Apple Dream: variety description
Growing apple varieties “Dream”
This variety prefers sunny areas where there is no stagnant moisture. Air-permeable soil is suitable – sandy loam or loamy soil with a pH of 5,6-6,0.
For spring planting, prepare the soil in fall. Apply manure at the rate of 20 kg per 1 sq. m.
When growing an apple tree, consider the following features:
- with an excess of moisture, apples crack;
- the apple tree can be propagated only by seedlings, the variety does not take root by coloration;
- under unfavorable weather conditions “Dream” may not bear fruit.
To get a good harvest every year, you need to properly care for the apple tree.
This species needs regular feeding. Apply nitrogen fertilizer in the spring to the trunk circle. At the beginning of summer, feed the apple tree with a potash remedy, and after harvesting with a phosphorus one. In the fall, you can fertilize trees with organic matter, manure, compost or humus are suitable.
Water young seedlings once a week during dry periods. Pour 1-2 buckets of water. Treat trees for diseases and pests in the spring. To increase the immunity of the apple tree, form a crown. In the spring, before bud break, shorten the branches by a third of the length.
Dream apples can be eaten fresh, canned or dried on compote. Fruits appear in the fourth year after planting. On a dwarf rootstock, trees bear fruit after 2 years.