The columnar apple tree Scarlet sails (Alie Parusa) is one of the promising varieties of fruit trees. The main advantage of the variety is precocity and abundant fruiting, despite its small growth. During the ripening period, the tree is strewn with fruits, like garlands. Therefore, the variety is often grown not only to obtain apples and decorate the site.

History of breeding

The columnar apple tree “Scarlet Sails” was bred in the Crimea by the candidate of agricultural sciences, breeder Kachalkin Mikhail Vitalievich. Recorded as number 1-190. In addition to the “Scarlet Sails” species, he is the author of 13 more columnar varieties. In the State Register of Ukraine since 1994.

Description of the variety of the columnar apple tree Scarlet sails with a photo

The columnar apple tree “Scarlet Sails”, as a rule, grows with one trunk up to 2-2,5 m. The strength of growth is average. Flowering lasts 1 week, fruit shedding is low.

Suitable for growing in private farms and industrial scale.

The tree is medium. Internodes are short, lateral branches are small or absent. The leaves are large, light green. Escape with thick, dense skin.

Apple Tree Scarlet Sails: description, how to plant, photos and reviews

The first columnar varieties of apple trees appeared in the sixties of the last century.

Appearance of fruit and tree

Apples are bright red. The variety is considered large-fruited, one copy can reach from 0,16 to 0,25 kg. The shape is rounded. The peel of the fruit is dense, inside the apples are white, juicy and grainy. With a pleasant aroma. There are few seeds.

Important! On the site where one apple tree with a regular spreading crown will grow, 50 columnar trees can be planted. Moreover, the harvest will be earlier and more.

Life time

On average, columnar apple varieties live and bear fruit for no more than 15 years. Therefore, plantings must be updated every few years.


The taste qualities of columnar apple trees depend on weather conditions and the moment of consumption. According to their taste, they are called sweet and sour. Dessert apples. On average, fruits are estimated at 4-4,5 points.

Growing regions

The columnar apple tree “Scarlet Sails” has proven itself best in the southern regions of Ukraine and in the Crimea. Suitable for planting in the gardens of Central Our Country.


On average, one young columnar tree of the Scarlet Sails variety produces 3 kg of fruit. With age, the yield of apple trees increases. By 5-6 years is 7-8 kg.

Apple Tree Scarlet Sails: description, how to plant, photos and reviews

In landscape design, columnar varieties of apple trees are used to create hedges.

Frost resistance

According to the producers, the columnar apple tree “Scarlet Sails” is suitable for growing in the Central part of Our Country. Tolerates cold down to -45 °C. But sometimes sub-zero temperatures after a thaw turn out to be fatal for a plant. With return frosts, a columnar apple tree can freeze even at -24 ° C.

Disease and pest resistance

The resistance of the variety “Scarlet sails” to scab is noted. Also, gardeners noticed immunity to powdery mildew.

Flowering period and ripening period

A distinctive feature of all columnar apple trees is their precocity. Most varieties begin to bear fruit for 2-3 years of planting. In the future, the fruits are formed annually. The first ripe apples appear at the end of the calendar summer or the beginning of autumn.

Important! With a dense planting, up to 1 columnar apple trees can be placed on 200 acre of a personal plot.
Apple Tree Scarlet Sails: description, how to plant, photos and reviews

Fruit trees with a columnar crown shape are afraid of frost


Varieties such as Melba, Prime Gold, Vista Bella can serve as pollinators for Scarlet Sails apples. As well as varieties “Mantet” and “Gala Mast”.

Transportation and storage

The fruits of the columnar apple trees “Scarlet Sails” can be transported over long distances. They are stored in the cellar until the onset of cold weather. In the refrigerator – until the middle of winter. If stored for a long time, the pulp may turn pinkish.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any other culture, the columnar apple tree “Scarlet Sails” has its advantages and disadvantages.

Pros of the variety

Grade Cons

Long shelf life – up to three months


Expensive planting material per unit area


Decorative and compact


Increased demands

Easy picking of fruits



Small landing area




Good palatability


How to plant a columnar apple tree Scarlet sails

In the central part of Our Country, the spring planting of columnar apple varieties begins after the soil freezes and continues until the first days of May. More preferable is the autumn planting, which is carried out in the period from 1 to 20 October.

Apple Tree Scarlet Sails: description, how to plant, photos and reviews

The color of the fruits of the Scarlet Sails variety can vary from pinkish to bright red.

Selection of seedlings

Agronomists recommend buying columnar seedlings only in specially designated places. When buying an apple tree “Scarlet Sails”, special care must be taken. According to breeders, 90% of seedlings of the columnar variety were obtained by unscrupulous producers and do not have the varietal qualities characteristic of it.

“Scarlet Sails” should be grown on dwarf and super-dwarf rootstocks. But producers do not want to grow trees on dwarf rootstocks, as this makes the seedlings nondescript. They have a small height and an unbranched root system. Therefore, trees growing on a medium-sized and seedling rootstock are more often found on sale. Such an apple tree is characterized by poor fruiting and in most cases does not live up to the hopes of gardeners.

Important! Good annual columnar apple trees “Scarlet Sails” are usually 40 cm high, with a thick and not wrinkled trunk.

Contrary to popular belief, it is recommended to buy young plants with an open root system and plant them immediately in a permanent place.

During transportation, the roots are covered with a wet cloth and placed in a plastic bag. Before planting, soak for 12 hours in water or for 3-6 hours in a solution of a root formation stimulator.

Apple Tree Scarlet Sails: description, how to plant, photos and reviews

Planting material for the garden is recommended to be purchased in nurseries

Rules of landing

For planting a columnar apple tree “Scarlet Sails” choose the brightest area in the garden. Otherwise, the flower bud will not be laid. Groundwater should be no higher than 1 m from ground level.

A planting hole is dug according to the size of the roots of the seedling. Too long – shortened. For better survival before planting, they are recommended to be dipped in a clay mash.

The pit for planting the variety should be well-drained and contain a large amount of nutrients. Crushed stone or any other small stone can be used as drainage. It is best to fill the pit with a mixture of peat, garden soil and humus in a ratio of 1: 1: 1 when planting seedlings. Add 100 g of superphosphate and wood ash. Compact the soil well after planting.

The same variety is planted in a row, as seedlings may have different growth strength. The taller variety will overtake the shorter variety, leaving some columnar apple trees in the shade as a result.

The small height and compactness of their crowns make it possible to plant columnar varieties of apple trees very densely. Even when the plants are close together, they do not obscure each other. Breeders working on breeding this variety of fruit crops recommend leaving a distance of 30-50 cm between bushes, and up to 1 m in rows.

Important! For planting a columnar apple tree, it is better to choose an elevated area.
Apple Tree Scarlet Sails: description, how to plant, photos and reviews

Columnar apple varieties can be planted close together

Cultivation and care

Variety “Scarlet Sails” requires increased attention. The root system of columnar varieties is less branched, so they need more frequent watering and top dressing. You need to moisten the soil as it dries. Fertilize at least 4 times per season. The year of landing is also no exception.

Top dressing starts from the end of July. Superphosphate 40 g / 10 l of water and 0,5 l of wood ash are added. Subsequently, the procedure is repeated once a month until mid-October. In the autumn, nitrogen fertilizers are excluded.

Due to its compactness, pruning of the columnar apple tree is practically not required. The need to remove lateral shoots usually appears when the upper bud dies. If she did not have time to mature, and the plant froze, the tree begins to let out side branches and loses its columnar shape. Therefore, in early spring, these new shoots must be cut.

To avoid freezing, a columnar tree for the winter can be wrapped with covering material in several layers.

Apple Tree Scarlet Sails: description, how to plant, photos and reviews

To get a good harvest, apple trees need to be periodically fed.

Collection and storage

The first red fruits of the columnar apple tree “Scarlet Sails” can be harvested in the second half of August. Full ripening of apples, as a rule, occurs in September or October. Plucked fruits are stored in a dark, cool place.


The columnar apple tree Scarlet Sails is a small tree that bears fruit already for 2-3 years of planting. Unlike other varieties, the crown is compact and allows you to plant many plants even in a small area. Trees are used in landscape design for planting along paths and fences, demanding care.


Nikolay Borisov, 42 years old, Mr. Berislav
I have been growing the columnar apple tree “Scarlet Sails” for the second year. So far I’m happy with the variety. Pleases with the beautiful appearance and excellent taste of apples. My fruits ripen in mid-August. I will keep watching him.
Nikita Smirnov, 33 years old, Samara
In the first year, the columnar apples “Scarlet Sails” were tried closer to August 20, just in time for Apple Spas. By this time they were 0,9 kg each. Not sour, but not sweet either. Apparently, they were still immature. The next year, the taste of the fruit was much better. Although this summer was unusual. I noticed only one minus in the columnar variety – the skin of apples is thick.
Gennady Pavlov, 67 years old, Moscow region
I planted the first columnar apple trees 5 years ago. This year I bought about 20 more seedlings. Among them was the columnar variety “Scarlet Sails”. If someone is interested in the appearance of the seedlings, then they were small, but with a thick stem, curved shape. I bought one-year-olds, I have no doubts as planting material. While I’m looking.
M V Kachalkin New in horticulture columnar apple trees

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