Apple and rosehip compote

Boil fresh apple and rosehip compote in a saucepan for 30 minutes + 20 minutes for processing rosehip berries. To cook the dried fruit compote, soak them for 5-6 hours, then cook in the compote for 20-30 minutes, then leave for 1 hour.

How to cook apple and rosehip compote


for 2 liters of compote

Apples – 3 pieces weighing 300 grams

Rosehip – half a kilo

Sugar – 200-300 grams to taste

Water – 2 liters

Citric acid – 1 pinch


How to cook rosehip compote

1. Wash and dry the rosehip, cut each berry in half in turn and remove the seeds and nap. Since the pile is rather prickly and rough, it is recommended to peel the berries with gloves.

2. Rinse the berries from the remnants of the nap and put in a saucepan.

3. Wash the apples, peel them, cut them into thin slices, put them on the rose hips.

4. Pour water into a saucepan, add sugar and lemon, put on fire and cook the fruits for 15 minutes after boiling with constant stirring.

5. Pour the compote into 2-liter or 2-liter jars, twist, turn over, cool and store.

Delicious facts

You can replace fresh rosehip berries with dried ones, then you will be able to avoid long-term processing of berries. To replace rose hips, use the following proportions: for 300 grams of apples, 100 grams of dried rose hips. Before boiling the compote, it must be rinsed and soaked for 3-4 hours in water, in which the compote is then cooked. After 10 minutes of boiling, it is necessary to mash the berries to increase the concentration of the drink, and only then add the apples. You can also use dried apples: instead of 300 grams of fresh apples, it is enough to take 70 grams of dried apples, soak and cook with rose hips.

Do not wash the rose hips before processing if there is no time to dry them well: wet berries will slip out of your hands, and the pile and seeds will stick to wet hands.

To taste, you can add cinnamon and orange peel to the compote.

You can cook apple and rosehip compote in a slow cooker. Then, for a greater concentration of taste, after cooking, you can hold the compote on auto-heating for several hours – and only then pour it into cans or use it.

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