Apple tree glory to the winners: description and advantages

Today, the horticultural sector does not suffer from a lack of fruit varieties, especially this trend concerns the apple tree. This plant, belonging to the Pink family, no matter how strange it may sound, today has about 40 species. But they are also replenished with the help of various kinds of crossings and other experiments. Therefore, it can be difficult for a novice gardener to choose exactly the apple tree that would fit perfectly, given the initial stage of doing this business. Yes, and everything that has been tested by time, as you know, is more preferable. Therefore, in this case, you can turn to the apple tree Glory to the Winners.


The apple-tree variety Slava Pobediteley is considered Ukrainian, since it was first bred by Lev Simirenko at the Mliyevskaya garden experimental station in 1928. This happened by breeding, so the “winners” apples are hybrids of two varieties – Macintosh and Papirovka.

Any seedling of this species is characterized by a high level of winter hardiness, and it is recommended to plant it on dwarf and medium-sized rootstocks.

As for the basic moments of the description of this fruit crop, it should be noted that the Slava Pobediteley apple tree belongs to two categories at once: summer and autumn ripening. But this, of course, will depend on the region in which the variety is grown. As an example, one can cite the fact that residents of the southern regions can count on the harvest as early as August, but as for a cooler climate, then ripe fruits can not be expected until September.

Apple tree glory to the winners: description and advantages

Turning to a more detailed description of this apple tree, its structure should be characterized depending on all the components:

  1. The structure of an adult apple tree Glory to the Winners: a sprawling and large crown (most often a wide pyramidal shape, which over time can transform into a high round or high oval). The tree itself is vigorous.
  2. The main branches of “glory” have a brown bark and are characterized by the fact that they depart from the trunk, being at an acute angle. They are also raised up, and over time they can disperse in different directions. The middle branches are able to acquire fruit twigs or annelids.
  3. The shoots of the “winner” are brown, straight, having small thick lenticels. The stems can be shiny, reddish-brown, slightly articulated.
  4. The leaves of the apple tree of this variety have the following characteristics: medium-sized, round or round-oval, light green in color, smooth, flat, slightly curved near the base, have short-pointed ends and barely noticeable yellowness.Apple tree glory to the winners: description and advantages
  5. Petioles are slightly colored, and stipules are lanceolate and small.
  6. The stamens are colored red, and the stigma of the pistil is located at the level of the stamen anthers, occasionally a little higher.
  7. The flowers are saucer-shaped, pink, with red bases of stamen tissues. The buds are usually red.
  8. The fruits of “glory” are appetizing apples, which can be both medium and large in size, but they must have a smooth skin. As the main color of the fruit, a green light shade enters, while on the apple one can see a solid, blurry, “smart” and attractive blush, which, as a rule, covers the entire fruit.
  9. The pulp of the fruit is very soft, tender, aromatic and juicy, usually slightly creamy in color. The taste is pleasant sweet and sour.

It should be noted that the fruits of this crop are characterized by poor retention on the tree, so gardeners are often in a hurry to harvest. Here you should learn to determine the very moment that is ideal for picking a really ripe, ripe, juicy fruit from a tree.

Apple tree glory to the winners: description and advantages

Advantages and disadvantages

Like other cultures, this type of apple tree has a certain set of advantages and disadvantages, which make “glory” a unique variety.

Among the advantages are the following aspects:

  • high level of productivity;
  • yield stability;
  • winter hardiness as a distinctive characteristic of trees;
  • fruits are of high quality and attractive appearance.

As for the shortcomings, the “winner” has the following:

  1. low level of drought resistance, as a result of which fruit shedding may occur;
  2. the crown is too thick, which makes it necessary to show increased attention in the process of care;
  3. self-infertility: in order to get a crop, it is necessary to plant trees that will act as pollinators. Often this role is played by such varieties as Borovinka, Priam, Delichia, Antonovka, Melba, reviews of which are also very good.

Apple tree glory to the winners: description and advantages

Despite the presence of some shortcomings, which, it should be noted, are few, this fruit tree, especially in its “youth”, gives a regular and stable harvest. And during the period of growing up, the process of fruit formation can become periodic. Therefore, the main thing is high-quality and timely care.


The use of the fruits of “glory” can be very diverse. Both children and adults are happy to use them not only in their natural form, but also as juice, compote.

These apples are also suitable for processing, but it should be noted that sometimes a certain amount of useful properties can be lost. So, jams, jams, and preservation are made from the fruits of this tree. Apple pancakes and pies are also very popular among chefs. Apples can also be chopped and dried to make a delicious winter drink.

Apple tree glory to the winners: description and advantages

Fresh apples can be used to prepare various salads, snacks, desserts.

Here it is necessary to point out a number of vitamins, minerals, useful substances contained in apples of this type and which help strengthen the immune system and reduce the risk of a cold:

  • P-active substances;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus;
  • calcium;
  • iodine;
  • vitamins: E, C, group B;
  • carotene;
  • acids that are easily digestible;
  • pectins.

Apple tree glory to the winners: description and advantages

Apple trees Glory to the Winners, thanks to an impressive set of positive characteristics, have become widespread in many territories; not to mention Ukraine, it is also Our Country, Belarus, the North Caucasus, etc. The fruits of this species are a valuable product for the human body, so there is a point in growing this crop. At the same time, it is worth remembering the features of this apple tree, understanding the importance of comprehensive care and adhering to all the rules. Only then can you count on a good harvest and earnings.

Video “Late summer varieties of apple trees”

The video provides a brief description and characteristics of the fruiting of summer-autumn varieties of apple trees, including the variety Glory to the Winners.

Late-summer varieties of apple trees, a brief description, fruiting in the fruit nursery Sad.

Author: Svetlana Galitsina


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