Apple tree Antey: characteristics and advantages of the variety

There is not much competition among winter varieties of apple trees, but an inexperienced gardener can easily get lost in the abundance and variety of species. In this article, we will talk about one of the most delicious varieties, bred by the Belarusian Research Institute from the Newtosh and Babushkino apple trees. The subject of study is the Antey apple tree, its characteristics, cultivation and care features, as well as the useful properties that distinguish the variety.

Variety description

The description should begin with the strongest features that the variety can boast of: high keeping quality of fruits, resistance to low temperatures in winter, stable fruiting without depressing cycles “there will be apples this year, but not the next”.

Apple tree Antey: characteristics and advantages of the variety

“Antey” refers to medium-sized varieties, the height of the tree rarely exceeds 2,5-3 m. The crown is pyramidal or rounded (each tree has its own way), not very dense, branching is weak. A big plus is that the crown grows in tiers, so it is very convenient to trim and shape it according to your wishes.

Shoots are not very thick, brown, lentils are quite rare. The leaves are large, oval, slightly elongated, dark green in color, pointed at the end and rounded at the base. Due to the long petioles, the impression of crown density is created, although upon closer examination it becomes clear that this is not so. The variety gives the first fruit buds already in the second year and then forms them every year. This is what distinguishes “Antey” from other apple varieties. The yield is extremely stable, so with almost 100% guarantee you will be able to harvest about 50 kg of apples from one tree.

The variety begins to bear fruit 2-3 years after planting the seedling, if the soil is fertile, and also if preventive treatments are carried out with fungicides and insecticides.

Apple tree Antey: characteristics and advantages of the variety

Characteristics of fruits

The description of the fruits that the Antey variety presents can fit into a short poem. Large fruits weighing more than 200 g beckon from the branches with a green peel with a rich red, often burgundy, “blush”. There is a wax coating over almost the entire area of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthe apple, due to which its color becomes more bluish. The saucer is quite deep with an average diameter and pronounced folds. The calyx is closed, the sepals are closely spaced. The chambers in which wedge-shaped, faceted brown seeds are stored are interconnected by a cavity. Bulb-shaped core.

Depending on the care and weather, the variety bears fruit in September – October, and they can be stored without resorting to special tricks from November to May.

It should be noted that the variety has a high content of nutrients and nutrients. Here is an incomplete description:

  • 13% dry matter;
  • 0,65% titratable acid;
  • about 10% sugars;
  • 21 mg/100 g of ascorbic acid;
  • 9% carbohydrates;
  • 0,4% proteins;
  • 12% pectin;
  • 371 mg/100 g P-active substances.

The apple is juicy with loose pulp, sweet and sour taste and a slightly pronounced, but nevertheless very pleasant aroma.

Apple tree Antey: characteristics and advantages of the variety

Features of care

The description fully makes it clear that with proper care, the variety will not remain in debt and will reward you with a large number of tasty and large apples. And first of all, we should talk about the landing time.

“Antey” is planted in autumn, after the fruit trees shed their leaves. Due to its frost resistance, the seedling takes root well and is ready to go into active growth in the spring. It is important to plant (or transplant one-year-old seedlings) before the first frost to ensure the development of the root system. The place is better to choose sunny, with fertile soil and neutral acidity. Given the small height of the tree, they are planted according to the scheme 5 x 3 m.

An important part of the care of this variety is the pruning of dead branches. It is carried out from the beginning of March to the middle of May, that is, before the active formation of fruit buds begins. They do this, first of all, in order not to create favorable conditions for the development of fungal spores and woodworms. Sections must be treated with slaked lime, as well as whitewash the trunks.

Apple tree Antey: characteristics and advantages of the variety

“Antey” requires abundant watering, especially if the summer turned out to be hot and dry. The weekly watering rate is about 55-60 liters of water, this is enough to soak the soil and the moisture reaches the roots.

Three feedings are carried out during the year. The first time after the tree has finished blooming, the second time during fruit formation, the third time in September to support the roots.

For the first dressings, nitrogen and phosphorus are always used to stimulate the development of the kidneys. In the future, a complex of mineral and organic fertilizers is applied. The apple tree reacts especially well to the infusion of bird droppings.

Among the pests that will have to be fought were noted: red aphid, leafworm, sawfly, flower beetle, weevil, codling moth. The list of diseases that Antey is susceptible to is somewhat less, but nevertheless they are extremely dangerous not only for this year’s crop, but also for the life of the whole tree. In the forefront is scab, to which the variety has low resistance. If the summer turned out to be damp and cold, pay special attention to the apple trees, because it is in such weather that the scab actively develops. For preventive purposes, it is recommended to treat trees with fungicides and insecticides in early spring, as well as to remove dead or damaged branches in a timely manner.

Video “Antey apple tree”

In this video, a small overview of the Antey apple variety and a demonstration of its fruits.

Apple-tree grade Antey

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