Apple diet
The apple diet is one of the simplest and most affordable diets and allows you to achieve tangible results. But, according to nutritionists, when eating apples alone, you need to be careful, as with any other mono-diet.

At first glance, the idea of ​​eating only apples looks quite tempting. Both tasty and economical, no need to choke on buckwheat and chicken breast. Yes, and you can lose weight quickly: for a week of the apple diet, you can lose up to 5 kg. At the same time, doctors warn: a mono-diet can cause a breakdown and a deficiency of useful trace elements. In addition, it is necessary to carefully consider the menu for the week so that heartburn does not occur from excess malic acid.

Benefits of the apple diet

One of the main advantages of the apple diet is its availability. Apples are found in stores at any time of the year and are inexpensive, which makes the diet budget. The apple diet is suitable for people who, for ethical or physical reasons, do not eat meat, as it does not contain animal proteins. A large amount of vitamins has a beneficial effect on the immune system, and pectin envelops the stomach and stimulates the intestines.1. This will avoid intestinal atony (problems with emptying

Cons of the apple diet

The apple diet is difficult to tolerate psychologically and often leads to breakdowns, during which people overeat high-calorie foods. Thus, the body signals a serious lack of nutrients and stress. Apples stimulate the feeling of hunger, so it will be difficult to restrain yourself and not eat too much.

After the end of the diet, even having avoided breakdowns, you need to continue to adhere to proper nutrition, otherwise the lost kilograms will immediately return. The body, which was in energy saving mode, will begin to make up for what was lost.

During the diet, physical activity is excluded, since training in the absence of protein will lead to muscle loss, and not fat burning. There is also a decline in strength, weakness.

It’s important

Apple diet is prohibited for pregnant and lactating women, as well as for diseases of the intestines and stomach. The acid in apples can provoke gastritis and ulcers, and excess fiber can cause flatulence and pain.

Menu for 7 days for the apple diet

The classic apple diet consists of only apples and water. But this is extremely harmful to the body and is difficult to tolerate, so consider an easier option, in which it is allowed to add rye crackers, kefir and chicken breast.

Up to 1,5 kg of unsweetened, hard apples can be eaten per day. So that the fruit does not get bored so quickly, buy different varieties and cook dishes from apples – mashed potatoes, salads, bake apples2.

Day 1

Breakfast: 2 apples, a few rye crackers without additives

Lunch: a glass of kefir, applesauce

Dinner: 2 fresh apples

Day 2

Breakfast: a glass of kefir, applesauce

Lunch: boiled chicken breast, fresh apple

Dinner: 2 baked apples

Day 3

Breakfast: grated apple and cinnamon salad

Lunch: 2 apples, a few rye crackers without additives

Dinner: 2 baked apples

Day 4

Breakfast: 2 baked apples, a glass of kefir

Lunch: 2 baked apples with honey

Dinner: grated apple and cinnamon salad

Day 5

Breakfast: a glass of kefir, applesauce

Lunch: boiled chicken breast, fresh apple

Dinner: 2 baked apples

Day 6

Breakfast: grated apple and cinnamon salad

Lunch: 2 apples, a few rye crackers without additives

Dinner: a glass of kefir, applesauce

Day 7

Breakfast: fresh apple, green tea

Lunch: boiled chicken breast, fresh apple

Dinner: 2 baked apples

The results

For a week of an apple diet, you can lose up to 5 kg of excess weight. In this case, there is a possibility of loss of muscle mass, since the muscles did not receive proteins.

You need to leave the diet smoothly, gradually adding lean meat, fish, dairy products and cereals to the diet.

To avoid dizziness and weakness, you need to limit physical activity to a minimum, which reduces the effectiveness of the diet. But you can’t starve and train at the same time.

Dietitian Reviews

Many nutritionists agree that any mono-diet is a serious stress for the body, so it is better to refuse it. With an apple diet, there is a serious lack of fats and proteins, and the beneficial substances contained in apples cannot make up for them. During a diet, people often experience a breakdown and digestive problems. Therefore, it is necessary to additionally take multivitamins and be sure to consult a doctor before dieting.

– I, as a doctor, do not consider such a diet and do not recommend it to any of my patients. An apple diet will only lead to the fact that the body will enter a state of stress, it will accumulate fat “in reserve”. Therefore, with a high probability, a person will gain extra pounds, even more than before the diet, says gastroenterologist, nutritionist, nutritionist Elena Krasnopeeva.

Popular questions and answers

How long can you stay on an apple diet, is it possible to play sports and other popular questions were answered by a gastroenterologist, nutritionist, nutritionist Elena Krasnopeeva.

How long can you stick to the apple diet?

– As a dietitian and gastroenterologist, I do not recommend mono-diets to anyone. Especially, such as the apple diet, which is limited in the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Everything should be balanced, everything should be in moderation. Therefore, to the question of how long you can follow the apple diet, I will answer – it is better to immediately abandon it.

Is it possible to exercise while on the apple diet?

– Playing sports on an apple diet is not recommended, because due to the low calorie content, forces simply will not be enough not only for sports, but also for a full life.

Each person has his own basic exchange: the work of our vital organs is included there. We breathe, our heart works, the gastrointestinal tract works. This requires a certain number of calories, which can be calculated using a formula based on the patient’s data. And this will be the minimum number of calories, and the apple diet is not able to cover the calories even for this basic exchange.

Is it possible to exacerbate chronic diseases on an apple diet?

– The apple diet is devoid of fat, and it is strictly prohibited for girls of reproductive age. Reducing the amount of fat to less than 50 g per day can cause a hormonal imbalance. This threatens to disrupt the menstrual cycle, up to amenorrhea.3, that is, the absence of menstruation, which in the future may threaten infertility.

Exacerbation of chronic diseases on an apple diet is, of course, possible. Apples are a rather heavy product, especially if they are consumed in large quantities – at least a kilogram per day and more. Gastrointestinal diseases may appear: gastritis, dysbiosis, fungal overgrowth syndrome, bacterial overgrowth syndrome, flatulence.


  1. Murodova M. M., Karomatov I. D. Apples – a therapeutic and prophylactic agent. Biology and Integrative Medicine, 2018.
  2. Dutova I.V. Fundamentals of nutritional rationalization of wrestlers. News of the Tula State University. Physical Culture. Sport, 2013.
  3. Pine E. A. Amenorrhea. Archive of Obstetrics and Gynecology V. F. Snegireva, 2016.

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