Apple tree Cinnamon striped: planting, care and yield

The species diversity of apple trees allows you to make amazing compositions in your garden, selecting varieties not only according to the period of fruiting or regionalization, but also according to taste. In this article we will talk about one of the oldest types of folk selection – the Cinnamon Striped apple tree.

For the first time, its mention is found back in 1810 in a book authored by V.A. Levshin, and then in 1848 it is described in detail by N.A. Krasnoglazov. In general, “Cinnamon Striped” is a fairly popular variety. Chekhov wrote about him in the story “The Black Monk”. Apple trees of this variety grew in Tolstoy’s estate. What exactly attracts this variety, a description of the key properties, as well as the rules for growing apple trees, you will find below.

Variety description

The description of the Cinnamon Striped variety should begin with the fact that the apple tree belongs to the early autumn species, zoned for the Middle Volga, Volga-Vyatka, Northern and North-Western regions. Incredibly high resistance to frost allows it to survive winters when the air temperature drops below -35 ° C. Agree, this is a significant advantage that allows you not to worry about the health of trees.

Apple tree Cinnamon striped: planting, care and yield

This variety of apple trees is distinguished by large trees with a dense, spreading crown. Given this growth range, “Cinnamon Striped” is not very suitable for small areas. Firstly, due to the incredible shading of the soil under the crown. Secondly, due to the developed root system, which requires a lot of free space for growth. In youth, the crown of the trees is wide and pyramidal, but over time it takes on a more rounded shape with lowered branches. At the same time, the branches are thin and long with a small number of leaves, especially from below. This distribution of green mass contributes to better ventilation of the crown, which helps to reduce the likelihood of scab damage. Skeletal branches grow at an acute angle relative to the trunk.

Apple trees of the variety “Cinnamon Striped” bear fruit with medium-sized apples, with an average weight of about 100-110 grams. The shape of the apples is unusual, similar to a turnip, strongly flattened, but without pronounced ribbing. The main color of apples is green-yellow. However, the integumentary color, diverging in wide stripes throughout the fruit, is dark red. At the same time, apples of the “Cinnamon Striped” variety are often confused with the fruits of the clones “Cinnamon Smoky” (apples are decorated with a bluish bloom) and “Cinnamon Pineapple” (solid blush all over the apple).

Apple tree Cinnamon striped: planting, care and yield

Returning to the parent variety, it should be noted that the peel of the fruit is dry, smooth with a slight glossy sheen. Funnel of medium width and depth, olive color. Seed chambers are large, closed type. The seeds contained in them are medium in size, wide, dark brown in color. Fruiting is concentrated on the ends of last year’s shoots and fruit twigs, less often on annelids. Ripening occurs at the end of August or beginning of September. You can keep the food appearance of apples until the beginning of January.

Apple trees form dark brown shoots of medium thickness, which are slightly pubescent. The bark on the shoots is usually dark red, smooth. The leaves are elongated, dull, light green in color, slightly pubescent with a shagreen texture. The leaves are serrated along the edge. The buds that form during the flowering period are light pink, small.

Among the main disadvantages of the variety, late fruiting of the apple tree is noted, which occurs only in the 7th year, subject to all the rules for caring for trees. In addition, it cannot be said that the Cinnamon Striped variety bears fruit abundantly.

Apple tree Cinnamon striped: planting, care and yield

The benefits and nutritional value of fruits

The variety, as already noted, bears fruit with small apples weighing about 110 grams, but at the same time their taste is very good. Apples grow juicy, quite sweet with a slight sourness and a light, persistent aroma, something reminiscent of the smell of cinnamon. The pulp of the fruit is dense, with a slight yellow tint, quite juicy.

100 grams of pulp contains:

  • 10% sugar;
  • 0,6% titratable acids;
  • 9,5% pectin;
  • 5 mg of ascorbic acid;
  • 131 mg of P-active substances.

Excellent taste and juicy structure of the pulp allows you to use the fruits of this variety both fresh and in cooking, making jams, marmalade, jams or using it as a filling for baking.

Apple tree Cinnamon striped: planting, care and yield

Planting and care

To accelerate fruiting, the variety is recommended to be planted in fertile, well-moistened and drained soils. At the same time, it is highly undesirable to plant apple trees in areas where groundwater lies close to the surface.

It is desirable that the place is not blown by strong winds, since young trees of this variety need some time to adapt to new conditions and take root.

In the spring (April), the Cinnamon Striped apple trees are prepared for planting. In a well-lit area, it is necessary to dig a hole, which should be the size of an earthen ball on the roots of a seedling. The soil on the site should be breathable, that is, loamy, loamy and leached chernozems are ideal. Soil acidity should be neutral.

In order for the Cinnamon Striped variety to take root well in your garden, the soil must be prepared separately. About 3 kilograms of horse humus is mixed with the top layer of soil and poured onto the bottom of the dug hole. After that, the mixture must be watered, sprinkled with dry earth and a seedling is placed, which is covered with the remaining soil on top. Note that the root neck should rise 5-7 centimeters above the soil level. After planting, the seedling should be watered abundantly. Tie up the seedling so that it is not broken by the wind.

Apple tree Cinnamon striped: planting, care and yield

The apple tree must be pruned every spring, removing both dried and old or diseased branches. It is very important to remove the old bark to protect the tree from fungal diseases. In spring and autumn, trees must be sprayed with fungicides and insecticides, as well as fertilized.

Harvesting and storage

Apples ripen at the end of August. The description of fruit picking is not that long, it is only important to pick it carefully so as not to damage the apples. In the most productive years, one tree forms up to 150 kilograms of fruits. The variety reaches a stable yield at the age of 10.

For storage, any cool room with low humidity is suitable. Apples can be stored in wooden boxes or laid out on a cloth. However, it is very important to check them regularly, selecting those that begin to rot so that they do not spoil all the others.

Video “How to store apples for the winter”

This video reveals and explains in detail how to properly store apples in order to save them for a long time.

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