Apple tree “Gift to the Count”: advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The apple tree variety Gift to the Count has long won the sympathy of gardeners due to the excellent taste of the fruit and unpretentious character. This species consistently produces a good harvest every season and does not require careful care. In this article, we will provide a description of the variety itself, as well as recommendations for growing, caring for, and talk about some of the features of the apple tree.

Features of the variety

Gardeners describe the variety “Gift to the Count” as a very unpretentious tree that can be grown in the middle lane and even in some northern regions of Our Country. This apple tree has excellent frost resistance, and not every fruit variety can boast of this.

The description should include the fact that the tree grows quite high and you have to collect the fruits with the help of stepladders in order to reach the top of the crown. The crown is wide and spreading, on which there is always a lot of foliage. “Gift to the Count” usually grows and develops rapidly, and the fruits can already be harvested a few years after planting. Usually, apple trees give a harvest in 4-5 years under comfortable conditions and proper care.Apple tree Gift to the Count: advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Description of appearance: the branches and trunk have a grayish tint, the foliage is medium in size, has a wavy shape. Branches of medium size that form a neat crown. During flowering, white-pink small flowers appear.

Gardeners give a description of the fruits – large and heavy. Under favorable conditions and regular feeding, apples can reach a mass of 300 grams. When ripe, it has a yellow color with red and crimson sides. The skin is of medium thickness. There are very few seeds inside the apple. The taste of the fruit is sweet and sour, and it also retains a pleasant aroma for a long time. Very juicy and firm apples, and they keep well.

Video “Description”

From the video you will learn about the features of the apple tree.



When growing the “Gift to the Count” variety, it is desirable to take into account some features. It is not recommended to plant other plants near the apple tree, as this can harm it and significantly reduce the yield. For an adult tree, this situation will not be a problem, but for a young seedling it is an important factor.Apple tree Gift to the Count: advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Landing should be done in mid-spring or autumn. It is better suited for this, since the first buds may already appear from the new season and flowering may begin. You don’t need anything special to land. It is enough to dig a hole of a suitable size so that the root system fits freely there. Dried or damaged processes must be removed and then aligned. After that, you can place the tree in a hole and evenly cover it with earth. The earth does not need to be tamped, it is enough just to compact it so that the tree stands level.

When planting is complete, drive a small stake into the ground and tie the apple tree to it. This will allow her to take root in the ground without any problems, and will also help her to stand still when a strong wind appears.

When growing the “Gift to the Count” variety, it is advisable to periodically pull out large weeds that sprout near the tree. The soil should be periodically loosened so that water and air are better supplied to the rhizome. Watering should be done at least once a week. For a small seedling, a few buckets will be enough. For a tree 2-3 years old, the volume of water needs to be increased.


Since the description of the “Gift” to the Count’s variety indicates that it is not particularly whimsical to the surrounding climate and does not require careful care, elementary measures should not be ignored.

When growing this apple tree, it is advisable to cut dry small branches after harvesting in spring and autumn. This will allow you to better nourish young pagons, retaining more nutrients and minerals.Apple tree Gift to the Count: advantages and disadvantages of the variety

An adult tree will already have a developed root system and will receive most of the water from groundwater. However, this does not mean that it will not need to be watered at all. It is advisable to pour several buckets of water once a week, and also monitor the condition of the sheets. If their tips dry up, then this means that the apple tree does not have enough moisture, and watering needs to be increased in volume and done more often. This is especially important in dry times, when the soil loses a lot of moisture and the plant itself.

For a young seedling, it is very important to periodically fertilize the soil. This is not necessary, but in order for the tree to grow faster, and the fruits can be harvested earlier, it is necessary to provide enough minerals and nutrients for the rhizome.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of the apple tree “Gift to the Count” include its excellent endurance and resistance to frost. The first fruits may appear already in the second or third year, and a larger crop can be harvested in 5-6 years. The fruits are large and juicy, well stored and transported.

This variety has no particular disadvantages.


“Gift to the Count” annually gives a very good harvest. Since there are quite a lot of fruits on the branches, and they are heavy, you need to make sure that the crown can withstand apples. It is possible to remove several fruits from the branches towards the end of September, removing the load. These apples can ripen in a dry place, and those that remain on the tree will continue to pour.

Basically, all apples become ripe by the onset of mid-autumn. In order to be able to store these fruits for a long time and without spoilage, you need to do this in the refrigerator, maintaining zero degrees. If you do not have such an opportunity, then you can store it in the basement, where it should be cool and dry.

Diseases and pests

“Gift to the Count” is resistant to various diseases and insects. For this reason, gardeners will not be disturbed by these problems when growing. Of course, if possible, then as a preventive measure, the tree can be treated with special preparations, but usually this is not necessary.Apple tree Gift to the Count: advantages and disadvantages of the variety

If characteristic signs of the disease appear (on the trunk and leaves), you can consult with specialists.

Video “Diseases and their treatment”

From the video you will learn about apple diseases and their treatment.

fruit trees – apple trees, diseases

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