Aponogeton – a plant for reservoirs
For the reservoirs of India, wavy aponogeton plants are not uncommon – this is their homeland. They are often found in water bodies of other warm countries. This aquatic plant prefers warm stagnant water of lakes, slow rivers, ponds, swamps. Feels comfortable in aquariums. Creates a picturesque background under the back wall of the tank, decorating it with translucent leaves.
Characteristics and conditions of keeping wavy aponogeton
In the wild, this aquatic plant reaches 70 cm. The root system grows from the bulb and gives rise to a rosette of leaves. They are beautiful – wavy at the edges and pointed upwards, grow up to 25 cm in length. The bush looks very picturesque in the aquarium, although its height is less. The plant is unpretentious, easy to care for.
This aquatic inhabitant is undemanding to the ground. Grows well on sand, preferably coarse, or on small pebbles. The roots of the plant are tender and there should be a layer of silt below, but not too thick, so that the roots do not rot. The soil is laid in layers – its entire thickness should be 5 cm.
In order for the plant to feel at home in the aquarium, it needs to create conditions close to tropical:
- It should grow in groups with an interval of 5-6 cm between tubers. Tall aquariums are preferable, in small containers the plant will also be beautiful, but not high.
- Favorable water temperature is about 22-27 ° С. If the temperature is lower, the growth of the bush slows down.
- It is better to use slightly acidic, soft water (pH – about 7, hardness – about 4). The parameters can be tougher, but then the plant grows slower.
- The plant loves natural light. In case of insufficient lighting, incandescent and fluorescent lamps are used. Light is an important condition for the development of a plant.
By maintaining favorable conditions for the aponogeton in the aquarium, you create a natural underwater landscape for the fish.
How does the aponogeton plant propagate?
Aponogeton is called not only wavy, but also viviparous. This is due to the fact that reproduction occurs only in a vegetative way. The mother plant produces arrows that extend upward. They form nodules on the surface. New leaves grow from them. The nodule gradually turns into a tuber. It is separated and planted in the ground, it quickly takes root.
If the tuber is not removed, the maternal arrow will rot. The tuber, having increased in diameter to 4-5 mm, sinks to the bottom under gravity and takes root by itself. It soon becomes a new separate plant.
This aquatic plant is versatile: it is non-whimsical, effective and suitable for any size aquarium with fresh and salt water.