
The very name “aphrodisiacs” has long been familiar to our ears, but the properties attributed to them are still shrouded in a mysterious flair. The truth and fiction associated with aphrodisics – in the material of Oleg Vladimirova.


Substances that stimulate or enhance sexual desire or sexual activity-aphrodisiacs-got their name from the name of the Greek goddess. It seems that everything is logical, but for some reason we forget that the many-faced Aphrodite in her various guises was not only a goddess of love, but also a dark goddess. Many recognized aphrodisiacs also have their downside — at best they give a psychological effect, at worst they simply increase blood pressure and can lead to a stroke or heart attack… Even internationally recognized medicines for increasing potency have a fantastic number of contraindications!

More in the dictionaryIt was written about aphrodisiacs by Brockhaus and Efron that “all these remedies are harmful to health, especially acute and narcotic substances, of which, one must think, most of the love drinks in the old days consisted.” And today, scientists consider aphrodisiacs more a part of human history, folklore, and not a medical phenomenon, since there is no scientific evidence that any of them can be used to increase libido.

Nevertheless, aphrodisiacs are still a successful commodity, and many of them are chosen simply by similarity, similar to the Freudian interpretation of dreams: what has an extension is related to male sexuality, and what has a volume is related to female sexuality. Well, all right-we eat bananas, it’s good that we don’t have umbrellas! And cabbage for breast augmentation? Rather, to increase the gas in the abdomen…

Other aphrodisiacs are considered such by a similar physiological effect-ranging from the legendary poisonous Spanish flies that irritate the genitourinary organs, to warming spices (because they lead to sweating, which takes place during sex, so they stimulate everything related to sex!). And here is another phenomenon of mystical thinking by analogy: the rabbit is a prolific and sexually active animal, so to get the same we eat rabbit meat in all kinds…

Well, the main love elixir is alcohol. Contrary to popular belief, it does not always lift the mood, it has an overwhelming effect on many people — pharmacologists generally refer alcohol to depressants. Is it worth counting on such an aphrodisiac?

And if you go back to the definition of aphrodisiacs, you will find another discrepancy: they are considered “substances that stimulate or enhance sexual desire or sexual activity”, and after all, attraction and activity are different things!!! Rather, we should talk about LIBIDO. How many times have we seen a student with a whisper instead of a voice and completely extinct eyes and a lively pensioner who is interested in everything and “life is good and live well”, although he himself almost moves in a wheelchair and, look, will crumble from dilapidation… Although he does not move around in his wheelchair, but is worn. This pensioner is all right with the love of life, although his sexual potency has already forgotten to bother him.

Libido stimulate (or simulate!) no one will succeed, and in order for everything to be good with both potency and attraction, you need to maintain your physical and mental state at least at the minimum acceptable level. And this is where the real aphrodisiacs are present! “Remember: clean clothes are equal to a clean mind! If your hair and teeth are all right, you’re all right!» – good phrase! And not Osho, aka Rajneesh, and not other gurus, but the great musician James Brown said this a long time ago.


Remember the words of Dr.James Brown and keep yourself in good health and mood — only this will preserve your libido, which at the time of the foundation of psychoanalysis meant primarily interest and love for life! As for aphrodisiacs, if desired, they can include a huge number of products — their “magic” qualities are actually explained by the high content of vitamins and trace elements. Oysters, for example, are simply a source of zinc, which is necessary to increase the level of testosterone in the blood and improve the quality of seminal fluid.

A much more potent remedy is a lunch or dinner prepared by a loving partner and beautifully served. Perhaps this is the very aphrodisiac that you need-both for Valentine’s Day and in everyday life!

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