Apitherapy: what is treated with bee venom? Video

Apitherapy: what is treated with bee venom? Video

The dignity of bee venom can hardly be overestimated. Dying after being bitten, a hardworking bee leaves a gift that has special healing properties for humans. Apitherapy is now experiencing an extraordinary rise. And it’s time to think about the safety and efficacy of this method of treatment.

Apitherapy: what is treated with bee venom?

The use of bee venom (apitherapy) for prophylactic and therapeutic purposes has been traced since antiquity. The uniqueness of the properties of this substance was first noticed by beekeepers due to their direct contact with bees. Further scientific research contributed to the emergence of a number of poisonous medicines. The reason for such a frequent use of bee venom in medicine is its general healing effect, aimed at individual organs and on the human body as a whole.

The substance produced by a bee during a sting consists of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, peptides, various acids (amino acid, phosphoric, hydrochloric acids) and minerals (magnesium, phosphorus, copper, calcium).

Among all the above useful components, the most active biological substances can be distinguished – peptides

They are, without a doubt, considered the basic medicinal element of bee venom. For example, the peptide methylin has antibacterial properties, apamine is responsible for stimulating the nervous system, and cardioptide is responsible for the cardiovascular. But nevertheless, bee venom can pose a health hazard due to the content of a certain amount of histamine. This substance can cause all sorts of inflammatory symptoms and, in some cases, lead to an allergic reaction of particular severity.

Since the bee venom is not separated into fractions during the sting process, the ingestion of harmful substances along with useful ones into the bloodstream cannot be avoided. Therefore, the use of this product in its original form or as a poisonous ointment is contraindicated in people prone to allergic reactions. For the rest, apitherapy may even be much more effective than traditional drug treatment.

The key to an ideal result is the correct determination of the dose, depending on the goal pursued and the individual characteristics of the organism.

Beneficial effects of bee venom

Apitherapy helps for people suffering from myositis, plexitis, neuralgia, radiculitis and cervical osteochondrosis. The combination of this procedure with reflexology helps to increase the effectiveness of the treatment. Reflexology is a direct bee sting in previously provided acupuncture points.

During the procedure, not only the bee venom has a beneficial effect, but also pain sensations that stimulate nervous activity and blood circulation.

A high ratio of amino acids helps to improve the functioning of the brain and has a beneficial effect on the production of the hormone of joy – serotonin. Thus, the method of using bee venom can successfully treat neuroses, depression, increased fatigue, nervous exhaustion and sleep disturbance.

Apitherapy is used quite often in the fight against diseases such as hypertension, heart attack, and stroke. The achievement of such an effect is provided by the substances that are part of the bee venom, which are able to dissolve blood clots, dilate blood vessels and lower blood cholesterol levels.

Bee venom can also cope with osteosclerosis, weakened immunity, arthritis and gout. The positive effect of the treatment of the last two diseases is based on the activation of adrenal cells by bee venom, as a result of which the production of a strong anti-inflammatory hormone – cortisol – increases.

Contraindications to the use of bee venom

Apitherapy is prohibited not only for allergy sufferers, but also for patients with neoplasms of various kinds (uterine fibroids, breast and ovarian cysts, etc.). Even the slightest dose of bee venom promotes the growth of tumors and, in some cases, leads to their degeneration.

People with similar problems should be wary of even a simple bee sting.

Patients suffering from diabetes mellitus of all types are not recommended to engage in treatment with apitoxin (bee venom), since the sugar present in the blood can react abnormally to it in the form of atrophy and necrosis.

In case of kidney disease, apitherapy threatens with an attack of renal failure, and in case of heart disease it can cause heart failure, since an already weakened body cannot withstand vascular stimulation.

Bee venom is deadly for people with a diseased liver, which is explained by the reduced detoxifying ability of the body and its inability to remove the poison.

Considering all the previously studied nuances, with the help of the apitherapy procedure, invaluable results can be achieved. But it brings benefits only in the case of a systematic consistent application of procedures and preliminary determination of the necessary sites for a bite.

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