab. They wanted to uproot the old tree, but the neighbor advised to cut the branches by 2/3, which we did 3 years ago. This year, the apple tree bloomed for the first time on new shoots, but all the flowers fell off. I hope that next year it will be possible to harvest the first crop from the renewed tree.

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