Apple Tree Dream

The Dream apple tree is a well-known variety that brings a crop in late summer. To get a high yield, choose a suitable planting site and regularly care for the tree.

History of breeding

The Mechta apple tree was bred by the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Horticulture. I. V. Michurina. Parent varieties: early ripe Pepin saffron and winter Papirovka. Variety Mechta has become widespread in the central region of Our Country.

Description of the variety and characteristics with a photo

The Mechta apple tree is a popular summer variety that brings a harvest before the onset of autumn. Apples have good commercial and taste qualities.

Mature tree height

The apple tree has medium dimensions and reaches a height of 2,5 m. Trees rarely grow above 3-4 m. The trunk of the apple tree is straight and strong, the growth force is average. The bark is reddish-gray, young branches are greenish-brown.


Mechta apples of medium and large sizes. The average fruit weight is from 140 to 150 g. Apples gain the maximum weight when growing a seedling on a dwarf rootstock.

The fruits are one-dimensional, have a rounded shape. The coloration is greenish-yellow. Under the sun’s rays, a pink blush appears in the form of strokes. The pulp of Dream apples is white with a pinkish tint, friable, with a weak aroma.


The average yield of the Mechta variety is 120 g of fruits from each tree. With good agricultural technology, up to 150 kg of apples are harvested. The crop is stored in cool conditions for no more than 1-2 months.

Winter hardiness

Variety Dream has good winter hardiness. The apple tree endures cold winters without additional shelter.

Resistance to diseases

The Dream apple tree is little susceptible to fungal and viral diseases. For the prevention of diseases, regular spraying is recommended.

crown width

The Dream apple tree has a spreading crown, about 1 m wide, rounded-conical in shape. Regular pruning of the tree helps to give the necessary shape to the crown. Shoots are strongly leafy. The leaves are large with a matte surface.

Apple Tree Dream


Variety Mechta is not self-fertile. To obtain a crop, planting pollinators within a radius of no more than 40-50 m from the tree is required.

As pollinators, varieties are chosen that bloom at the same time as the Dream: Melba, Antonovka, Borovinka, etc.

The frequency of fruiting

The fruiting of the apple tree Dream begins at the 4th year. Under favorable conditions, the first crop can be harvested 2 years after planting.

Yields are affected by weather conditions and agricultural practices. After a cold winter or during a drought, fewer apples are harvested than in more favorable years.

Tasting assessment

Dream apples have a sweet and sour taste. The tasting properties are rated 4,5 points out of 5. Apples are suitable for daily diet, making juices, jams and other types of processing.


A place for growing an apple tree Dream is prepared in advance. If necessary, change the topsoil and start digging a hole. Work is carried out in autumn or spring.

Site selection, pit preparation

Dream variety sapling is planted in a sunny place, protected from the effects of the wind. The apple tree grows well on light fertile soils.

A hole is dug 3-4 weeks before planting. The optimal diameter is 50 cm, depth – from 60 cm, depending on the size of the root system.

Sand is introduced into the clay soil, and a drainage layer of expanded clay or crushed stone is arranged at the bottom of the pit. The soil of any type is fertilized with humus and wood ash.

In the autumn

The Dream apple tree is planted in autumn, in September or October after leaf fall. Before the start of winter, the seedling will have time to adapt to new conditions.

When planting in the fall, it is not recommended to apply nitrogen-based fertilizers to the soil. Otherwise, the kidneys will swell before the winter cold.

Apple Tree Dream

In the spring

Spring planting is carried out after the snow melts and the soil warms up. It is important to plant an apple tree before sap flow begins.

It is better to prepare the landing pit in the fall so that the soil shrinks. After planting, the seedling is watered with a solution of any complex fertilizer.


The yield of the Dream variety largely depends on care. The apple tree needs watering, fertilizing and pruning. Preventive treatments help protect the tree from diseases and pests.

Watering and feeding

In spring and summer, the young tree is watered every week. A bucket of water is poured under each apple tree. In drought, the volume of moisture is increased to 2-3 buckets. After watering, the soil is mulched with compost or humus, dry grass or straw is poured on top.

Mature trees are watered during flowering, flowering and at the beginning of fruiting. At the end of summer and autumn, the introduction of moisture is stopped so as not to cause excessive growth of shoots.

Advice! In late autumn, abundant watering is carried out to protect the apple tree from freezing.

Top dressing of the Dream apple tree is carried out according to the scheme:

  • in the end of April;
  • before flowering;
  • during the formation of fruits;
  • autumn harvest.

For the first feeding use 0,5 kg of urea. Fertilizer is scattered within the near-trunk circle. Urea promotes the growth of shoots.

Before flowering, the apple tree is fed with complex fertilizer. 10 g of potassium sulfate and 40 g of superphosphate are added to 50 liters of water. The solution is poured over the tree under the root.

The third top dressing provides the Dream apple tree with the nutrients necessary for fruit filling. In a bucket of 10 liters, dissolve 1 g of sodium humate and 50 g of nitrophoska. The solution is used for watering apple trees.

The last top dressing helps the trees recover after fruiting. Wood ash is buried in the ground. From mineral substances, 200 g of superphosphate and potassium sulfate are used.

Apple Tree Dream

Preventive spraying

To protect the Dream apple tree from diseases and pests, preventive treatments are required. The first procedure is performed in early spring before the buds swell. Add 700 g of urea to a bucket of water. The solution is poured over the soil in the near-trunk circle and the branches of the trees are sprayed.

After flowering, the Dream apple tree is treated with Karbofos or Aktellik insecticides. For the prevention of fungal diseases, preparations based on copper are used. Spraying is repeated in late autumn after harvest.


Thanks to pruning, the crown of the Dream apple tree is formed and the yield is increased. Pruning is carried out with an early vein before the buds swell or in the fall after leaf fall. Slices are treated with garden pitch. In summer, dry branches and leaves that cover apples from the sun are eliminated.

Full pruning begins at 2-3 years of the life of the apple tree. Shoots shorten and leave 2/3 of the total length. Also eliminate shoots growing inside the tree. With this treatment, a crown will form in a five-year-old apple tree, which does not need further pruning.

Shelter for the winter, protection from rodents

The trunks of young trees in autumn are bound with spruce branches to protect against rodents. In an adult apple tree, the trunk is treated with a solution of lime.

Variety Mechta tolerates winter frosts well. For additional protection, winter watering is carried out and the trunk of trees is spudded. The soil in the trunk circle is mulched with humus.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The main advantages of the Dream apple tree:

  • commodity and taste qualities of fruits;
  • good yield;
  • precocity of the variety;
  • resistance to winter frosts.

The disadvantages of the Dream variety are:

  • the need to plant a pollinator;
  • limited period of storage of fruits;
  • unstable fruiting;
  • tendency to crack apples at high humidity.

Apple Tree Dream

Prevention and protection against diseases and pests

The main diseases of the apple tree are:

  • Fruit rot. The disease manifests itself in the form of brown spots that appear on the fruit. The result is yield loss. Against fruit rot, preventive spraying of the apple tree with Bordeaux liquid or a solution of the Horus preparation is performed.

    Apple Tree Dream

  • Powdery mildew. It has the appearance of a white-gray plaque that appears on leaves, shoots and buds. Gradually, the leaves turn yellow and fall off. From powdery mildew, Topaz or Skor preparations, which contain copper, help.

    Apple Tree Dream

  • Scab. The presence of a lesion is evidenced by a brown coating on the leaves of the apple tree. The disease passes to the fruits, on which gray spots and cracks appear. To protect the apple tree, spraying with fungicides Horus, Fitolavin, Fitosporin is carried out.

    Apple Tree Dream

  • Rust. The lesion appears on the leaves and is brown spots with black patches. The fungus spreads to shoots and fruits. Against rust, a solution of copper oxychloride is used.

    Apple Tree Dream

The apple tree is attacked by many pests:

  • Aphid. Insects quickly spread through the garden and feed on plant sap.

    Apple Tree Dream

  • Fruit mite. The pest sucks the juices from the leaves of the apple tree, as a result of which its immunity to diseases and cold snaps decreases.

    Apple Tree Dream

  • Codling moth. It feeds on the pulp of apples, spreads rapidly and leads to the death of up to 2/3 of the crop.

    Apple Tree Dream

Insecticides are used against insects. Spraying is carried out in spring and summer. All treatments are stopped 3-4 weeks before harvest.


The Mechta apple tree is a time-tested variety. Mechta apples are not suitable for long-term storage, so they are best used for home canning or included in the summer diet.


Yana, 25 years old, Nizhny Novgorod
Last year, I received the first harvest from the Mechta apple tree. The tree was planted 4 years ago. Apples are distinguished by white dense pulp and high juice content. The taste is sweet and sour, the aroma is mild. I hope that in a hotter summer the taste of apples will improve.
Alexander, 38 years old, St. Petersburg
Variety Mechta attracted with its high resistance to scab. Even without treatments, the trees do not show signs of disease. The Melba apple tree is distinguished by winter hardiness, however, it comes into fruiting later than other varieties. If you do not collect ripe fruits in time, they begin to crumble. Apples lie for a long time after being removed from the tree.
Valentina, 62 years old, Lipetsk
Mesta’s apple tree has been growing on the site for many years. Fruit ripening does not begin at the same time. The taste is very rich, sweet and sour. Apples are large and juicy, white-pink, under the sun’s rays acquire a bright dashed blush. I use them to make juice and jam. The average fruit weight is 150 g. The tree has grown to 2,5 m, it is very convenient to pick apples from it.
🍎 Apple tree variety Dream 🍎

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