Apple Spas: 2020 what date, how to congratulate, the benefits and harms of apples

Apple Spas: 2020 what date, how to congratulate, the benefits and harms of apples

15 reasons why you should include this fruit in your diet.

“One apple a day – and the doctor is out the door,” we begin with a quote from folklore. Many people know that apples are rich in iron, it is not for nothing that they “rust” when you cut them. But the benefits of the fruit do not end there. We bet you had no idea what apples are capable of. Here are 15 reasons why you should eat them every day.

1. Apples reduce the risk of cancer

American scientists from Cornell University, conducting experiments on rats, found that apple extract slows down tumor growth and reduces the risk of breast cancer. Other researchers have found that apples reduce the likelihood of lung, liver, and colon cancer. Just to make a reservation right away, you won’t get as much benefit from apple cider juice or apple cider vinegar. Therefore, no fresh juices. Eat the whole apple with the peel.

2. Apples help you lose weight

And we are not talking about creepy diets now, when you eat only fruits all day. So, the Brazilian scientists divided the women into two groups: some ate an apple 15-20 minutes before meals, the latter immediately proceeded to the meal. As a result, women in the first group were able to lose 33% more weight than subjects in the second category, because they consumed 15% fewer calories.

3. Apples lower cholesterol levels

And all thanks to the pectin contained in these fruits. It lowers the level of bad cholesterol in the blood (low-density lipoproteins, which accumulate in blood vessels, forming plaque). Another consequence of high cholesterol levels is the formation of gallstones. Therefore, two or three apples a day will save you from cholelithiasis and cleanse the blood vessels.

4. Apples help with respiratory diseases

In two different studies, scientists found that eating five apples a week reduced the risk of respiratory diseases such as asthma. They are even recommended for asthmatic children to relieve symptoms of the disease. What’s more, it has been observed that moms who love apples are less likely to have babies with asthma.

5. Apples strengthen the heart

For people with heart problems (and we are not talking about personal life now) apples will be an excellent addition to the diet. First, as already mentioned, they protect from high cholesterol, which means they cleanse the blood vessels. Secondly, apples are high in potassium, which strengthens the heart.

6. Apples strengthen bones

A group of substances, flavonoids, found in apples, increase bone density and help with diseases such as osteoporosis. In addition, apples contain boron, which also strengthens bones.

Research shows that eating apples daily helps with skin problems and skin conditions.

8. Apples help with diabetes

In diabetes mellitus, tissues and cells stop absorbing energy from glucose. As a result, it does not break down and accumulates in the blood. Apples contain ingredients that help the body absorb glucose and also stimulate the pancreas to produce insulin. Therefore, these fruits are very beneficial for people with diabetes and prediabetes.

9. Apples strengthen the immune system

Apple peel contains the powerful antioxidant quercetin. Recent studies have shown that quercetin helps to strengthen the immune system, especially on days when you are under severe stress.

10. Apples improve memory

Again, thanks to quercetin, apples protect brain cells from damage from free radicals, helping to preserve memory.

11. Apples reduce the risk of tooth decay

No, they won’t replace your toothbrush. You still have to brush your teeth. However, chewing an apple stimulates the production of saliva, which reduces the number of bacteria in your mouth, and with them the risk of tooth decay.

12. Apples prevent Alzheimer’s disease

As well as other degenerative diseases, including Parkinson’s disease. The phytonutrients, polyphenols and antioxidants found in apples protect cells from free radicals that can lead to these diseases.

13. Apples save from constipation and diarrhea

Two different problems and one solution. The magic fiber in apples attracts water to the intestines, softening stools. In case of diarrhea, it will absorb excess moisture from the stool, slowing down the work of the intestines. However, in the second case, eat sweet varieties. Sour apples are loaded with natural acids that irritate the intestinal walls.

The liver is responsible for removing toxins from the body. But, if there are too many toxins, this organ may not be able to cope. The simplest liver detox is apples, which remove carcinogens and heavy metals.

15. Apples save from cataracts

Usually this disease is diagnosed in people aged 50 and older. But it’s better to think about eye health right now. Recent studies have shown that people who ate a lot of apples are 10-15% less likely to develop cataracts.

“Due to the high fiber content, overeating apples out of habit can lead to bloating. Avoid green sour apples if you have gastritis, duodenal ulcers, or other gastrointestinal problems. These varieties will further increase the acid levels in your stomach. Sour apples are not recommended for inflammatory processes of the pancreas. It is better in such cases to eat baked apples – heat treatment reduces their acidity. Allergy sufferers should refrain from red varieties. It is not for nothing that the first complementary foods for children start with green apples. “

By the way

August 19 is not just Wednesday, but a beautiful day, Apple Savior. Until that day, it was forbidden to eat apples in Russia, but on this day they were consecrated in the church and only then they were eaten. Moreover, it was believed that with the last piece you need to make a wish – it will definitely come true.

And then it was necessary to collect the ripe crop and store it. How to do it correctly so that apples from your own garden will delight you with taste and aroma all winter, read HERE.

Another question is what to cook from apples. Here are 10 delicious recipes with a sunny scent in our selection.

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