Apple tree Mantet: advantages and characteristics of the variety

Among the many types of apple trees, one of the Canadian summer varieties has gained considerable popularity. In this article, you will learn what the Mantet apple tree is, what are its advantages over its fellow species, and also get a detailed description of how to properly grow a tree in order to get a healthy and bountiful harvest.

Variety description

This variety was bred at one of the experimental stations in Morden, and the seedling of Moscow Grushovka was taken as a basis. Mantet trees grow to medium height, cannot boast of a dense crown, but have strong skeletal branches. The shoots are characterized by a cranked shape, they are brown, pubescent with gray lenticels. The leaves are large, deep green and shiny. They are quite easy to distinguish from other varieties by their elongated shape and pointed upward tip and wedge-shaped base. Most of them are straight, without pubescence.

Apple tree Mantet: advantages and characteristics of the variety

The variety blooms with large, saucer-shaped white flowers with a delicate pink tint. Often the flowers take on a purple or deep pink hue.

Fruits are often of medium size, rounded with ribbing in the upper part, conical. The peel is green-yellow, turning yellow when ripe, the outer part is rich red with orange accents on the background. The variety is distinguished by a thin and delicate skin, which is easily separated from the apple pulp. Seeds are small, trihedral with a blunt tip, brown. The pulp is white, juicy with a persistent aroma, sweet and sour.

100 g of Mantet pulp contains:

  • 10,4% sugars;
  • 0,8% acids;
  • 12,4% pectin;
  • 371 mg P-active substances;
  • 11,2 mg of ascorbic acid.

The fruits ripen at the end of July, however, depending on weather conditions, the dates may shift until the end of August.

Apple tree Mantet: advantages and characteristics of the variety

Summing up the description, it should be noted that the variety is characterized by early maturity, high yield of young trees, gradually fading away with aging. The more abundant the harvest, the smaller the fruits. The variety tolerates not very cold winters well. Among the minuses, vulnerability to scab should be noted.

Useful Properties

Like any other, this variety contains a large amount of vitamin C, which has a positive effect on human immunity. Moreover, it is one of the easily digestible sources of iron, which is good for the circulatory system, and also has a beneficial effect on the kidneys in case of their disease. The abundance of fiber, which is slowly absorbed, normalizes the digestive system and leaves a feeling of satiety for a long time. Chlorogenic acid, one of the constituent elements of the apple, accelerates the excretion of oxalic acid from the body.

Regular consumption of apples helps to lower blood cholesterol levels, which reduces the likelihood of clogging of blood vessels and is the prevention of heart attacks. The peel contains quercetin, an antioxidant that prevents free radicals from negatively affecting the body. In addition, pectin and vitamin C have a positive effect on the condition of the skin. Variety Mantet is hypoallergenic, so it can be used by everyone.

Apple tree Mantet: advantages and characteristics of the variety

Peculiarities of growing

To get a good harvest from trees of this variety, it is necessary to properly prepare the site for cultivation. Since the lifespan of one tree is about 50 years, and replanting an adult tree is a complicated and pointless undertaking, it is better to immediately make sure that the conditions are suitable.

The description of the ideal place should begin with protection from drafts and an abundance of cold air. In this case, the place should be well lit and warm. Planting is carried out both in autumn (before frosts) and in spring (until the soil warms up). During spring planting, additional watering is necessary so that the seedlings better adapt and take root.

Before planting, it is important to remove damaged roots and branches so that they do not take away the resource from the entire plant. Prefer loamy soil when choosing soil, although Mantet will grow in any type of soil with proper care.

Under each seedling you will need a pit no more than 70 cm deep and 1 meter wide. The bottom of the pit is lined with a mixture of fertile soil, peat, humus and compost in equal proportions, as well as mineral fertilizers. Having placed the seedling, it is covered in layers with soil and fertilizers. Before planting, it is recommended to straighten the roots of the seedling, but this should be done carefully so as not to break them off. After you fill the hole, you need to mulch the hole with humus and tie up the seedling.

Apple tree Mantet: advantages and characteristics of the variety


The variety does not require specific care, at least its description is slightly different from the care of other fruit trees. During the entire growth of the tree, weeds must be carefully weeded, which are especially dangerous for the seedling in the first months of growth in the garden. It is necessary to loosen the soil around the trunk carefully, without going deep, so as not to damage the roots. As some branches grow and die, they need to be cut off, and the cuts treated with lime to prevent infection. Every year, the trunk of an apple tree must be whitewashed with slaked lime.

You need to water the tree every week, adding about 15 liters of water.

It is not worth parting with top dressing – once a year, in the spring, is enough. To do this, use humus, superphosphate and potassium, or a complex fertilizer for fruit trees (carefully read the description so as not to make a mistake with the proportions).

Since the Mantet apple tree is vulnerable to scab, it is important to carry out preventive treatment against insects and infectious diseases.

Be sure to remove the old bark, and paint over the bare places with slaked lime.

Video “Choose an apple tree for the site”

This review will help you choose the best varieties of apple trees for your summer cottage, as well as take advantage of practical tips for choosing and caring for them in the nursery.

10. Choose an apple tree. The best varieties of apple trees: Melba, Mantet and others.

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