Apple fiber – natural in fruit and dietary supplements!
Apple fiber - natural in fruit and dietary supplements!Apple fiber – natural in fruit and dietary supplements!

Dietary fiber is one of the essential elements that are included in a daily, balanced diet. People who are in the process of losing weight or are just planning to lose weight should consume fiber more often than people with a normal body weight. Losing weight and dieting is a time when fiber can be extremely helpful in cleansing the body. Naturally, fiber can be found in high concentrations in apples, which are produced in an unusually large amount in Poland, and therefore they are widely available and cheap fruits.

What is Fiber?

It is an essential substance in the diet of every adult, as well as a child. People who are slimming should consume more fiber due to the high demand for increasing and accelerating the body’s metabolism. Fiber consists of many minor ingredients, the list of which is still growing – recently added to the list of ingredients, e.g. chitin shells. In general, fiber consists of insoluble and water-soluble elements. Only the right balance of both elements in its composition gives the best slimming and dietary effect: apple fiber has just such an ideal composition.

Soluble elements, examples:

  • Pectins
  • gummy
  • Plant sluices

Insoluble elements, examples:

  • Cellulose
  • Lignin
  • Silica

Why is fiber so important?

Fiber improves the functions of the digestive tract, allows for faster burning of calories and consumed food. In addition, fiber helps reduce the absorption of fats and cholesterol. At the same time, it also slows down the breakdown of carbohydrates in the digestive tract, thanks to which they are not immediately “converted” into adipose tissue.

In addition, dietary fiber has a slightly laxative effect by accelerating metabolism and accelerating digestion and intestinal motility. An additional advantage for slimming people is the fact that apple fiber swells in the stomach, which reduces the sucking feeling of hunger for a long time.

Apple fiber

Choosing apples as a source of fiber is a great way to add variety to your diet. In stores, we can find many different varieties of apples, including apples such as: Antonówka, Papierówka, Pink Lady, Gala or Lobo. All of them contain the right amount of apple fiber, and additionally have different flavors and aromas: everyone can choose the right apple for themselves!

Of course, apple fiber can also be purchased at the pharmacy in the form of supplementary fiber, i.e. a dietary supplement. Usually in the form of a powder to be dissolved in water. This is a high-quality fiber isolated from apples, which has as good effects as the fiber naturally found in these fruits.

What else do you need to know?

  • Eat 20 to 40 g of fiber a day – these are the recommendations of the World Health Organization
  • When buying apple fiber from a pharmacy, consume 1 teaspoon of the supplement mixed with water a day

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