Apple-tree Moscow pear: description
Apple tree “Moskovskaya grushovka” firmly established itself on garden plots in central and central Russia. The variety was bred at the end of the XNUMXth century, and since then its popularity has only increased. Modern breeders have done a great job to improve its varietal qualities.
Description of the qualities of the apple tree “Moscow pear”
The variety is distinguished by its tallness, the trees grow from 7 to 8 m. The crown of an apple tree at a young age has a pyramidal shape, and in mature trees it is rounded. Large leaves have a slightly yellowish tint. The apple tree is zoned for cultivation in the regions of central and central Russia and the Non-Black Earth Region. A photo of the “Moscow pear” apple tree is located below.
The life of the Moskovskaya Grushovka apple tree is from 50 to 60 years
The variety is self-fertile and needs additional pollination. As pollinators, it is recommended to grow varieties such as Antonovka and Papirovka on the same plot.
The fruits of the variety grow small – from 85 to 130 g. The pulp of apples has a yellowish tint and a loose structure. The taste of the variety is sweet, there is a barely noticeable sourness. The undoubted advantages of the apple tree include its frost resistance, it can withstand up to -50 ° C. The yield of the variety is up to 100 kg per tree, which is a very good indicator.
Features of growing “Moscow pear”
The decisive factor in the successful growth of an apple tree is a good choice of a planting site for seedlings. The site should be well lit and located on the leeward side. The most successful option would be a small slope in the southern part of the garden.
The measures for the care of the “Moscow Pear” include the following:
- Timely feeding with organic and universal fertilizers. Nitrogen-containing dressings are recommended to be applied after the first fruits are set.
- Cutting off some of the flowers and young fruits will ensure the development of the tree. In addition, this method of rationing the yield will have a positive effect on the weight and taste of the remaining apples.
- Moderate watering – experts recommend moistening the soil no more than once a week. At the end of August, watering should be stopped and the tree should be allowed to prepare for winter.
The variety is characterized by an average resistance to diseases, therefore, preventive spraying of trees should be carried out 2 times per season. To prevent diseases, drugs such as “foundazol”, Bordeaux mixture or copper oxychloride are used.
Pruning should be done twice a year – in the spring and fall. It is necessary to cut off the branches completely, without leaving hemp, and treat the cut points with garden pitch to protect the tree
With proper care, Moskovskaya Grushovka will grow into a healthy and strong tree. For decades, apple trees of this variety will delight you with their color and tasty, healthy fruits.